This page shows the change log for the SP2007 version of the vLookup for SharePoint plugin
v2.114 frontend – SP2007 (April 22, 2015)
- Ported the current vLookup plugin for SP2010 and SP2013 down to support SP2007 as a service to those stuck in this old version of SharePoint.
- This version supports all the features in the one for SP2010 and SP2013 in DispForm and EditForm, but will not work in list views. It will also NOT support opening child forms in a modal dialog as this is not supported out of the box in SP2007.
- It is only the frontend of vLookup that needs a dedicated SP2007 version – the backend version is shared with SP2010 and SP2013
- Consider this sort of a beta version as I have only done partial testing in a non-standard SP2007 environment.
Please note that you must update DFFS backend to v4.260 or higher to support editing vLookup columns when using SP2007.
Report any bugs or findings in the forum
Please note:
The SP2007 version is a bit slower to load compared to the other version due to using webservice calls (synchronous) and not the client object model (asynchronous)
The SP2007 version is a bit slower to load compared to the other version due to using webservice calls (synchronous) and not the client object model (asynchronous)