This script filters a list view based on membership in SharePoint groups. The filtering has nothing to do with item level security, it is merely a method for filtering by comparing a...
I got this request from Kale: Do you have an ideas on how to remove “empty/blank” items when using the “group by” feature? See the example below. In other words, for category...
I got this request from Khan: Alexander, … Another question I have is how I can display two fields (and their labels) in the same row? I know I am asking too...
03.08.2010 Updated the article with another example on how to build the fields-object in a customized form. This article describes how to use most of the solutions found in this blog with...
I got this request from Cookie: Is there a way to create an anchor within a NewForm or EditForm? I have a long intake, or it could be long. When I assign...
13.03.2011: Updated the code and made it easier to use by referring jQuery and jQueryUI from Google. I got this request from Larry: Maybe this time I can post something we can...
27.01.2012 Updated to support SharePoint 2010. By request from Charlie Epes i have made a function for adding a “Success Ratio” to the ms-gb-row (first group in grouped list view): This function...