DFFS and plugins: Change log

This page shows the complete change log for Dynamic Forms for SharePoint and DFFS plugins (vLookup has a separate change log for older changes).

June 23, 2024

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend_min.js v4.4.5.52
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.52

DFFS v4.4.5.52

  • Fixed a bug where the list of site groups you could select from when used the Which groups can see this tab option contained sharing links and limited access system groups.

April 28, 2024

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend_min.js v4.4.5.51
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.51
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.66

DFFS v4.4.5.51

  • Fixed a bug where if you included the Attachment field in an accordion (collapsible heading), the field would automatically show again and not keep hidden when you collapsed the heading.

DFFS_frontend.css v4.66

  • Changed the target for the style applied to a heading to apply it to the inner div and not to the outer td. This to make it easier to add space between headings when you use the accordion functionality – just use margin-bottom to space them.
  • Changed the style on the built in standard heading style tabH1 and tabH2 to add margin-bottom:2px; and reduced the font size to 20px and 16px.

April 05, 2024

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend_min.js v4.4.5.50
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.50
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.56
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.166
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.166

DFFS v4.4.5.50

  • Only changed the version number – only plugins are actually changed in this release.

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.56

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Internet Explorer (or IE-mode in Edge).

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.166

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Internet Explorer (or IE-mode in Edge).

December 14, 2023

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.55

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.55

  • Fixed a bug introduced in the previous version that clears the hidden input (the one that is saved to SharePoint) if the search field is cleared. This works as intended for single choice autocompletes, but when using multichoice it unintentionally cleared the values in the hidden field even if the selected options were listed below the search field.

October 25, 2023

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.165
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.165

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.165

  • I have fixed a bug in the file SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js introduced in the previous version where a missing semicolon caused the minified file to fail to load with an error like this:
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'setFieldValue'

October 15, 2023

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.164
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.164

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.164

  •  have fixed a small bug in the vLookup functionality where setting a date field in a child item did not include the time part

September 30, 2023

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.49
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.49

DFFS v4.4.5.49

  • Fixed one more bug related to switching form configuration in the DFFS configurator when the site has a & in the URL (like /sites/Q&A). When clicking cancel to end the configuration, you would not be redirected back to the site because the URL would be cut off at the &.

September 29, 2023

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.48
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.48

DFFS v4.4.5.48

  • Fixed a bug related to switching form configuration in the DFFS configurator when the site has a & in the URL (like /sites/Q&A). This causes the configurator to fail to load the configuration.

July 30, 2023

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.47
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.47
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.54

DFFS v4.4.5.47

  • Fixed a problem where a list with a space in the name (in the URL, not the display name) would fail to load the DFFS configuration after it was edited because the space was replaced with %20 in the title of the configuration. Please note that after updating to this version you must manually edit the configuration to replace %20 with a space in the Title column. You can find the configuration by opening the list /Lists/SPJSDynamicFormsForSharePoint

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.54

  • Added an option to use a filter even if the fields does not support filtering (list is over 5000 items and the field cannot be indexed) or you want to write your own filter function. See user manual for details.

April 1, 2023

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.46
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend_min.js v4.4.5.46
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.1.4
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.163
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.163
/DFFS/plugins/jquery.js v3.6.3

DFFS v4.4.5.46

  • Attempted to fix a problem entering edit mode (by clicking the Enhanced with DFFS link below the form) when the site URL has an & in it – like /Sites/Q&A

DFFS Installer v2.0.1.4

  • Attempted to fix a problem installing DFFS in a list when the site URL has an & in it – like /Sites/Q&A

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.163

  • Fixed a bug where if you used a variable in the List base URL field the / was encoded as %2f and the query failed.

jQuery v3.6.3

  • Updated the internal jQuery version to v3.6.3

July 18, 2022

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.45
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.45

DFFS v4.4.5.45

  • Fixed a bug where using the Email current tab failed with an error in the console: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘hidden’) if you had the attachment field in the tab you were trying to email.
  • Fixed a bug with using the placeholder {currentUserEmail} in combination with the REST email functionality when you were not using SharePoint online. In that case, the email address should be inserted, but the full login name was used inserted.
  • Fixed a bug occurring when you used multiple rules that triggered on “The form is saved”. The Set field value section on ALL these rules would be run if ONE of them were true even if you had linked rules that returned false on some of the rules.
  • Changed the contextual help to specify that you must select “Who can view the membership of the group = Everywone” when using a SharePoint usergroup in the to / cc field of an email.
  • Fixed a bug where the bottom right corner edit button did not show when the form was not set up with tabs.

April 01, 2022

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.44
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.44

DFFS v4.4.5.44

  • One more fix on the readonly multichoice field when chaning tabs – if you used the Misc-tab functionaity to stack the options in multiple columns the options still were duplicated – this is now fixed.

March 27, 2022

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.43
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.43


  • Fixed a bug where an internal variable (spjs.dffs.data.dffs_email_baseUrl) was wrong when using it on the root site. This caused errors when attemting to stop pending email.
  • Fixed a bug in the new readonly layout for multichoice checkboxes introduced in the last release. If you had a readonly multichoice field in a tab, navigated to another tab and back again all the options were duplicated.

March 19, 2022

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.42
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.42
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.65

DFFS v4.4.5.42

  • Fixed a bug where when setting a Multichoice field as readonly the fillin-textfield did not show.
  • Fixed a bug where a rule validataion message was not shown when a field was set as readonly.
  • Changed the style of the checkboxes for a multichoice field set as readoly so they match the default style (but with a slightly dimmed color).

DFFS_frontend.css v4.65

  • Changed style of readonly multichoice checkboxes.

December 23, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.40
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.40


  • Fixed a bug occurring when cloning a rule that has configured setFields. When changing the selection of the setFields of the cloned rule, the values are not actually updated on the cloned rule, but on the original rule. A save and refresh of the DFFS backend would fix the issue, but you had to reselect the correct values in the setFields section.
  • Fixed a bug occurring when an email triggering when saving a form is missing a recipient. This will show a dialog with options to skip the email or go back to the form to correct the recipient field, but the save of the item was not aborted – resulting in the dialog showing for a brief moment before the form was saved (skipping the email with the missing recipient).
  • Fixed a bug where if you added more than one field in curly braces in the “This value” field when comparing a field with in a rule it would result in an error in the developer console:
    Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #dffs_YourFieldName1|YourFieldName2
  • Added a default value of 500 in the “Defer loading of DFFS” setting in the Misc tab to try to prevent rules triggering on people pickers on form load to miss the value in the people picker because SharePoint loads the values in these fields asynchronously. Any value you add manually in this field will be added to the default 500ms.

December 03, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.39
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.39

DFFS v4.4.5.39

  • Fixed a bug related to detecting if attachments are available in the form. This caused different issules like the field being invisible until you had added atleast one attachment, or in case you used custom js to loop trough all fields making them readonly.

November 20, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.38
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.38
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.356

DFFS v4.4.5.38

  • Added an option to specify a custom error message in case a form fails to load because the parsing of the configuration fails. This error message must be added to the DFFS loader file you use (depending of the version your use it is either DFFS_frontend_CEWP.html, DFFS_loader.html or DFFS_Loader_v2.html) like this:
    var spjs_dffs_parseConfigFailedMsg = "Add your custom messge here.";
  • Added to the contextual help on the Run these functions / evaluate these rules field to clarify the difference between this field and Linked rules and functions field.

SPJS-utility v1.356

  • Removed an alert “The attribute FieldType is missing for the field…” when trying to use setFieldValue on a field that does not exist.

November 16, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.37
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.37

DFFS v4.4.5.37

  • Fixed a bug related to using the Custom function trigger. The function would trigger, but would not return the correct value to the rule so it would not be executed as true.

November 13, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.36
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.36
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.355

DFFS v4.4.5.36

  • If attachments are disabled in the list settings the attachments field was still showing in the form (if you had not configured tabs) and as selectable in the DFFS config when adding fields to tabs.
  • Added a new jQuery data attribute called “dffs_value” to input:radio to fix a problem in some list templates (like the calendar list) related to the getFieldValue function. See details in the SPJS-utility section below.

SPJS-utility v1.355

  • Fixed a problem related to a change in how values were read from a radio-button choice field in v1.353 (September 29, 2021) to fix a potential problem with using a browser plugin to translate text in the page. In some list templates (for example the calendar), the value attribute of the input tag did not match the actual text value of the option. This resulted in a field set as readonly showing the value ctl00, ctl01, ctl02 and so on. On the “custom list” template it did have the proper value in the value attribute so it did not affect lists of this type. This new fix requires that you also update DFFS_frontend_min.js to v4.4.5.36.

October 31, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.35
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.35

DFFS v4.4.5.35

  • A readonly rich text field did not allow copy of text contents. This was fixed in v4.4.5.5, but needed a new fix – most likely caused by changes in SharePoint base code.

October 15, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.34
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.34
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.354

DFFS v4.4.5.34

  • Fixed a bug where the value from a field used in a side-by-side configuration could not be accessed using {fin} in Set field value in a rule or when used in for example an email body.
  • Added code to automatically strip away the id attribute and the class spjs_formtable_row from HTML added to a rich text multiline to prevent errors when copy-pasting the HTML from a SharePoint form into a rich text editor. This is done to prevent script errors occurring when a function searches for a field by it’s id attribute and there are multiple items with the same ID because form elements have been duplicated by copy-pasting HTML code into a rich text editor. This sanitize function is applied both on form load and on save to catch dirty HTML code already present in a RTE before this update.

SPJS-utility v1.354

  • Removed an alert message [‘getFieldValue] The attribute ‘FieldType’ is missing from the FieldInternalName “Name_of_field that could occur if you had copy-pasted the HTML from a SharePoint form into a rich text editor and you tried to get the value from one of the fields that were duplicated.

October 12, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.33
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.33
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.162
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.162

DFFS v4.4.5.33

  • Added print button to the DFFS backend to enable printing of for example rule configurations.
  • Fixed a bug where a rule with the trigger “Linked rules and functions” does not reverse when “Let linked rules evaluate the parent rule on change” is checked and the overall status of the rules in the Linked rules and functions textarea is evaluated as false.
  • Fixed a bug related to undoing readonly and hidden properties on a side-by-side group of fields that is initially collapsed under an accordion heading.
  • Fixed a bug where fields shown in a side-by-side configuration would be added to the top of the tab if you switched between two tabs where the same fields were used in a side-by-side configuration.

vLookup v2.2.162

  • Internal change related to the print functionality in dffs configuration.

September 29, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.32
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.32
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS_utility.js v1.353

DFFS v4.4.5.32

  • Changed how setting a readonly field as required made it visible/editable. Previously setting a readonly field as required would force it visible/editable, but now this will happen only if the field is not already filled in when it is set as required.
  • Rules checking for SharePoint group membership has never been reversed when they were not validated to true, but this was not mentioned in the contextual help. A description has now been added.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Keep checked out” banner were visible when adding attachments.

SPJS-utility.js v1.353

  • Fixed a potential issue with rules triggering on radio button choice fields where the internal “getFieldValue” function could get the wrong value when the user had the Google Chrome (or other translation) plugins translate the entire page contents.

September 22, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.31
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.31
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS_casc.js v3.7.48

DFFS v4.4.5.31

  • Fixed another issue (also fixed one in v4.4.5.27) where an HTML snippet containing a class named ms-formtable caused the “this took forever” message to appear, and the form did not load.

SPJS-Casc v3.7.48

  • Fixed a bug that causes the cascading dropdowns to never initiate when using a custom datasource in the dataSource attribute – the loading icon is just spinning.

August 30, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.30
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.30

DFFS v4.4.5.30

  • Fixed an issue where using a zoom level less than 100% in the browser caused the edit button in the ribbon to disappear.
  • Fixed a potential problem with “This took forever” when jQuery fails to load when using DFFS_Loader.html (v1) .
  • Fixed a problem where setting a people picker as readonly when it is empty triggers an exception.

June 28, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.27
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.27
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.352
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.47

DFFS v4.4.5.27

  • Made a change in the code to prevent the “Cannot read property ‘hiddenBy’ of undefined” when this is caused by a full page copy-paste of a form into a rich text field in a form.
  • Fixed an issue where a readonly field in a side-by-side configuration would expand in width every time you click the currently selected tab.
  • Fixed an issue where the display name of the author or the editor of a list item will get an additional comma in cases where a comma is used – for example “lastname, firstname”.
  • Fixed a bug in an internal function spjs.dffs.formatDate where using dddd or ddd would return the wrong day name.
  • Fixed a bug where settign up a rule on a choice field with a single quote in the option name (like L’agence) failed.

SPJS-utility.js v1.352

  • Fixed a bug where using the function spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject on a readonly field did set the actual field value, but did not update the readonly value so the end user could see the changed date.

Cascading Dropdowns v3.7.47

  • Fixed a problem occurring when you have many thousands of options in a multiselect cascading dropdown that causes adding and removing selected items to freeze up the browser for several seconds. Please note that this change does not speed up the selection when using Internet Explorer.

May 27, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.26
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.26
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.351

DFFS v4.4.5.26

  • Fixed a bug where a rule triggerin on “All change” on a people picker in SP 2010 was triggered every 2.5 seconds when the field was emptied.
  • Added support for setting fontsize in ACE editor for Custom JS and Custom CSS.
  • Fixed a bug with checkout where Edit item > check out > OK > then hit cancel sometimes went into a loop with prompt to check out.

SPJS-utility.js v1.351

  • Fixed a potensial error when trying to set a date field with a null-value.

May 10, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.24
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.24
/DFFS/js/DFFS_i18n.js v1.0.0.1

DFFS v4.4.5.24

  • Fixed a bug introduced in the previous version causing “This took forever” and no form load when you tried to debug a rule triggering on a boolean field.
  • Added a link to the function in the error message dialog when you try to show/hide or select a tab that does not exist. Please note that if you don’t have a password on the DFFS config, any user that sees the error will be able to click into the DFFS config.
  • Added better error handling in the email sending to ensure that the email has a valid recipient before processing it.


  • Added a few strings used in the email validation error dialog.

May 04, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.23
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.23


  • This value contextual help updated to clarify the user of internal name when comparing with a people picker.
  • Fixed a bug where you in the triggers “SharePoint group membership: Logged in user is member of group” and “SharePont group membership: Logged in user is NOT member of group” where using {internal_name_of_field} to pull the group name from a text field in the current item did not work.
  • Fixed a bug in NewForm where setting the attachment field as required in a rule does not work because the pre-save validatoin fails to recognize an attachment has been added and makes the form impossible to save.
  • Fixed a bug where when deleting the last attachment from EditForm the Attachments field would disappear.

April 25, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.22
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.22
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.52


  • Added support for using variables in Hidden tabs, Visible tabs, Visible headings or elements and Hidden headings or elements.
  • Fixed an issue with using the “customFunction” trigger when you in your custom function use spjs.dffs.triggerRule to trigger another rule. Earlier, this manually triggered rule would run as the first rule when the form loaded and not as expected after the rule using the “customFunction” trigger.
  • Fixed a bug in the “The form is saved” trigger where a linked rule that returned false would prevent save of the form without any notifications. The “The form is saved” trigger is only supposed to affect “Set field value”, “Run these functions / evaluate these rules” and “Send or stop these E-Mails”.

SPJS-ac v1.6.52

  • Added fieldinternalname as the second argument sent to the parseFunction in the setFields section to be able to know which field you are setting in your custom code.

April 10, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.21
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.21

DFFS v4.4.5.21

  • Made some small changes to ensure compatibility with SP2010. I’m not sure which version broke it for SP2010 because I haven’t had access to a SP2010 environment for test for a few years.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in v4.4.5.19 that made getting the numberformat using the internal function getNumberFormat throw an error. This would happen if you used a rule to compare numbers.
  • Changed the help icon text for Set field value in a rule to clarify the use of {currentuser:Name} when setting a people picker field.

March 21, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.20
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.20
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.46
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.161
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.161

DFFS v4.4.5.20

  • Added an override to the delete item function when an item is opened in a modal dialog to aviod the parent frame refreshing. See Misc tab in your DFFS configuration. Please note that this users the REST API to delete the item and therefore only work in SP 2013+.

vLookup v2.2.161

  • Added support for using {var:name_of_variable} in the “replace” parameter in the special configuration where the variable is an object with translations for a choice field – like this:
    var name_of_variable = {
    "Option 1": "Translated value for Option 1",
    "Option 2": "Translated value for Option 2"
  • Fixed a bug occurring when you in NewForm of your parent list add a vLookup child and then after it has been created opens for edit and deletes the vLookup child item using the banner button. This results in a refresh of the parent NewForm to an invalid URL like this:
    To prevent the refresh you must also check the new checkbox “Override delete item function when an item is opened in a modal dialog” in the Misc tab of the child form config (the config for the item being deleted).

SPJS-Casc v3.7.46

  • Added support for using a multichoice people picker in the setFields “from” section like this:
    "setFields": [{
    "from": "MultichoiePeoplePicker/Name",
    "to": "MultichoiePeoplePicker",
    "parseFunction": "parseMultiPP"
    function parseMultiPP(a){
    var arr = [];
    if(a.results !== undefined){
    jQuery.each(a.results, function(i,user){
    return arr;

March 14, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.19
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.19
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.45

DFFS v4.4.5.19

  • Fixed a bug in an internal function “getNumberFormat” that used the wrong baseUrl when used in a form in the root site of domain (https://contoso.sharepoint.com). This could cause a form using this function to fail to load.
  • Fixed a bug where after installing DFFS using a later version of the v2 installer the Edit item button in the ribbon of the DispForm might send you to an invalid URL like this: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/~site/Lists/SPJS_Casc_Demo/EditForm.aspx?ID=2
    The DFFS installer uses ~site as a placeholder for the actual site URL in the NewForm, DisplayForm and EditForm URL properties of the list and while this works fine in all other places, this button in the ribbon does not respect this setting. I tried to get Microsoft to fix it in the base SharePoint code, but had to fix it in the DFFS script instead.

SPJS-casc.js v3.7.45

  • Added support for filtering on a property on a lookup or people picker field using FieldInternalName/Property in the “fielterField” property.

March 05, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.18
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.18

DFFS v4.4.5.18

  • Added autocomplete on field internal name in the Custom JS textarea – thanks to Amal Vellappillil for the code snippet!
  • Fixed a bug where the function dffs_PreSaveAction was triggered two times when you had emils configured in the E-Mail and Print tab that was sent when saving the form.
  • Fixed a problem with a missing field in the DFFS_EMail field after updating the sendmail function a while back to add the possiblity to use Bcc. If you had not edited the config for at least one form in the site, the DFFS_Email list was missing this field and would throw an error when trying to send an email.

February 21, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.17
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.17
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.349
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.160
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.160
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.1.3

DFFS v4.4.5.17

  • Added better error handling in the REST_Email function (used when not checking the “Use custom list with workflow to send E-Mails” checkbox in the Email and print tab).
  • Fixed an error causing “Email current tab” to use the DFFS_Email list (corresponding to the checkbox “Use custom list with workflow to send E-Mails” in the Email and print tab) even if this checkbox was not checked. This email will now be sent using the REST_Email function when this checkbox is not checked.
  • Added support for using {var:name_of_variable} in the Dialog title in the Email current tab functionatlity in the Email and print tab.
  • Added support for specifying the location of the DFFS_Email list used to send emails from DFFS enabled forms. You find instructions on the help icon to the right of the “Use custom list with workflow to send E-Mails” checkbox in the E-Mail and Print tab in the DFFS backend configurations.
  • Fixed a bug occuring when you had multiple rules configured on a choice field and had one or more rules using “Validate on = Form load” with a lower index that rules using “Validate on = Field Change”. In this case the rules triggering on field change would not trigger.
  • Added a new feature to the “ok” function when opening a modal dialog using spjs.modal.add from your custom js. If your custom “ok” function returns false the dialog will not auto-close even if you don’t have set “closeOnOK”: false.

DFFS Installer v2.0.1.3

  • In case you try to side load a different DFFS version and have a new DFFS installer web part page where you link to the file /SPJS/DFFS_Custom_version/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html and hit the “Verify folder location” button without changing the default folder from DFFS to your DFFS_Custom_version it would just refresh the page and show the same verify folder screen again, but would not give an alert telling it is the wrong folder.

SPJS-utility v1.350

  • Fixed a bug where getFieldValue(“Attachments”) did not return newly added attachments that had not yet been saved.
  • spjs.utility.addItem and spjs.utility.updateItem: added rootFolder parameter to enable adding list item to a folder.

vLookup v2.2.160

  • Fixed a bug preventing DFFS to load when opening NewForm, DispForm or EditForm in a TEAMS channel in the web browser version of TEAMS.

February 07, 2021

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.16
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.16
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.44
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.51
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.159
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.159
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.1.2

DFFS v4.4.5.16

  • Fixed a bug related to hiding the save button in EditForm of a document library.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in the previous version where an internal function used to fill in variables in for example emails failed if you tried to pull in the value from a multichoice field and use it in the subject or body of the email. The email was not sent and you had to hit save two times to be able to save the item.
  • Fixed an error with saving the form where you had to hit save two times for the form to save in this scenario: You used REST email (Use custom list with workflow to send E-Mail is unchecked) and you had a rule triggering on “The form is saved” that had two or more email templates like in the “Send or stop these E-Mails” field where one or more used the stop: prefix like this: name_of_email_template1,stop:name_of_email_template2
  • Fixed a bug wit the print current tab functionality where boolean fields were out of alignment when printing the tab due to a <td> tag that was misplaced.
  • Fixed a bug in processEmailTemplate where a custom send date like [today]+5 would get the offset of 5 days applied twice – sending the email in 10 days and not 5.

SPJS-casc.js v3.7.44

  • Fixed a problem with using the “Autofill subsequent dropdowns when they contain only one valid option” in combination with using the :multi suffix.

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.159

  • Fixed a bug occurring when a variable containing certain diacritics was used in the prefill values in child – this resulted in a “malformed url” error.

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.51

  • Fixed a bug in addNewItem parameter when the addToFolder parameter was set to null. This could cause an error like “Cannot read property ‘rootFolder’ of null”.
  • Removed an “Invalid value” mouseover when using allowAddNew = true in combination with isLookupInSelf = true.
  • Fixed a bug where the selected value wasn’t saved when using allowAddNew = true in combination with isLookupInSelf = true and useREST = true.

DFFS Installer v2.0.1.2

  • Removed DEV_VERSION items from the Review installations / reinstall tab.

December 12, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.14
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.14

DFFS v4.4.5.14

  • Fixed a bug introduced in the previous version (v4.4.5.13) related to using ~ in rules (to reverse the result) in linked rules and functions of a rule.
  • Fixed one possible issue where the save function was triggered two times when using the REST Email option to send emails (not checking the “Use custom list with workflow to send E-Mails” checkbox in the E-Mail and Print tab). Not sure if this caused any problems in real life.
  • Fixed a problem with rules using the trigger “The form is saved” in combination with sending emails. In this scenario any functions in the “Run these functions / evaluate these rules” section were called two times.
  • Fixed a bug where if you had multiple rules triggering on “The form is saved” and you had functions in the “Run these functions / evaluate these rules” section only the functions in the last rule processed would be run.
  • Fixed an issue where when using the trigger “The form is saved” and having functions in the “Run these functions / evaluate these rules” section it would not pass the rule friendly name as a parameter to the function, but would pass “save”.
  • Fixed a bug in processing JSON formatted strings in the subject or body of an email template when the field value (her represented with {Title}) contains double quotes. If you have a list item with the title “This is a test” in double quotes and use this in subject or body of the email:
    {"default": "A new item with title {Title} has been created", "1044":"Et nytt element med tittel {Title} har blitt opprettet"}

    When the email is processed, the keyword {Title} is replaced with the actual title of the list item, but because of the double quotes the JSON it is not properly parsed to get only the current language. This results in the full JSON string being used like this:

    {"default": "A new item with title "This is a test" has been created", "1044":"Et nytt element med tittel "This is a test" har blitt opprettet"}
  • Fixed a bug where the variable spjs.dffs.data._DFFSID was not populated in DispForm.

November 25, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.13
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.13
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.64
/DFFS/css/DFFS_backend.css v4.51
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.158
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.158
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.43
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.50
/DFFS/installer/Installer_CEWP_code.html v1.1.0.9
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.1.1
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_CDN.html v1.0.0.1

DFFS_frontend_min.js v4.4.5.13

  • Fixed a bug occurring when you had a rule set up to trigger only on linked rules with “If this trigger = Linked rules an functions”, you had multiple rules in the “Linked rules and functions” textarea and you were using the OR operator (|) to separate multiple rules like this:

    In this scenario, the overall rule status would incorrectly be evaluated as true if only one of the rules on either side of the | symbol was true. The correct functionality would be that either RuleONE and RuleTWO OR RuleTHREE and RuleFour had to be true for the overall rule status to be true.

    Also enhanced the functionality to let you use parentheses when evaluating multiple linked rules or functions. See the help icon in your DFFS backend configuration.

    Please note that there are some changes in this check if you use OR (the pipe character) in combination with multiple other checks for different rules. If you have used AND / OR in your linked rules you must check that if works as expected – and if necessary add parentheses to group the rules to ensure it works as you want.

  • Fixed a bug where using rule index instead of rule friendlyname in linked rules did not properly trigger parent rule even if the “Let linked rules evaluate the parent rule on change” option is checked.
  • Fixed a bug where using “stop and jump to” in a rule did not take linked rules into account and stopped and jumped based on the main rule only.
  • Added a new link directly to the DEV config under the Enhanced with DFFS button. This will only show for the person that last saved the prod config.

DFFS_frontend.css v4.64

  • Fixed a bug related to spjs.modal dialog where the dffs_dlg_overlay class had a bug that made a dialog message not appear on the center of the screen if the form was scrolled.

DFFS_backend.css v4.51

  • Some small internal changes.

DFFS Installer v2.0.1.1

  • Changed how this form URL is written to ensure it is relative to the site and not absolute. This is only a problem if you tried to save a site as a template and created a new site from this template. In this case, the forms would have the wrong site URL and the forms would not work unless you uninstalled and reinstalled DFFS.

DFFS Installer for CDN

  • Added a new DFFS Installer that lets you use your own Azure CDN to load the DFFS files and optionally host the DFFS and vLookup config. To use this new installer you must add a web part page to your SPJS library and add a link to

    Read the /SPJS/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_CDN_ReadMe.txt file.

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.158

  • Added support for the new DFFS CDN installer.
  • Added support for using variables “{var:name_of_variable}” in special configuration in vLookup config.

Cascading Dropdowns v3.7.43

  • Fixed a bug occurring when you tried to pull the values from a lookup or people picker and there where an empty lookup or people picker in the data source. This would cause the dropdown to show no selectable items.
  • Fixed a bug where removing an option form a multiselect field would append it to the bottom of the list of available options and not add it in the correct alphabetically ordered location.

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.50

  • Fixed a bug where using multiple searchFields did not return any matches for other than the one used as showField.
  • Fixed a problem with using ;# as separator in the searchFields. This caused the string to get split by ;# and only returned the second item in the array.

September 29, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.9
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.9
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.63

DFFS frontend v4.4.5.9

  • Fixed a bug in the linked rules check that caused the debug output to show as “Linked rule = undefined”. Also enhanced the functionality to let you check multiple rules using and / or. Previously a check like this:

    would evaluate to true if rule1 and rule4 was true and rule2 or rule3 was true. This did not work as expected and I have changed the handling of it like this: rule1 and rule2 must be true, or rule3 and rule4 must be true for the overall result to be true. Please check your current linked rules setup to ensure this does not make any problems for you.

DFFS backend v4.4.5.9

  • Changed help text related to linked rules.


  • spjs.modal dialog: dffs_dlg_overlay had a bug that made a dialog message not apprar on the center of the screen if the form was scrolled.

August 30, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.7
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.7
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.62
/DFFS/jslink/DFFS_JSLink.js v1.1.10
/DFFS/jslink/DFFS_NoJSLink.js v1.0.6
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.41
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.157
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.157

DFFS frontend v4.4.5.7

  • Moved the dffs_ready / dffs_Ready function call (used in custom js) to ensure all rules have run before the function is called.
  • Fixed a bug that triggered a save of the form if you used spjs.dffs.processEmailTemplate(“Your_Template_Id”) form custom code in NewForm or EditForm.
  • Changed internal functions to reposition a modal dialog when the screen is resized.

DFFS backend v4.4.5.7

  • Removed one leftover jQuery “addBack” in the function “spjs.dffs.closeDlg” that I forgot to remove when I addressed an issue with jQuery v3.x in an earlier version. The “addBack” method was removed from the jQuery code and when using jQuery v3.x with the DFFS backend it causes an error when trying to close a dialog message.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Loader version” in the top of the page showed “v1” even if the DFFS installer / loader v2 was used.

DFFS_frontend.css v4.62

  • Fixed a bug where the radio button and multichoice checkbox disappeared if you used the side-by-side functionality in a tab in combination with using this in Custom CSS:
    .sbs_FieldTable *{
      width:auto !important;
  • Added padding-left to the built in heading styles tabH1 and tabH2

SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.41

  • Added “localeCompare” to the sorting of values to ensure diacritics are ignored when sorting the options in the dropdowns.

vLookup for SharePoint v2.2.157

  • Fixed a somewhat confusing error message occurring if you hit the delete button in the vLookup config again after you have first deleted the config.

DFFS_JSLink.js v1.1.10 and DFFS_NoJSLink.js v1.0.6

  • Added a global variable spjs_path because this is used since v4.4.3.3 in the internal functions loadDependencies and printCurrentTab.

August 08, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.5
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.5
/DFFS/installer/Installer_CEWP_code.html v1.1.0.8
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.1.0

DFFS v4.4.5.5

  • DFFS Installer v1 and v2 updated to fix the breaking change made by Microsoft in the latest update on Office 365 that makes all form links from a modern list view to open in the sidepanel without DFFS.
    You find a tool for fixing already installed forms here: https://spjsblog.com/2020/07/30/fix-classic-form-fallback-on-modern-lists/
  • Fixed an error where the text in a multiline rich text field that was set as readonly could not be marked with the mouse and highlighted to copy the text. This was caused by a mouseup event in the SharePoint built in code that automatically moved focus to the now hidden input area when you clicked the table cell. I have fixed this by overriding this event when the field is readonly.
  • Added help text in set field value for “timestamp” in DFFS backend.

July 04, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.4
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.4

DFFS v4.4.5.4

  • I have fixed a bug related to using the Remember selected tab in the Misc tab in combination with the use of Show this tab in mobile or desktop browsers. If you had only one visible tab and the previously selected tab (the one remembered by the browser from the last time you used this form) was not actually rendered in the current configuration, all fields would be shown and no tab was visible / clickable.

July 03, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.3
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.3

DFFS v4.4.5.3

  • Fixed an issue with importing a DFFS configuration in the “Export, import and restore” tab where the “This will overwrite the currently saved configuration, are you sure?” prompt had no cancel button.
  • Fixed a bug related to selecting the correct tab when loading the form in cases where you had multiple hidden tabs, or when you targeted only some tabs to either mobile or desktop forms, and the first one was set as hidden in the tab configuration. This could cause all fields to show in the form, and the first visible tab in the form header was not selected.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in the v4.4.5.2 that causes the form to fail to load when you use a class (prefixed with .) in Hidden headings or elements or Visible headings or elements section in a rule.
  • For new licenses purchased after July 4, 2020 I have changed how the license code is validated. Previously the license was validated locally, but now it is validated based on a license file located in my Azure. Please let me know if you are NOT able to access the Internet from your site, and I’ll provide you with an offline validated license. Please note: There is still no “phone home” – it will ONLY READ a file from AZURE and it will NOT WRITE anything back. The reason for the change is for me to be able to disable a license if for example the license is expired and the maintenance fee has not been paid.

June 28, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.2
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.2
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.156
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.156
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.348
/DFFS/jslink/DFFS_JSLink.js v1.1.8
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-AC v1.6.49

DFFS v4.4.5.2

  • DFFS Backend: Fixed a bug occurring when cloning a rule with configured “Set field value” using radio choice buttons (for setting a choice field). When you cloned a rule, the name of the radio-checkbox-group was not properly reset so clicking one of the checkboxes in the new cloned rule would clear any selection made in the previous rule (the one you cloned it from). If you reloaded the configuration, the name of the radio-checkbox-group would be unique and the proper selection could be made.
  • Added class to ms-formtable (dffs_newform, dffs_dispform or dffs_editform) to identify the form type for use in CSS selectors only for some form types.
  • Using the above form identifier class I have fixed a problem with aligning tooltip in a side-by-side configuration where you have hidden the formlabel in DispForm.
  • Fixed a bug with hiding a heading, html section or a custom table row by group-id in the Hidden headings or elements section in a rule. This stopped working after a previous change a few versions back.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in v4.4.4.24 related to the internal variable spjs.dffs.data._DFFSID that affected the function “getPendingEmails” and caused the stop:email_template_name to fail to stop the email.
  • Made one change when writing an email to the DFFS_EMail list and now appends the current list guid to the Title field. You can use this in a custom FLOW if you need a reference to the list guid.
  • Added new trigger: Azure Active Directory (Azure AD): Logged in user is member of group that can be used on SharePoint Online to check for membership in an AD-group (direct and nested). This new feature uses the Microsoft Graph API.

DFFS_JSLink.js v1.1.8

  • Replaced $ with jQuery to fix an intermittant loading issue. Please note that this is still not the recommended installation menthod.

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.156

  • Fixed a bug with the close tooltip dialog by clicking the X and also made a change to use the spjs.modal when clicking the tooltip icon.
  • Fixed a bug occurring in SharePoint 2010 related to the attachment row not having a “fieldinternalname” property.

SPJS-AC v1.6.49

  • Added option to specify an array of user groups in the chooseFromUserGroup parameter.

June 01, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.5.0
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.5.0
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.40
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.155
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.155
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.347
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.13

DFFS v4.4.5.0

  • Added support for mobile devices by zooming in and focusing on the form when you use a mobile browser (or emulate a mobile device in Chrome). You find a new tab “Mobile” in DFFS backend where you can turn on mobile support for each form. This currently default OFF. I might change the default setting to ON in a later version after receiving some more feedback on the solution. On every tab you can now select target: both, desktop or mobile, but existing forms will also work in a mobile browser without modifications, but these changes are made when opening any DFFS enabled form in a mobile device:
    – All fields are show in one column with field label above field body.
    – Side-by-side is skipped.
    – The Enhanced with DFFS link is not shown.
    – If you have only one tab in a mobile form, the tab row is automatically hidden.
  • Added a new setting in the Misc tab to let you hide the form menu banner when opening a form in a mobile browser. Please note that if you use multiline rich text fields you must not hide it because you will loose the RTE controls.
  • Changed the style of radio buttons and checkboxes to match the style of the boolean slider.
  • Changed the icon to the left of the Attachment field used to add an attachment when the field is included in a tab from a + to a paperclip. Also made the label “Attachment” clickable so you don’t need to click the icon directly.
  • Added a new setting in the Misc tab to force attachments to open in a new tab.
  • Added a missing translation for LCID 2070 (Portuguese) in an internal function to support getting the value of a boolean field in DispForm as a boolean value.
  • Fixed a problem with getting the value from a boolean field in DispForm (for use with custom code or rules). This bug was introduced when the slider for boolean fields was introduced in DFFS v4.4.4.26.
  • Fixed an intermittent bug in a people picker field set as readonly on form load that caused the readonly label to show as empty even if the field was set. This happened because the field wasn’t always fully rendered when the rule triggered.
  • Fixed a bug in the automatic check in of a form using the DFFS checkout functionality when a user opens EditForm, but hits cancel when the form was opened in a dialog. This is done by hiding the close dialog button to force the user to use cancel button to back out and cancel checkout. This cancel button has also been modified to ensure it checks the item back in before closing the dialog. Please note that if the user uses the navigation buttons in the outer / top webpage it will not automatically cancel the checkout of the item.
  • In the Cascading dropdown tab: Added help text:
    If you are setting up multiple cascading dropdowns with the same datasource / list, you must include the “Comma separated list of fields in the lookup list” fields from ALL your cascading dropdowns in the first one you configure. This is because the first one will be the “master” and it needs to pull in the values for all fields in the datatable for use with the different instances.
  • Moved the Password up to the top of the Misc tab for better visibility.
  • Fixed an intermittent problem with getting the “Edit item” button text localized in DispForm.
  • Fixed a bug in email current tab where you had a heading of a html section > it would fail with “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘disp’ of undefined”.
  • Fixed a bug in side-by-side where a field already hidden by a rule would be made visible again if you changed to another tab where it was also in a side-by-side configuration.

SPJS-utility v1.347

  • Readonly hyperlinks now open in a new tab by default.

vLookup v2.2.155

  • Fixed wrong tooltip in “Edit item link visible in” section in vLookup configurator.
  • Changed edit / view icons to match the style of Fluent UI / UI Fabric icons.
  • Added URL parameter vLookupView=1 and vLookupEdit=1 to the URL when opening an item with the view and edit button in a vLookup table to let you set up rules in DispForm and EditForm of the vLookup child item based on the link that is being clicked.
  • Fixed localization of the View item and Edit item links in the vLookup table.

Casc v3.7.40

  • Added back the warning if you had multiple instances of cascading dropdowns and not all fields were added to the first instance “Comma separated list of fields in the lookup list” section because this went missing a few revisions ago.
  • Fixed an alignment problem with the tooltip and required star placeholder if the first tab in your DFFS form used side-by-side settings with the cascading dropdowns.
  • Fixed an alignment problem with the tooltip and required star placeholder if the label is hidden in the sbs-settings.
  • Added automatic stripping of illegal linefeeds from the source data that are added by an integration writing multiline data to a single line of text field.

SPJS-utility v1.346

  • Fixed an issue with getFieldValue on a boolean field in DispForm related to the boolean slider introduced in DFFS v4.4.4.26.


  • Added missing file DFFS_i18n.js to the DFFS_Loader_v2.html file created by the DFFS installer v2. This file is used for translations for spjs.dffs.formatDate. This file was by mistake left out of DFFS installer v2 form the beginning.

May 10, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.32
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.32
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.38
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.48
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.12

DFFS v4.4.4.32

  • Fixed an error causing the form to fail to load when you use the built in class “sbs_Field” in custom HTML in a HTML section.
  • Tried to ensure a people picker value inserted in a HTML Section or a Table row with {{name_of_people_picker}} doesn’t show as empty on form load by inserting a delay in the execution of the function.
  • Fixed a bug where a rule triggering on change of a date and time field did not trigger when you used the date picker (by clicking the calendar icon) and you had a tooltip icon on the field.
  • Fixed a bug where when comparing two date fields and you changed the date on the date field you were comparing with would get an error in the console like: Uncaught TypeError: spjs.dffs.triggerOnChange is not a function and the rule would not properly evaluate.
  • Fixed a bug with rules triggering on a radio button choice field in a list based on the Calendar list template. For some reason this list template uses another format on the HTML when rendering a radio button in the form. When a rule is validated and checks the “value” of a radio button in this list it returns ctl00, ctl01, ctl02 and so on, and not the actual text value shown in the label (like in other lists based on another template). This caused a rule triggering on a radio button to fail to compare the selected value with the trigger value from the rule.
  • Fixed a bug where the Enhanced with DFFS link below the form did not show when DFFS first was installed in a site and no config list was found in this current site. The link Direct to Backend to the right of the Uninstall DFFS button in the DFFS installer still brought you to the DFFS backend config and as soon as the config list was created the Enhanced with DFFS link reappeared. Please note that if you use the DFFS Installer APP you don’t see the Direct to Backend link and had to manually edit the URL and append GoToBackend=1 like this …/NewForm.aspx?GoToBackend=1 to enter setup and create the config list the first time.

DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.12

  • Changed the location of the optional DFFS_License.txt file from /DFFS/loader/DFFS_License.txt to /DFFS/installer/DFFS_License.txt as this is more correct logically. This file is not actually loaded in each form as indicated by storing it in the loader folder, but is loaded in the installer and included in the /DFFS/Loader/DFFS_Loader_v2.html file when you hit the Update loader file in the first tab of the DFFS installer v2. Also changed so the content of the file is loaded every time you enter the DFFS Installer and not only the first time you install DFFS. This means you can update the license in this file at any time. The file DFFS_License.txt is not included in the default DFFS package so if you add it with your license code, it will persist when you update DFFS and overwrite all files in the DFFS folder.

SPJS-casc v3.7.38

  • Fixed a bug where the list of options in the first dropdown may be missing some options when the datasource has more than 5000 items and you have more than one set of cascading dropdowns created from the same datasource.

SPJS-AC v1.6.48

  • Fixed a bug occurring when using the settings “useREST”: false and “preloadData”: false, you type in multiple search words separated with a space and you have more hits by the first word than the “rowLimit”. In this case the list of available options might only match the first search word and not all of them – leaving out the best matched items.

April 15, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.31
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.31
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.152
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.152

DFFS v4.4.4.31

  • Changed the code beautifier added in v4.4.4.24 because it didn’t always format the code correctly. The new one is based on this code: https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify. Please note that there is a new subfolder “beautify” added to the DFFS folder and that you must enter the DFFS installer page and hit “Update loader file” in the Modify the loader file tab to be able to use it in your DFFS forms.
  • Fixed a bug where a heading that is collapsed in an accordion on other heading will be made visible if you toggle the heading accordion even if a rule has hidden the heading.
  • Fixed a bug where you got a message “The DFFS configuration hasn’t been loaded with the default loader and cannot be edited.” when using the “Direct to backend” link from the DFFS installer. This bug was introduced in v4.4.4.30.
  • Added support for using ~ to prefix the function name when using the trigger “Custom JavaScript function” and you want the rule to evaluate as true when the function actually return false.

vLookup v2.2.152

  • Added support for 12-hour format in the Special configuration textarea for date fields: {“dateFormat”:”MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss”} – (lower case hh).

April 07, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.30
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.30
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.58
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.151
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.151

DFFS v4.4.4.30

  • Fixed a bug with the “Saving configuration…” message not going away after creating a restore point.
  • Fixed a bug where when using line-wrapping in Custom JS makes the bottom of the screen overflow so you cannot reach the bottom lines.
  • Fixed a bug where the use of {{people_picker_name}} in HTML did not always insert the people picker name on form load in EditForm because of the asynchronous rendering of the people pickers.
  • Fixed a bug with Check out functionality (in DFFS Misc tab) where an item that was checked out to one person would incorrectly be checked in again if another person tried to access it and got the alert “This item is checked out…”. Also made some changes to the functionality that automatically checked an item back in if a user opened it (and checked it out) but cancelled out of the form instead of saving it.
  • Added new options in the Read-only fields section in the Misc tab to let the user choose styling of the readonly fields. You can chose between border, gray background, shaded background and custom style.

vLookup v2.2.151

  • Fixed a bug where the “Show all” button was missing.

March 27, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.28
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.28
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.37
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.149
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.149

DFFS v4.4.4.28

  • Fixed a bug preventing Display this message in a rule to show in a readonly field.
  • When saving the configuration and getting a validation error – for example if you had duplicate heading ids – the “Saving, please wait” overlay did not go away.

vLookup v2.2.149

  • Small internal function changes.

SPJS-Casc v3.7.37

  • Added new option in the cascading dropdown configuration Set field values. Use this for pulling additional field values from the cascading dropdown list when you have completed the cascading dropdown selection.

Use this format:


If you want to modify the value before setting it in the form you can specify the name of your custom function in the parseFunction. This custom function must be added to your Custom JS in the current form in this format:

function myParseFn(val){
// do something with val here
return val;

If you change your selection in the cascading dropdowns, the setFields will be reapplied. If you clear the selected value the setFields will also be cleared.

Please note that this new feature will only work when using single choice cascading dropdowns.

March 21, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.27
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.27
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.57
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.36

DFFS v4.4.4.27

  • Fixed a bug with side-by-side where the required field indicator (the red star) was not shown.
  • Added a new placeholder for the required star and the tooltip icon for all fields to ensure it is positioned consistently. The default layout is [Field label][required star][tooltip icon]. To switch position like this: [Field label][tooltip icon][required star] you can add this to your Custom CSS:
.dffs_req_and_tt {
  • Fixed a bug occurring when using side-by-side in combination with Hide the dropdowns when they have no available options in cascading dropdowns that caused the second dropdown to not show the first time you selected an option in the first dropdown.
  • Fixed bug with Attachments when trying to set as required, readonly or hidden in a rule the action would not be applied. These bugs were most likely introduced in v4.4.4.24.
  • Added slider / toggle to the boolean field SPFieldRecurrence in a calendar list.

DFFS_frontend.css v4.57

  • Added some new styles for the new required star and tooltip icon placeholder.
  • Added shaded background on the built in CSS classes tabH1 and tabH2.

SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.36

  • Fixed a bug occurring when using side-by-side in DFFS in combination with Hide the dropdowns when they have no available options that caused the field label to show even if the dropdown was hidden.

March 17, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.26
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.26
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.56
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.148
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.148
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Utility.js v1.345

DFFS v4.4.4.26

  • Fixed a bug occurring when you use headings in a side-by-side configuration. On first render, the headings would show, but when changing tabs they would disappear.
  • Fixed a problem with HTML section not being added to the side-by-side configuration even if the correct SBS-Index was used. I’m actually not sure when this error was introduced because I haven’t had any reports – I just noticed when testing it.
  • Boolean fields now show as toggle / slider also when readonly and in DispForm. The color is slightly modified when the field is in read mode: gray dot in the toggle and no pointer cursor.

vLookup v2.2.148

  • Fixed bug Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘fieldData’ of undefined when using vLookup in a list view. This error was introuduced in the previous version.
  • Made a change so the spinner now shows immediately when selecting a tab with a vLookup.

SPJS-utility.js v1.345

  • Fixed a bug in an internal function used to update the value of a readonly field after the method for setting fields readonly changed in v4.4.4.24.

March 14, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.25
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.25
/DFFS/css/DFFS_backend.css v4.50

DFFS v4.4.4.25

  • Added autocomplete to the ACE code editor for Custom JS. You can toggle this off from the menu bar over the editor if you don’t like it.
    Added support for remembering Toggle show invisible characters and Toggle autocomplete over sessions. I could unfortunately not get the folding and the linewrap to work the same way so these will have to be toggled every time you need them.
  • Added support for sorting the fields in the Fields tab in DFFS configuration by clicking the column headers.
  • Fixed a bug occurring when using the Switch to NewForm, Switch to DispForm or Switch to EditForm in DFFS configuration and you opt to save the current changes. In this case, the current form would be saved, but you would not be redirected to the selected form and the Saving configuration for… dialog would get stuck so you had to refresh the page.

March 10, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.24
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.24
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.55
/DFFS/css/DFFS_backend.css v4.49
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.147
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.147
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.47
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.35
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-lookup.js v1.1.20
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Utility.js v1.344
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.10

DFFS v4.4.4.24

  • Ace code editor: Added theme selector and toolbar buttons for fullscreen, toggle line wrap, toggle fold all code, toggle show whitespace, format code, show keybindings and go to line.
  • DFFS Backend: Changed how tooltips are shown. They are now opened in a dialog, and closes when clicking the backdrop or the X in the top right corner.
  • Changed unescape to decodeURIComponent in getPageId to better support diacritics in the URL. I strongly recommend creating lists and sites with only alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9) and then rename it after it has been created to create your desired name. This way the URL will be clean without escaped characters.
  • Removed use of fields object and now addresses the fields by their ID (dffs_FieldInternalName).
  • Changed Boolean fields Yes/No to show as toggle / slider buttons.
  • Updated method for setting fields readonly to prevent the width of form label and form body table column fields shifting width when toggling readonly fields.
  • Send tab by email: Added icon to remove additional receivers of the email if you have added to many. Also added option to specify the title of the send form by email dialog.
  • Added option to expand or collapse all emails in the E-Mail and Print tab.
  • Changed the internal function PreSaveItem t fix a bug where if the first attempt to save an item fails because of an invalid people picker or an invalid date (form tries a postback and returns with an error on one or more fields), the next save attempt will NOT check mandatory fields (set in DFFS rules). Also, moved the set field values on save (set in a rule triggering on the form is saved) up over the check for mandatory fields to let a rule fill in mandatory fields before it checks mandatory fields.
  • Made one small change to the generation of the internal _DFFSID and _vLookupID values to ensure the corresponding field is ready before it is written.

DFFS Installer v2.0.0.10

  • Changed the installer to ensure the installer file is loaded from the correct folder. If you are side-loading another version of DFFS you must now set up a separate web part page for the custom version installer and link to your custom DFFS version by specifying the folder the files are located in – for example like this for a folder named “DFFS_2020-03-10”: /SPJS/DFFS_2020-03-10/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html. The path will be validated to ensure it is correct when you hit save. This change means I have removed the Custom DFFS folder you had in previous versions.

DFFS_backend.css v4.49

  • Some new styles related to ACE toolbar buttons and for readonly fields.

SPJS-Utility.js v1.344

  • Using spjs.utility.getListByUrlName on a document library returned the path property with /Lists/ – this is fixed.
  • Removed the spjs.utility.data.fields object (used internally).
  • Changed how getFieldValue and setFieldValue identifies the textbox of an enhanced rich text field to fix an error occurring in some rare cases.

vLookup v2.2.147

  • Fixed a bug where the CAML will be corrupted if you use a variable that contains < or > in “Write your own CAML-query”.
  • Removed spjs.vLookup.fields object (used internally).

SPJS-AC v1.6.47

  • Removed fields object (used internally).

SPJS-Casc v3.7.35

  • Removed fields object (used internally).
  • Added option to use {var:name_of_variable} in GUID or display name of the list where the values are found and BaseUrl of the list where the values are found.

February 13, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.23
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.23
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.146
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.146
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.46
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.9

DFFS v4.4.4.23

  • Fixed a bug in the debug output on linked rules that were prefixed with ~. The output of the linked rules might be wrong (true <> false), but the overall validation of the rule would still be correct.
  • Added toggle folding in Custom JS and Custom CSS.
  • Added a check to catch a scenario where a rule uses the Run these functions / trigger these rules section to call a function with the same name as the rule itself. This is to prevent a loop in case the function does not exist because this would cause the rule to re-trigger itself in an infinit loop (until the browser errors out).
  • Changed Run these functions / trigger these rules to Run these functions / evaluate these rules. Previously a rule added here would be executed as if it was true, but now it will be properly evaluated and run only if it is evaluated to true.

vLookup v2.2.146

  • Fixed a possible issue with setting an URL parameter from Prefill values in child using your_url_key=[currentItem:field_name] or your_url_key={var:name_of_variable} where the value would be the initial value from the field or variable from when the vLookup field loaded, and not from when the button to created the child item was actually clicked (the field value or the variable could have changed).

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.46

  • Fixed a bug the setFields did not properly set when using spjs.ac.setFieldValue(“FieldName”, “The value you want to set”);
  • I have also made sure the search box is hidden while using spjs.ac.setFieldValue.

DFFS Installer v2.0.0.9

  • Added a new column in the “Review installations” tab to show the loader version used (v1 or v2)

February 02, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.22
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.22
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.343
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.45

DFFS v4.4.4.22

  • Fixed an error in the trigger “Linked rules and functions” where you set up a rule to trigger only on other linked rules on form load. The rule would be triggered two times – one before other onload rules, and the second on it’s correct load index. The first run would be validated correctly, but the second would be validated as “false” because it was not properly identified as triggering only on other linked rules.
  • Rules triggering on multi and single choice fields: added “[No selected value]” option to be able to combine selections with “empty”.

SPJS-utility v1.343

  • Fixed a bug where using setFieldValue on a readonly field caused the padding in the field to be removed.

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.45

Added new option to specify the folder to add new items to when using


Use it like this:

"addToFolder": {"rootFolder":"/Sites/ProjcetSite/Lists/ProjectList", "folderName": "Folder A"}

January 20, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.19
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.19
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.34

DFFS v4.4.4.19

  • Fixed one more bug related to forms NOT using tabs.

SPJS-casc.js v3.7.34

  • Fixed one more bug related to upgrading from an early 3.x version of DFFS.

January 19, 2020

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.18
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.18
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.33
/DFFS/plugins/spjs-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.145
/DFFS/plugins/spjs-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.145

DFFS v4.4.4.18

  • Fixed a regression bug related to using DFFS forms with no tabs configured. This caused an error “Cannot read property sCookie of undefined”.
  • Fixed wrong date format for LCID 2070 – Portuguese (Portugal)  when using spjs.utility.getDateFieldAsDateObject.
  • Reversed a change made in v4.4.4.0 that changed the order which headings, HTML sections and custom table rows were rendered. The change was made to speed up the loading of large forms with a lot of headings and HTML sections by only rendering the sections when that tab was shown. This caused a Custom JS instruction trying to locate a specific HTML tag by id or classname to fail because the sections had not yet been created. To ensure backwards compatibility I have decided to reverse this so all headings, HTML and custom table rows now are added to the form before Custom JS is loaded.
  • Added note to self textarea in help tab in DFFS backend.

vLookup v2.2.145

  • Added support for passing field value in URL like this in the prefill values in child:
    from: your_url_key=[currentItem:field_name]
    to: {URL}

SPJS-casc.js v3.7.33

  • Tried to fix an error “Cannot read property ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined” occurring when upgrading from an older version.

December 19, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.17
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.17
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.8
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.342
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.44

DFFS v4.4.4.17

  • Changed the error handling for rules related to the error message There is a type mismatch between the current value…  by converting it automatically to string If the current value is a string.
  • Fixed a bug in the Keep checked out label – leave empty to hide this option from the end user when this was left empty. It should have hidden the banner entirely, but showed the banner without content above the form.
  • Fixed bug where a rule triggering on Linked rules and functions continued to trigger even if it was set as disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where a rule set to trigger only on load in some cases still fired when the field it was attached to was changed.
  • Fixed an error in the error message showed in DFFS Backend when a field was deleted. You should be able to click the error message to open the tab or rule, but this broke in an earlier update.
  • When using the Misc tab Save and redirect functionality the redir url will get a query string parameter like this: dffsRedir=1
  • Changed Send or stop these E-Mails to work when not using the default reversing of a rule. By default a rule set to send and email will automatically remove the email if the rule is reversed. If for example a Yes/No field set to Yes, the email would be prepared for sending. If the same field was set to No, the email was removed. I have now added support for using two rules on the same field (with No reversing of this rule checked) to let you use name_of_email in the Send or stop these E-Mails fild in one rule, and stop:name_of_email in Send or stop these E-Mails in another to stop the email from being sent when the form saves. In previous versions the stop:name_of_email would only stop emails already set to send on a due date from NewForm or a previous edit of the item.
  • Fixed a bug in DFFS backend when using the Development mode option (click the green banner in the top of the page in edit mode) in combination with the DFFS installer v2. If you clicked the Open a new window to test your configuration link, it would not open the form, but instead open the DFFS installer page.

vLookup v2.2.144

  • Add new folder wasonly available for doc lib – fixed so you can add also in a list.
  • Fixed so you can use {currentsite}/subsite in the BaseUrl input.

SPJS-AC v1.6.43

  • Fixed an error when trying to filer by a date field date in combination with useREST:false and using an array of objects (as specified in the user manual) and not an object in the orderBy parameter.

SPJS-Utility.js v1.342

  • Changed spjs.utility.getListByUrlName so it brings back the choice field options in the fields object.

DFFS Installer v2.0.0.8

  • Fixed a bug preventing the Install custom version by specifying the folder name here when installing DFFS in a list from working when using the v2 installer. I have also changed the name of this field to Custom DFFS folder.

November 28, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.16
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.16
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.6
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.140
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.42

DFFS v4.4.4.16

  • Fixed a bug where the value is not set when using the Set field value in a rule on an empty lookup column, people picker field or a managed metadata field and have checked the Only if the field is empty checkbox.
  • Fixed an error in the checkout feature where the ribbon cancel button was not hidden, and clicking this would not undo the checkout. Also, navigating away from the form did not undo the checkout. Both these issues have not been addressed by using beforeunload to detect the navigation.
  • Added support for tooltip in heading and HTML sections. You find this in the bottom of the Tooltip tab (renamed from Field tooltip).
  • Added new validate with custom function trigger on text and number fields. This can be used to show a validation message below the field. If the validation is not OK, the user will not be able to save the form. Look at the help icon on the Operator for details in how to set up the function in Custom JS.
  • Fixed some issues with using the setting Use cookie to remember selected tab in the misc tab. The Click here to clear the session cookie did not work when you used the v2 installer and when using the Use cookie to remember selected tab in combination with a rule triggering on Selected Tab Index / Tab unique ID the rule would not trigger. If you had a similar rule triggering on the first tab, this would be triggered because the first tab would be selected before switching to the “cookie set tab”. I have changed from using a cookie to useing localStorage and removed link to clear cookie in misc tab.
  • Fixed a console error related to getPendingEmails when sending emails with REST and not DFFS_Email. This caused no problems other than a log to the console.
  • Changed DFFS_frontend.css to minimize the use of !important to make it easier to override built in DFFS styling in Custom CSS.

DFFS Installer v2.0.0.6

  • Added support for initially putting the license in a text file located here: /SPJS/DFFS/loader/DFFS_License.txt. Please note that ONLY the license code string must be added to this file. This will prefill the license code in the License code field in the setup page of the DFFS Installer. Please note that this requires the DFFS installer v2.0.0.6 or above and the Update loader file button must be clicked to write it to the proper location. This will be a way of preloading the license if you have a company license and want to make a template out of the SPJS document library to ease the setup process in new site collections.

vLookup v2.2.142

  • Fixed a bug sometimes occurring when using a number field as input in the Build query and this number is returned with a thousand separator.
  • Fixed a but preventing folders to show as expandable folders when using folders in a list.
  • Changed so Add new items to this folder can be used for lists also.

spjs-utility.js v1.340

Fixed a bug occurring in spjs.utility.updateListItem when using it in a root site and the server URL is not a proper host header but on the format servername:port.

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.42

  • Fixed a bug where if the field used in orderBy was not used as viewfield it would not actually sort the items on this field.
  • Added support for using parsefunction in orderBy. Here is an example:

“fin”: “Created”,
“ascending”: true,
“numeric”: true,
“parseFunction”: “parseDate”

function parseDate(str) {
var r = str;
if (str !== null) {
r = new Date(str.split(” “).join(“T”)).valueOf();
return r;

November 03, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.15
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.15
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.5
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.139
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.41

DFFS v4.4.4.15

  • Fixed an error occurring when trying to use a managed metadata field as a trigger.

DFFS Installer v2.0.0.5

  • Fixed a problem occurring when updating the installer to a new version. Because this requires that the DFFS_Installer is “saved” to update the script file links it would previously not open the DFFS backend when you tried to edit a DFFS config until you had visited the installer file directly and hit “Update loader file”. This is now automatically detected and it will let you update the loader file and then redirect you to the DFFS backend config you were trying to access.

SPJS-utility.js v1.339

  • Fixed a bug in getFieldValue occurring when setting the attachment field as ready only when you have documents with single quote in the file name.

SPJS AC v1.6.41

  • Fixed a small bug where the CSS class indicating that the selection is valid (showing a green outline when hovering over the field) is removed when using the spjs.ac.setFieldValue even if the field is successfully set.
  • Added a check for callback functions added in Custom JS. If you like to run some code when a valid, invalid or empty value is added, you can add these functions to your Custom JS:
function spjs_ac_validSelectionCallback(fin,val){
function spjs_ac_invalidSelectionCallback(fin,val){
function spjs_ac_clearSelectionCallback(fin){

October 27, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.14
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.14
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.4
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.140
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.38
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.32
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-lookup.js v1.1.19
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.139
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.139

DFFS v4.4.4.14

  • Changed how vLookup field labels are initially hidden when DFFS is loading to only hide when the vLookup column has NOT been given another display name.
  • Fixed an error occurring if you have the Attachment field in a collapsible heading section in a form, and use Side-By-Side functionality by setting the SBS: index value.
  • Removed some instances where the jQuery namespace was used in the source code and not the jQspjs namespace created by calling jQuery.noConflict().

DFFS Inststaller v2.0.0.4

  • Ensured that jQspjs is loaded using jQuery.noConflict() in the file /DFFS/loader/DFFS_Loader_v2.html (the file is created the first time you use the DFFS intstaller v2).
  • Removed some instances where the jQuery namespace was used in the source code and not the jQspjs namespace created by calling jQuery.noConflict().

SPJS-utility v1.338

  • Removed some instances where the jQuery namespace was used in the source code and not the jQspjs namespace created by calling jQuery.noConflict().

AC v1.6.40

  • If you use reValidateOnLoad in combination with rowLimit it fails to validate if the search string contains spaces and the dataset returned by searching by the first part of the search string does not include the selected item within the rowLimit.
  • If you used reValidateOnLoad in combination with useREST and preloadData it would show a list of options and not automatically reselect the current item even if it found an exact match.
  • If you used reValidateOnLoad in combination with clearSetFieldsOnInvalidSelection and it did not find an exact match, but found options starting with the same search string, setFields was not cleared.
  • Removed some instances where the jQuery namespace was used in the source code and not the jQspjs namespace created by calling jQuery.noConflict().

Cascading Dropdowns v3.7.32

  • Removed some instances where the jQuery namespace was used in the source code and not the jQspjs namespace created by calling jQuery.noConflict().

SPJS-Lookup v1.1.19

  • Removed some instances where the jQuery namespace was used in the source code and not the jQspjs namespace created by calling jQuery.noConflict().

vLookup v2.2.139

  • Removed some instances where the jQuery namespace was used in the source code and not the jQspjs namespace created by calling jQuery.noConflict().

October 15, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.13
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.13
/DFFS/loader/DFFS_loader_overlay.html October 14, 2019
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.38
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.31
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-lookup.js v1.1.18

DFFS v4.4.4.13

  • Added support for writing inline js in the Run these functions / trigger these rules field in a rule. See help icon for further details.
  • Fixed a typo in DFFS Backend “User default browser alert box” > “Use default browser alert box”.
  • Added new function to set the field label for a field – use it like this in Custom JS:
"fin": "Title",
"label": "Title new label",
"css": {"color":"green", "font-size": "1.5em"}

  • Added option to specify a header on the tooltip dialog when clicking the tooltip icon by adding the text like this: header[#]body.
  • Changed the default “This took forever” message showing if DFFS for some reason fails to load and removed the click to remove overlay option.

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.38

  • Added new option to specify numeric (and not alphabetical) sorting of items – use it like this:
"orderBy": {
"fin": "ID",
"ascending": true,
"numeric": true

SPJS_lookup.js v1.1.18

  • Added new option to specify numeric (and not alphabetical) sorting of items – use it like this:
"orderBy": {
"fin": "SortIndex",
"ascending": true,
"numeric": true

SPJS-casc.js v3.7.31

  • Added callback when the next <select> is filled with the available options to enable the use of custom js to set values in a cascading dropdown. Add this to your Custom JS:
function spjs_casc_ready(id, readyFIN, index) {
    var config = spjs.casc.data[id];
    var filterValue = getFieldValue(config.thisListFields[(index - 1) > - 1 ? (index - 1) : index]);
    // Add your custom code here - like this example
    if (readyFIN === "Level2" && filterValue === "2. Printer") {
        setFieldValue("Level2", "Inkjet");
    if (readyFIN === "Level3" && filterValue === "Inkjet") {
        setFieldValue("Level3", "Low on ink");

October 10, 2019

Changed files in this release
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.12
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.12

DFFS v4.4.4.12

  • Removed a forgotten debugger statement in the DFFS_frontend.min.js file (in the processEmailTemplate function).

October 09, 2019

Changed files in this release
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.11
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.11

DFFS v4.4.4.11

  • Added support for using HTML section in a side-by-side configuration.
  • Tried to fix possible issue with having the same email address two times in the To or Cc of an email caused by using {currentUserEmail} in combination with a user group.

September 20, 2019

Changed files in this release
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.10
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.10
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.3

DFFS v4.4.4.10

  • Fixed an issue with using {inject} in custom js where the file was cached in the browser.

DFFS Installer v2.0.0.3

  • Fixed a but occurring when the installer was used in a subsite. The path in the site select was showing the root site and not the current subsite – this made selecting the current stubsite impossible.
  • Fixed a bug where the plugins for ac, casc, lookup and rm was not loaded when editing DFFS configs installed with the new installer.
  • Added the file /DFFS/JSLink/Setup.html for use with existing JSLink installations. Please note that this is NOT the recommended installation method and this file is only added for backwards compatibility with older installations.
  • Fixed a problem with a missing variable spjs_path when loading custom js files in the textarea above Custom JS when used on an on premises installed SharePoint. This missing path is also used when printing a tab in a DFFS form.

September 11, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.8
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.8
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.1

DFFS v4.4.4.8

  • Fixed typo in backend when creating restore point: retore > restore.
  • Changed andSelf > addBack in spjs.dffs.closeDlg to fix a compatibility problem with jQuery 3.x.
  • Changed Misc tab Redirect to NewForm (to add another item) to keep the query string.
  • Fixed a bug where when using the Bypass all rules for these user IDs or SharePoint group names / IDs in the Misc tab, no tabs were preselected when the form loaded.
  • When using Bypass all rules for these user IDs or SharePoint group names / IDs I have added a variable spjs.dffs.data.bypassAllRules that you can check in custom js to see if the user have bypassed all rules in the form.
  • When using Bypass all rules for these user IDs or SharePoint group names / IDs, fixed an error where the debug output was written even if the rules were not processed.
  • Added new checkbox under the Find in rules to highlight all rules where Set field value is used.

DFFS Installer v2.0.0.1

  • Added option to use ~site and ~sitecollection as part of the path to a custom js or css file.
  • Fixed the link to the configuration from the Review installations tab – it was missing a forward slash.
  • Changed the method used to get subwebs to ensure users can select all subsites where they have access.

September 04, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.7
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.7
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.51
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.337
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.37
/DFFS/plugins/spjs-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.138
/DFFS/plugins/spjs-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.138
/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html v2.0.0.0

DFFS v4.4.4.7

  • Added Redirect to NewForm in the Save and redirect and settings in the Misc tab.
  • Changed the position of the tooltip icon to place it between the formlabel and the star indicating a requried field.

DFFS_frontend.css v4.51

  • Changed the style of the customTooltip placeholder. This CSS is used with JavaScript to position the icon between the field label and the star indicating a requried field.

vLookup v2.2.138

  • Fixed a bug where a folder with an apostrophe causes any subfolders to fail to open when clicking it.

SPJS-utility.js v1.337

  • Fixed an error in getFieldValue_SPFieldDateTime – Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined. This occurred in some cases where you had Custom JS using getFieldValue on a date picker on load.

SPJS-ac v1.6.37

  • Fixed a problem with the help text not positioning correctly when using the Freeze the tab row when the form is scrolled setting in the Misc tab.

DFFS installer v2.0.0.0

New installer – writes absolute script tags and does no longer dynamically load the scripts. This fixes some issues with for example duplicate tab where the scripts won’t load.

Please note that you must set up a new web part page and link to the new /SPJS/DFFS/installer/DFFS_installer_v2.html file and then uninstall and reinstall DFFS in the forms using this new installer. You can keep both installers side-by-side and upgrade one form at the time.

This new installer also doubles as DFFS backend so hitting the Enhanced with DFFS button in a form installed with DFFS_Installer_v2 will take you to the DFFS_installer_v2 page and show the DFFS backend configuration.

August 29, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.6
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.6
/DFFS/plugins/spjs-rm.js v2.4.5
/DFFS/plugins/spjs-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.136
/DFFS/plugins/spjs-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.136

DFFS v4.4.4.6

  • Added a new trigger: Group membership: Can view membership in group. The rule will check if the user is member of the group directly or indirectly by being member of an AD-group added to the SharePoint group.
    Please note: For this to work, the SharePoint group must be configured with Who can view the membership of the group? = Group Members. Also, it will not work properly for administrators because they have the rights to view membership in the group even if they are not actually a member. This trigger only works for SharePoint 2013+.
  • Fixed a bug with checking linked rules.
    Previously it worked like this:
    Lets say you have two rules: A and B. Rule A triggers on the Approver field not being empty, and also uses a custom function as linked rule.The main trigger of rule A is evaluated to TRUE while the linked function evaluates to FALSE. This means rule A will not be run. Rule B triggers on change of the Approver field, and has rule A as a linked rule. Rule B will evaluate to TRUE on change of the Approver field, and when checking the status of the linked rule A will return TRUE because the main trigger on rule A evaluated to TRUE – even if the linked function is evaluated to FALSE.The fix changes it so the status of any linked rules of the linked rule you are currently checking will be take into account.
  • Fixed check for linked rules when saving – any linked rules that are evaluated to FALSE will stop the save process.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in v4.4.4.0 where you cannot trigger a rule set with No trigger (must be triggered manually) from Custom JS.

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.136

  • Added ItemEditURL as option in prefill values in child.

SPJS-rm v2.4.5

  • Fixed a problem with getting item id when using vLookup and passing ID in the URL.

August 12, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.5
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.5
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.50

DFFS v4.4.4.5

  • Fixed an error occurring only in IE 8: “Expected identifier”.
  • Fixed a problem with calculating the tooltip width when using short tooltips. If the new aspect ratio doesn’t work as you like, you can also override the tooltip width by wrapping the tooltip text in a div like this:
    <div style="width:250px">This is a tooltip text</div>
  • Fixed an error where adding two or more headings directly after one another caused these headings to disappear.

August 07, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.4
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.4
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.49

DFFS v4.4.4.4

  • Fixed a bug where when you use the Select this tab (tab index or Tab unique ID) field in a rule to select a tab by its Tab unique ID and not by it’s index, the Headings and HTML sections would not show up until you click on the same tab.
  • Fixed a possible bug if you do NOT check the new “Freeze the tab row when the form is scrolled” in the Misc tab. This might result in a scrollbar showing if you have a people picker or a date field as the last field in the form and you try to interact with the field.
  • Added option to hide cancel button by rule.
  • Fixed a bug occurring when you have multiple onchange triggers on the same field. Multiple rules on one trigger is processed like this:
    Before actually triggering the rules, the function loops over the rules – identifying which of the rules evaluate to true and which evaluate to false – including any linked rules.This is because any unmatched rule must be checked before the matched to ensure it is the matched rule that gets its actions applied last in case one of the unmatched makes changes that interfere with the matched rule actions.It now loops over all unmatched (false) rules, reversing any actions for rules that hasn’t disabled the reversing. After that, it loops over all matched (true) rules and trigger any actions on that rule.The problem was that while looping over the rules, the first rule makes changes to another field that the next rule uses as “Linked rule”. This causes the second rule to miss the change to the linked rule, behaving like it has the value from the initial loop.
  • Updated the code for the tooltip to open the tooltip in a modal dialog if you click the icon.
  • Fixed an error in DFFS configuration where Custom JS Custom CSS editor renders blank even if it has content. This occurred when the following conditions were met:
    * You had a password for entering the DFFS config set in the Misc tab.
    * You used the “Switch to NewForm”, “Switch to DispForm” or “Switch to EditForm” buttons when you stood on the Custom JS or Custom CSS tab.
    * You left the page inactive for more than 10 minutes.
    * You refreshed the page and got the password prompt.
    When you got into the config after typing in the password, the correct tab would be selected but the contents of the code editor was missing. If you saved the config at this stage, the contents of the tab (Custom JS or Custom CSS) was lost.
  • Fixed an bug introduced in v4.4.4.0 where a heading that was added as the only field in a tab, or as the last field in a tab would not render.

July 31, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.2
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.2
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.48
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.36
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.135
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.134

DFFS v4.4.4.2

  • Changed the function for emailing a DFFS tab to remove lines with class dffs_noEmail (added using custom js). In previous versions only HTML sections where this class was used would be removed.
  • Fixed a bug where a rule set to trigger on The form is saved also triggered when the form loaded. This bug was introduced in v4.4.4.0.
  • Fixed an error where a rule triggering on Workflow status was run on load even if it was disabled.
  • Added new option to hide the Cancel tab in NewForm and EditForm in the tab configuration.
  • Fixed an issue with using the trigger is changed for a choice field with a default value set in list settings in combination with the setting Validate on = Field change (It is not necessary to change this because the change rules are not validated on load anyways). In this case the default value would not be picked up, and the first change would not trigger the rule.

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.36

  • Fixed an error where the change event on setFields was run twice.

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.135

  • Fixed a bug was introduces in v2.2.133 related to setting a hyperlink field in Prefill values in child based on a hyperlink field in the parent. The field would be set with a HTML tag like this:
    <a href='link'>text</a>

    and not a clean link and description.

  • Fixed a bug where a button inserted with a custom function was still clickable when the vLookup field was set readonly.

July 27, 2019

Changed files in this release
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.1
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.1
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.35

DFFS v4.4.4.1

  • Fixed required field validation on single and multiline plain text fields to prevent the user from using one or more whitespace to bypass the validation.
  • Removed the {no-cache} suffix from the Load these files before executing the Custom JS because it was not working with the Require.js loader. Use {inject} instead. Existing {no-cache} settings will be changed to {inject} on load to ensure backwards compatibility.
  • Fixed bug with using upper case .JS in Load these files before executing the Custom JS that prevented the file from being loaded.
  • Fixed an issue introduced in v4.4.4.0 related to using a custom function in the Linked rules and functions field in a trigger – this would throw an exception.
  • Changed Load these files before executing the Custom JS so that files loaded with the {inject} suffix will be loaded in the correct order and not like before in a random order based on when the async jQuery.get(…) function returned the content.
  • Added a try-catch to catch errors in custom functions used in trigger Custom JavaScript function or when using custom functions in Linked rules or functions.
  • Fixed an issue where you had used the Form background color setting in the Misc tab and then set a field readonly – the color would not be the one used for the original field.

SPJS-AC v1.6.35

  • Fixed setFieldValue when using people picker.

July 21, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.4.0
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.4.0
/DFFS/installer/Installer_CEWP_code.html v1.1.0.7
/DFFS/plugins/spsj_vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.133
/DFFS/plugins/spsj_vLookup_backend.js v2.2.133
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.33
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.30
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-lookup.js v1.1.17
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Utility.js v1.336

DFFS v4.4.4.0

  • Rewritten the trigger handling to fix some issues where multiple rules triggering on the same field. In cases where you did not use the “No reversing of this rule”, the rules might not trigger in the correct order so you might end up with one of the not-matched rules triggering last, and when reversion its actions it might mess with the matched rule(s) and undo some of the actions.
  • Fixed an issue where if you had multiple rules triggering on the same field, and more than one of them had a Display this message action, only the last message would be visible.
  • Fixed a bug in the trigger “between” when comparing two fields like this: {Field1}:{Field2}. In previous versions you could use “-” as separator (and this still works), but the tooltip / help text indicates that you should use “:”. This was however not fully implemented in the code and failed when comparing two fields like this, and not just comparing numbers like this: 100:200.
  • Changed the internal function for cancelling pending emails to reduce the number of queries.
  • Added new function spjs.dffs.evaluateRule(“ruleID”); Use this in custom js to run a rule manually.
  • Added new option Freeze tab row (experimental) to the Misc tab. This will make the formtable scroll, but the tabs stay at the top of the page.
  • Added new option Hide the quick launch (left side menu) when opening a form to the Misc tab. Use this to hide the quicklaunch when opening a DFFS enabled form.
  • Fixed a problem where a boolean (Yes/No) value would show as true or false when it was included in an email (using Enable E-Mailing the active tab). Also made some small changes to the heading format and the width of the formlabel column.
  • Added new modal dialog code for use in your Custom JS (in addition to the spjs.dffs.alert functionality). Open the console (hit F12) and type in this to see how it works: spjs.modal.help();
  • Changed some internal functions to speed up the building of tabs in large forms.

DFFS Installer v1.1.0.7

  • Changed / clarified the message in the top of the page which describes where the files are loaded from, and what the dffs_folder_location variable is set to.

DFFS Loader overlay

  • Removed the default Working on it… text – you can add it back if you edit the file DFFS_loader-overlay.html – line 4, or add your own custom overlay message when installing DFFS from the DFFS installer.

vLookup v2.2.133

  • When you set a vLookup field as readonly, the Add folder button was not removed.
  • Added new option to set the dialog title when opening a child item. You find the setting in the Open new item link in new dialog box section in the vLookup configuration.
  • Fixed a bug in Prefill values in child when you tried to set an URL field in the child list.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Save and redirect in the Misc tab from working when using multiple nested dialogs – for example when the main form is opened in a dialog, and a vLookup child form in a new dialog on top of that.
  • Removed the vLookup column from the form if it is disabled vLookup in the config.
  • Added a default hiding of the field label to prevent a flash of the label if you don’t use the option to hide the label in the configuration.
  • Added support for using custom function to process the results when using Sum, Average and Count. Please note that this function will only be applied to the final result and not to the values in each of the list items as they are processed. Please note that when using this custom function with one of these “Actions” the only argument to the function is the value – no item is passed to the function.

SPJS-ac v1.6.33

  • Added new function spjs.ac.setFieldValue(“FieldName”,”Value”); use this to set the value and resolve it.
  • Fixed a problem with changing the value in an autocomplete after it has first been set when you do not use “useREST”: true and “preloadData”: true. In this case you might be unable to search for a value even if it is in the list of options.
  • Fixed a bug where a change did not trigger a DFFS rule triggering on the same field.
  • Fixed a bug when using multiselect where a search resulting in 0 hits would clear the hidden input field, while leaving the autocomplete selected options still selected – effectively clearing the field value.
  • Fixed an issue where using the spjs.ac.peoplePicker on SP 2013+ with “listOptionsOnFocus”:true did not work.

SPJS-casc v3.7.30

  • Fixed a bug where a rule set to trigger on change of a cascading dropdown did not trigger.
  • Fixed a bug where the field was hidden if you used :multi and had Hide the dropdowns when they have no available options checked.
  • Fixed a bug with substringof filter.

SPJS-utility.js v1.336

  • Fixed an issue with setFieldValue on a radio choice field with fill-in (add your own value) where it would only fill the input, but not check the corresponding radiobutton. Also fixed some issues with select and multichoice fields with fill-in activated.

SPJS-lookup v1.1.17

  • Fixed a broken orderBy function.

March 31, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.65
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.65
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.26

DFFS v4.4.3.65

  • Fixed an issue with using the “Show this text above the tabs” field in the Misc tab and not using a field reference like this: {Title}. If the script did not detect any curly braces, it would wrap all the text in curly braces when reloading the configuration.
  • Removed an alert that shows if you use the “Compare logged in user with people picker field” when the field is not in the current content type.

SPJS-Casc v3.7.26

  • Fixed an issue with the setting “Hide the dropdowns when they have no available options” when using side-by-side configuration in DFFS.

March 13, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.64
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.64
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.129
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.129

DFFS v4.4.3.64

  • Fixed a bug with using multiple rules triggering on change / change from initial value on a multichoice field. I had fixed this in the previous release, but I ended up reusing / overwriting a variable when I tidied up the code before releasing v4.4.3.63 – with the result that only the last rule on this field triggered.
  • Changed the License tab in DFFS backend to NOT show the license code when this is supplied in the DFFS_loader.html file.

vLookup v2.2.128

  • Fixed a bug causing variables referred using {var:name_of_variable} returned an escaped string.

March 06, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.63
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.63
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.332
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.128
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.128
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-lookup.js v1.1.16

DFFS v4.4.3.63

  • Fixed an issue where the a header with class “dffs_noPrint” was not hidden when printing the form with the print button added from the Email and Print tab. This is related to the change of the print function in the latest version.
  • Fixed an issue where using multiple rules with the trigger “Changed” or “Changed from initial value” on the same field failed to trigger all the rules.
  • Fixed an issue with the debug output where the current value of a multichoice field did not show. The rule still worked as it was intended, only the debug output was missing the correct value.
  • Fixed an issue with using the trigger “is between” or “is not between” with negative numbers on a number field. Also fixed a bug with using negative numbers with three decimals and no thousand separator. The decimal separator was interpreted as a thousands separator and the number was therefore parsed wrongly.
  • Changed the default value for the “Expand or collapse each section individually (expanding one will not collapse other sections)” checkbox in the “Expand and collapse” tab from false to true. This only affects new configurations.
  • Made the clickable header on tabs and rules wider so you don’t have to click on the name of the tab or rule.

SPJS-Utility.js v1.332

  • Fixed an issue where using {{FieldInternalName}} in a HTML section or Heading did not properly update when using the setFieldValue function to set a people picker or date column value.
  • Fixed an issue with using getFieldValue on a multiline text field in DispForm returned the comment tag <!– –> if the field was empty.
  • Fixed an issue where calling setFieldValue on a date column and passing in an invalid date string caused an error in the developer console.

vLookup v2.2.128

  • Fixed a missing tooltip text for “Grand total label”.
  • Fixed typo: “disable groping” > “disable grouping”.
  • Fixed an issue with using a value with quotes in CAML query caued an error – for example by using [currentitem:Title] and where the Title of the list item contained a quote.
  • Removed the requirement to have the field _vLookupID in the parent list when trying to use vLookup from NewForm.

SPJS-Lookup.js v1.1.16

  • Fixed a regression bug from the previous version where “addYourOwnValue”:true and an invalid option in the input field (for example from datasheet edit) would cause the “kill” function to be called, but should call the “addOwnValue” function.
  • Fixed a bug where “clearInvalidSelection”:false did clear the selected value, but kept the invalid option in the list of available options to select from.

January 12, 2019

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.60
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.60
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.328
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.28
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.127
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.127
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-lookup.js v1.1.14
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.25
/DFFS/js/DFFS_i18n.js – new

DFFS v4.4.3.60

  • Fixed a bug in DFFS backend where selecting some of the options in the “If this trigger” selector on a rule did not properly show the “This value” field.
  • Changed the code used on the Print active tab to create printouts that better matches the format of the form as shown in the browser.
  • Added support for using Group ID in rules to control Optional fields, Required fields, Visible fields, Hidden fields, Editable fields and Read-only fields based on the Group ID set in Tabs.
  • Added a new function to returned a formatted date string from a date object. Use it like this:
spjs.dffs.formatDate(new Date(), "dddd MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm am/pm");

To be able to translate month and day names (short and long names) for use in the formatting string in Internet Explorer < v11 I had to include the translated names in a new file loaded in the DFFS_loader.html file. If you use another method to load DFFS you must include this file to be able to use long and short month and days (MMMM, MMM, dddd and ddd). Currently it has only been translated into English (default fallback for all non configured languages), Norwegian and German. If you like to add more languages you can edit the file /SPJS/DFFS/js/DFFS_i18n.js and also send it to me for inclusion in the next version.

Possible date formatting values are:
MMMM = Long month
MMM = Short month
MM = Two digit month
M = Numeric month
dddd = Long day
ddd = Short day
dd = Two digit day
d = Numeric day
yyyy = 4 digit year
yy = 2 digit year
mm = minutes
hh = Hour in 12 hour format
HH = Hour in 24 hour format
ss = Second
am/pm = AM or PM indicator

I have updated the spjs.dffs.buildValStr function to use this new formatDate function when called with a {timestamp[date_format_string]}

SPJS-ac v1.6.28

  • Fixed a bug: When used with a people picker (in SP 2007 or 2010) and filtering on members in one user group only, no matches were found.

SPJS-utility.js v1.328

  • Fixed a bug in the spjs.utility.setDlgTitle function: When you open a new form in a dialog when you are already in a dialog, calling this function to set the title on the last dialog opened would instead set the title on the parent dialog. Please note that this will not work in SP 2010 when using Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed a bug causing getFieldValue on a people picker in DispForm to fail if the format of the people picker was not “Name (with presence)”.
  • Changed how the result of getFieldValue on a multiple lines of text field in DispForm was returned to remove the <comment> tag.

SPJS-vLookup v2.2.127

  • Added light gray lines between rows in the table to increase readability.

SPJS-Lookup v1.1.14

  • Added support for using variables in this format in the lookup source list:

    Please note that this is for advanced users only.

  • Fixed the spjs.lookup.kill function to work when not using the addYouOwnValue option.
  • Added default alphabetical sort order for the options.
  • Added support for supplying your own custom sort function in the argObj like this:
    "fieldToConvertToDropdown": [
    "customSort":function (a, b) {
    var aa = a.text, bb = b.text;
    if(aa.split(".")[0] < 10){
    aa = "0"+ aa;
    if(bb.split(".")[0] < 10){
    bb = "0"+ bb;
    if (aa < bb) {
    return -1;
    if (aa > bb) {
    return 1;
    return 0;

    This sort function example sorts values that contains numbered options from 1-10. The default alphabetical sort order would sort like this: 1, 10, 2, 3 etc., but now it will show 1, 2, 3 and so on.

SPJS-Casc v3.7.25

  • Added support for using variables in this format in the lookup source list and in the “The default value in the dropdown select when no value has been selected” in the Cascading dropdown tab in DFFS backend:

    Please note that this is for advanced users only.

  • Added option to override the sort function used for each of the fields in the cascading dropdown. Add this snippet to your Custom JS in the form:
    spjs.casc.customSort.Level1 = function (a, b) {
    var aa = a.text, bb = b.text;
    if(aa.split(".")[0] < 10){
    aa = "0"+ aa;
    if(bb.split(".")[0] < 10){
    bb = "0"+ bb;
    if (aa < bb) {
    return -1;
    if (aa > bb) {
    return 1;
    return 0;

    This sort function example sorts values that contains numbered options from 1-10. The default alphabetical sort order would sort like this: 1, 10, 2, 3 etc., but now it will show 1, 2, 3 and so on.

    To sort another field in the same cascading dropdown you can either add another sort function for the other fields, or do it like this to apply the same sort order to Level2 as you used in Level1:

    spjs.casc.customSort.Level2 = spjs.casc.customSort.Level1;

    Please note that when using the pipe delimited values in the source list there will be no sorting of the options and they will show in the exact order they were written in the source list.

November 10, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.58
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.58
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.46
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.27

DFFS v4.4.3.58

  • Fixed a problem where a missing closing span tag in the script generated HTML caused IE 8 (or IE 11 in IE 8 compatibility mode) to fail to render the DFFS backend.
  • Fixed a problem with the Development mode in DFFS backend. If you started configuring a new form, and entered Development mode directly by hitting the click to change link in the green box in the top of the form before you had initially saved a configuration, you would not be able to load the Development mode configuration again after closing it.
  • Fixed a problem with detecting formtype when entering DFFS backend from the List all configurations in the selected site base url above list of configurations in the DFFS installer. This caused DispForm to fail to list calculated column and additional fields on a lookup column.

DFFS_frontend.css v4.46

  • Minor changes to add a border around the spjs.dffs.alert dialog box to make it look better in IE 8 mode where box-shadow and transparent backend is not supported.

SPJS-ac.js v1.6.27

  • Added a new option clearSetFieldsOnInvalidSelection that controls whether or not to clear the setFields when manipulating the applyTo field, but not setting a valid option.

October 21, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.57
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.57
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Lookup.js v1.1.13

DFFS v4.4.3.57

  • Fixed a bug with the copy tab functionality where it didn’t include the group id.
  • Fixed an bug where the built in errorhandler for catching load errors on scripts included in the textarea above the Custom JS in some cases cough other require.js load errors and therefore showed “Failed to load undefined.js” or “Failed to load null.js” above the form.

SPJS-Lookup.js v1.1.13

  • Fixed a bug where changing the value of the dropdown would not trigger a DFFS rule set to trigger on change. This is related to the change in DFFS v4.4.3.53 to fix a general problem with on-change-rules.

October 11, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.55
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.55
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-casc.js v3.7.23
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js v1.6.26
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.328

DFFS v4.4.3.55

  • Added functionality to check Custom CSS file paths.
  • Tried to fix an issue with using DFFS on an Android device where the soft keyboard would pop up when loading the form. Please note that if you do not use tabs, the only way to avoid it popping up is to not have a focusable text field (input or textarea) as the first field in the form.
  • Fixed a bug in the “Copy tab” functionality that failed to copy the unique id of HTML sections and rows and mistakingly used the Heading ID of any heading above the HTML section or Row as id.

SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.23

  • Fixed a problem (most likely introduced in DFFS v4.4.3.54) that makes a rule set to trigger on change of one of the fields in the cascading dropdown configuration fail to trigger the rule.

SPJS-AC.js v1.6.26

  • Fixed some issues with using “listOptionsOnFocus = true”. If you focused on the field and selected one of the options from the list, but then cleared the selection again, the list of options would not show and you had to use the type-to-search functionality to get the list of options.
  • Fixed one issue with using “listOptionsOnFocus = true” with “useREST = true”, “preloadData = true”, “enforceUniqueValues” and a rowLimit set to for example 10. If you among the first 10 items in the list had duplicates, the count of options would not list 10 items like specified in the rowLimit, but 10 items minus the duplicates. Please note that if you use “enforceUniqueValues = true”, “userRest = false” and “preloadData = false” the list of options will list only the unique values among the “rowLimit” number of items.

SPJS-Utility.js v1.328

  • Added a check in most of the setFieldValue functions to prevent triggering a change event of a field if you set the field value (by a rule or custom js) to the same value as the field already has.

October 03, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.54
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.54

DFFS v4.4.3.54

  • Fixed a regression bug introduced in the v4.4.3.53 that broke the configuration for forms not using at least one tab.
  • Added some more functionality to the DEVELOPMENT mode where you get a warning if your current DEV mode config is older than the current PROD mode config.
  • Added link to open a new tab in DEVELOPMENT mode (frontend) from a DEVELOPMENT mode configuration (backend). You find the link in the red banner in the top of the page.

September 30, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.53
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.53
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.125
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.125
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Utility.js v1.327

DFFS v4.4.3.53

  • Changed the Save and create restore point functionality to just Create restore point. It will no longer save the current form config, but only crate a restore point of the current changes.
  • Added a new suffix for use in the Load these files before executing the Custom JS textarea. Use {inject} to have the file contents perpended to the Custom JS on page load (in frontend) to ensure it is directly accessible from within Custom JS.
  • Fixed a bug with the new Group ID functionality where you could not use an underscore in the Group ID.
  • Rewritten the functionality for handling rules triggering on change of a field because it didn’t behave consistently.

vLookup v2.2.125

  • Changed the internal function “spjs.vLookup.openInDialog” to show the “allowMaximized” button in the dialog header when opening a child item in DispForm or EditForm.

SPJS-Utility.js v1.327

  • Changed setFieldValue for DateTime, Choice (radiobutton) and Managed Metadata to ensure setting the value will properly trigger a rule set to trigger on change of that column.

September 24, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.52
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.52
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.124
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.124
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-AC.js v1.6.24
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.326
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Lookup.js v1.1.12
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css v4.45
/DFFS/css/DFFS_backend.css v4.45

DFFS v4.4.3.52

  • Added new functionality to assign a Group ID to fields, headings, HTML sections and custom rows. This lets you use the Visible headings or elements and Hidden headings or elements to show or hide a group of fields.
  • Added support for Canadian English date format (LCID 4105) when using setFieldValue on a date picker.
  • Added better support for using {var:name_of_variable} when the variable is not ready when the form loads. The new change will immediately replace the variable if it is ready, and insert a placeholder <span> element if it is not – and when the variable is ready, replace the <span> element with the variable value. In previous version, the value would be empty if the variable wasn’t ready before form load.
  • Added a new setting in the Misc tab (under the tabs section) to completely hide the tab row. This is intended used when you only have one tab configured, and you don’t want the tab to show.
  • Added a dffs-print class to the output table used when printing a dffs form.
  • Added option to specify which tabs to show the print and email button. You find this setting in the Email and Print tab in DispForm configuration.
  • Added functionality to toggle line wrap in the ACE code editor in Custom JS and Custom CSS.
  • Fixed height calculation in the Custom JS ACE code editor.
  • Added support for copying individual tabs, rules, emails and configuration for cascading dropdowns from one form to another.
  • Fixed an issue with using a trigger on a date column equals [today] when the date column was empty – and you check this rule in “Linked rules and functions” on another rule. This would give you an error telling that the rule has not yet run.
  • Fixed a missing trigger when resetting a date column to empty.
  • Added support for using {var:name_of_variable} in the “This value” section in a trigger on a text field.
  • Changed the DFFS installer functionality for “List all configurations in the selected base url above” to show the actual folder location and not the path stored in the configuration blob.

SPJS-AC.js v1.6.24

  • Added “scope=Recursive” to fix a problem when using folders.
  • Fixed an error in “Add new” related to the spjs.ac.destroy function. It destroyed the original arguments as well and caused an error when it was re-initiated.

SPJS-Utility.js v1.326

  • Changed the getFieldValue function for getting multichoice people picker values in DispForm.
  • Fixed a bug in the function spjs.utility.setDlgTitle to prevent an error when trying to use it when the form is not in a dialog.

vLookup v2.2.124

  • Fixed an issue where the vLookup functionality would not trigger if there were no tabs configured in the DFFS configuration.

SPJS-Lookup v1.1.12

  • Added new setting “allowBlank” to allow the field to be reset to blank.

July 31, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.48
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.48
/DFFS/js/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.123
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js v1.6.22
/DFFS/installer/installer_CEWP_code.html v1.1.0.5
/DFFS/loader/DFFS_loader.html July 31, 2018

DFFS v4.4.3.48

  • Added some more support for using {var:name_of_variable} in “Email current tab” form labels.

DFFS Installer v1.1.0.5

  • Fixed a compatiblity issue with IE 8 / IE 8 mode when editing an existing configuration.
  • Fixed an issue in the DFFS installer where the custom folder location field was not cleared when navigating from one form where you have used a custom folder to one which had not.

vLookup v2.2.123

  • Fixed a regression bug introduced in the prevous version that prevented the use of [currentItem:ID] in the query builder when finding children that has a lookup column pointing to the current list item.

spjs-utility.js v1.324

  • Changed the function spjs.utility.setDlgTitle to make it more stable because it sometimes failed to update the title if it was run to soon after the dialog was opened.
    Use it like this:

    spjs.utility.setDlgTitle("New dialog title") ;

July 06, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.47
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.47
/DFFS/js/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.122
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-AC.js v1.6.22
/DFFS/loader/DFFS_loader.html July 06, 2018

DFFS v4.4.3.47

  • Fixed a layout issue in DFFS backend where very long field name would push the field select width so it overlapped other controls.
  • Removed the check to ensure a required field does actually have a value before making it readonly by a rule. If you do set a required field to readonly, you must ensure it is actually filled before attempting to save the list item because it will prevent you from saving the form.
  • Fixed a bug in DispForm where you have a rule triggering on a boolean (Yes/No) field being unchecked / false, and you have added this boolean column after some of the items have already been created in this list. This would cause an error on the items created before this column was added because the list item would not have the correct value saved in the DB. The current value “” (empty string) would not be the correct type – expecting a boolean false.
  • Fixed a possible bug where require.js would try to load the script files added to the Load these files before executing the Custom JS in the Custom JS tab even if they are not AMD compatible, and therefore fail. This would cause the form to timeout with the “This tool forever” message.
  • Added support for using the site or site collection URL as challenge code for the license code prepare for situations where you have a site or site collection license, but the users don’t have access to the root site of your site collection.
  • Added support for adding custom table rows like you add Headings or HTML section. Please not that this might need some testing.

SPJS-AC v1.6.22

  • Fixed a possible bug occurring when you use the :multi setting and don’t have the “setFields”:[] value in the argument object.

SPJS vLookup frontend v2.2.122

  • Fixed a regression bug where you could not use {var:name_of_variable} in the query builder.

June 05, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.44
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.44
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.22
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Lookup.js v1.1.11
/DFFS/installer/Installer_CEWP_code.html v1.1.0.4
/DFFS/loader/DFFS_loader.html June 04, 2018

DFFS v4.4.3.45

  • Fixed a bug where the orange left border was missing when you hovered over a section in tabs, rules or cascading dropdown configuration in DFFS backend.
  • Added another Note to self in the Misc tab.
  • Added some more support for using {var:variable_name} in various places in the DFFS configuration.
  • Fixed a bug related to copying a DFFS configuration from one form to another when using the “?FormType=XYZ” option. In this case, the configuration would not be assosiated with the current FormType and would be saved without the FormType suffix.
  • Fixed a bug related to using Enter or Esc to press the OK or Cancel button in a DFFS dialog box. When using an input element in the dialog, hitting Enter would click the OK button instead of crating a new line.
  • Fixed a bug in DFFS backend when using the trigger “is changed” or “is changed form initial value” on a choice field. In this case, the list of options would show when you reloaded the configuration. This is only a cosmetic bug and it didn’t affect the operation of the rule.
  • Fixed a bug related to saving a form when you got a validation error on for example a hyperlink field where you used a to long URL. In this case, you would not be able to save the form after correcting the URL.
  • Added a check to catch rules set to trigger on a specific option, and where the list of valid options no longer contains this option. In this case, an error message will be show when entering DFFS backen.
  • Added buttons in the Misc tab to toggle the visibility of the configuration lists for DFFS and vLookup in “Site contents”. Please note that this is not supported in SP 2007.

DFFS Installer

  • Fixed a typo.
  • Removed two console.log statements that was left behind from last version. This might have caused an error message in the console (F12 > Console) if you used Internet Explorer to install DFFS in a new list.
  • Added an option to list all configurations for DFFS found in the site you have referred in the “Site base url” input. You will be able to click a link to go to the form, or to go directly to the configuraion. Please note that the information is pulled form the configuration list and is note pulled directly from each form in every list in the site. This means that the information listed is the last saved version information for that form.

SPJS-Lookup v1.1.11

  • Fixed a bug where you in EditForm got two options in the dropdown with the value you had currently selected in the dropdown.

SPJS-Casc v3.7.22

  • Fixed a regression bug where a single quote used in th option value would cause an error.
  • Fixed a bug related to using a boolean (Yes/No) field as input to the cascading dropdown.
  • Fixed a bug related to using the ID column as input to the cascading dropdown.
  • Added a new “kill” function to completely remove SPJS-casc from a list of fields – for example for use when you want to reset it to reinitiate it with another datset. Use it like this
  • Fixed a possible bug where the hidden input field behind the dropdown select wouldn’t fill properly when selecting an option in the dropdown.

April 15, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js v4.4.3.42
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js v4.4.3.42
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js v2.2.121
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js v2.2.121
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.13
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-AC.js v1.6.21
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-Lookup.js v1.1.10
/DFFS/loader/DFFS_loader.html April 15, 2018

DFFS v4.4.3.42

  • Changed how the “Show list of empty required fields when attempting to save the form” banner (activated in the Misc tab) work when scrolling the form in SP 2013+. Previously it would not persist in the top of the form when scrolling. I have now changed it so it no longer uses the SharePoint built in status notification banner, but instead uses a custom made banner inserted above the “s4-workspace” element, and it will now persist in the top of the form when scrolling.
  • Disabled the automatic scrolling to the first required field when the “Show list of empty required fields when attempting to save the form” banner is activated.
  • Added a new setting in the Misc tab (under the Tabs heading) to control the automatic focus on the first visible form element when selecting a tab. This setting has been added to prevent scrolling of the form in cases where you have a lot of readoly fields or a large HTML section in the top of the tab.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in duplicate list items being created when using DFFS in an on premesis installation and when double clicking the “Save” button in the NewForm.
  • Fixed a possible problem with email recipients when extracting users from a group, and where one or more of the users did not have a valid email address in their user profile.
  • Fixed a bug with the “Find in tabs” functionality where the “Highlight tabs where this field is used” did not highlight the tabs where the field was used.
  • Added an option to append {no-cache} to the file loaded above the Custom JS section to prevent the script from being cached. This will prevent old version of the script being loaded in cases where the file is updated.
  • Fixed an issue where trying to load a DFFS enabled form would fail to load the configuration in case the user accidentally typed in two forward slashes in the list path like this:

SPJS-AC v1.6.21

  • Fixed a problem with the “orderBy” functionality.
  • Fixed a bug where using

    in custom code did not properly clear all settings for this field, resulting in wrong options showing as selectable in case you used the destroy function to clear it before reactivating with new filter.

vLookup v2.2.121

  • Fixed a regression bug related to using [currentitem:FIELD_IN_CURRENT_FORM] in NewForm – for example by using a lookup column in the “Search value” section in the “Build query”. When selecting a lookup value and then refreshing the vLookup, it would not show any matching items because the search value would not be properly updated from the lookup column.

SPJS-Casc v3.7.13

  • Fixed an issue where the “Autofill subsequent dropdowns when they contain only one valid option” would fail to autofill when using multiple select.
  • Fixed a possible bug preventing an item from being removed from the list of selected options when removing the parent selected option. This was caused by an error in the ID attribute applied to an item when using multiselect.
  • Added option to use CAML query in the filter section. This will force the query to use the old WebService query on SP 2013+ instead of using REST.

SPJS-Lookup v1.1.10

  • Added support for using
    "pipeDelimitedOptions": true

    to split options separated with the pipe character (|) into separate options in the dropdown. Please note that the sort order of these options are as specified in the pipe delimited string of options.

March 18, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js – v4.4.3.40
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js – v4.4.3.40
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css – v4.44
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js – v2.2.120
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js – v2.2.120
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js – v1.323
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js – v2.2.120
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js – v2.2.120
/DFFS/loader/DFFS_loader.html March 18, 2018

DFFS v4.4.3.40

  • Added support for triggering a rule from “Run these functions / trigger these rules” as “false” by prefixing it with ~. You can also trigger a rule in reverse manually from custom code like this:
    // for true:
    // for false:
  • Fixed an issue with “the print current tab” in Edge. This browser has a know issue with appending text to a document opened with document.open, and I have fixed this by wrapping the HTML inserted in the print window in a <div> tag.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from triggering more than one email in the “Send or stop these E-Mails” on a rule triggering on “The form is saved”. Please note that you don’t need to use this trigger for sending emails. You can use “Send or stop these E-Mails” in any rule, and the emails will not actually be sent until the form is saved.
  • Fixed an issue with using plain text / HTML and not the MUI JSON format in the “Show this text above the tabs” in the Misc tab. In this case your text was wrapped in “{}”.
  • Fixed an issue with using the “Set field value” in a rule on a choice column. It was a timing issue where the first “click” on an option didn’t properly set the value in the hidden field behind the checkboxes (clicking two times set it correctly).
  • In DFFS backend I have now hidden the button to switch to NewForm for document libraries (document libraries doesn’t have a NewForm and you would previously get a 404 error).
  • DFFS Backend now shows a notification banner if the Custom JS textarea contains $. or $( indicaton the use of jQuery and a suggestion to use jQuery as namespace.
  • Added support for using “Enter” and “Esc” to activate the OK and Cancel buttons in a SPJS alert / dialog box.
  • Added support for loading language specific files in the “Load these files before executing the Custom JS” textarea. Read the instructions on the help icon in DFFS backend.

DFFS_frontend.css v4.44

  • Added this CSS for better lineup of side-by-side fields.
    .sbs_OuterTable {

SPJS-utility.js v1.323

  • Added support for getting and setting a field of type SPFieldHTML with getFieldValue and setFieldValue.
  • Added support for getting and setting a fields of type SPFieldInteger with getFieldValue and setFieldValue.

DFFS Installer v1.1.0.2

  • Fixed an issue where the “help text” showing where the DFFS files were located was wrong when using the installer on the root site to install DFFS in a subsite.

vLookup v2.2.120

  • Fixed an issue with “Show totals” where setting it to false for a column would not remove it from the “Grand total” row.
  • Fixed an issue where the prefix and suffix was not applied to the sum in the “Grand total” row.
  • Changed so 0 and 0% will also show in the total and grand total.

February 12, 2018

Changed files in this release:
/DFFS/js/DFFS_backend.min.js – v4.4.3.38
/DFFS/js/DFFS_frontend.min.js – v4.4.3.38
/DFFS/css/DFFS_frontend.css – v4.43
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_backend.js – v2.2.118
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js – v2.2.118
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js – v1.319
/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-ac.js – v1.6.18
/DFFS/loader/DFFS_loader.html – February 12, 2018

DFFS v4.4.3.38

  • Added buttons in the “Find in rules” section to turn on or off debug on the highlighted rules.
  • Added support for catching manually called rules calling on a tab or rule with incorrect name.
  • Fixed an issue where using the setting in both the tabs and rules to hide the save or edit buttons. Previously, clicking a tab would override the button visibility set by a rule. I have now changed this so a setting in a rule will override the setting in a tab.
  • Fixed an error introduced in the previous version where using a variable in an email like this: {var:nameOfVariable} would fail to set the value in the email.
  • Added support for using field values using {FieldInternalName} or variables like {var:nameOfVariable} for one time update, or {{var:nameOfVariable}} for live update on all variable changes in the tab name.
  • Fixed a bug where a tab hidden by the “Which groups can see this tab?” selector in the tab would cause an error if the hidden tab was the first tab in the form.

DFFS_frontend.css v4.43

  • Fixed the color of the disabled textarea in Field tooltip and Field CSS section.
  • Added a min-width setting of 785px to the formtable to fix some side-by-side alignment issues. In case this causes problems for your custom css, add this to override it:
 min-width:[your preferred number of pixels]px!important;

SPJS-utility.js v1.319

  • Added support for setting a multilookup to empty by using setFieldValue(“FieldInternalName”,””);
  • Fixed a bug in setFieldValue for people pickers where trying to set a multiselect people picker to empty using setFieldValue(“FieldInternalName”,””) only removed one user.
  • Fixed a bug in setFieldValue for people pickers where setting a readonly people picker to empty using setFieldValue(“FieldInternalName”,””) did not update the readonly value.
  • Added a function for getting the date from a date and time picker as a date object in your custom code. Use it like this: spjs.utility.getDateFieldAsDateObject(“FieldInternalName”);
  • Added a function for setting a date and time picker from a date object in your custom code. Use it like this: spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“FieldInternalName”,date_object,offsetDays);

vLookup v2.2.118

  • Fixed some minor errors in the HTML structure of the vLookup table.
  • Added new setting to show the add new item / folder button above or below the vLookup table.
  • Added “Number” to the Field type select in the “Build query” section.
  • Fixed the callback / event “vlookupChildViewOrEditCallback” to include the “result” of the dialog. It returns 0 if it was canceled / closed, and 1 if it was saved. Use as described in the use manual.

SPJS-AC.js v1.6.18

  • Fixed an issue where setting the “searchFields” to [] would cause an error. I have now added a fallback to use the “showField” in case the “searchField” is not set.

January 21, 2018

Changed files in this release:

DFFS v4.4.3.37

  • Fixes a bug related to hiding the currently selected tab.
  • Fixed a bug where the debug output would show “undefined” as current value. The rule would as it’s only the debug output value that’s wrong.
  • Added better support for validation the tab name used in “Visible tabs” and “Hidden tabs” or “Select this tab” in a DFFS rule.
  • Fixed an issue with using custom functions in the “Linked rules and functions” part of a rule. The problen was that the custom function would be called even if the parent rule was not evaluated as true.
  • Fixed a problem with keeping track of and properly enforce the required setting on save for fields set as required in the list settings when using SharePoint 2010.
  • Fixed an issue in the vLookup_frontend.js where fields with an internal name starting with “_” would be hidden initially in a DFFS tab.
  • Fixed an alignment issue when using side-by-side with date column and text or number column in the same row. The date input would be some pixels off.
  • Tried to fix an issue where you could get an error like “Cannot read property ‘length’ of null” in the console when you had manipulated the options of a dropdown select with code, and use check mandatory fields in DFFS.
  • Updated the ACE (code editor) to v1.2.9 and used the “noconflict” loading method to avoid occasional load errors.
  • Added a new option to specify a footer in the print and email in the “E-Mail and Print” tab in DFFS backend.
  • Added support for creating a separate DEV configuration for a form, and to edit and preview these changes live without interfering with the PROD configuration. Click the “Production mode” label in the top of the screen to change to DEV mode. Here you can import the current configuration and save / edit the DEV mode copy. When you are happy with the new version you can change back to PROD mode and import the DEV mode copy. The DEV mode setting is set in a sessionStorage variable and only affects the logged in user. If you need to activate the DEV mode in anther tab, open the browser developer tools by hitting F12 > Console and type in this:
  • Added support for inserting variables in headings and HTML sections by using {var:name_of_variable} for a one time update, or {{var:name_of_variable}} to update on all variable changes. Also added support for dot notification in the variables.
  • Added some more search options when searching for a specific rule or tab in DFFS backend.
  • Fixed an issue where the alert related to selecting or showing/hiding a tab with a misspelled name would show when the entire tab was not rendered (for example due to filtering on group membership) and the script therefore didn’t find the specified tab.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting to hide the save item button by checking the “Save button is hidden” in a tab would not also hide the button created in the “Save and redirect” in the Misc tab.
  • Added “Don’t hide this button when using the hide save button in tabs or rules” to the “Save and redirect” buttons in the Misc tab.
  • Fixed a backwards compatibility issue when using a boolean field as trigger in DispForm and comparing with “Yes”. In this case, updating from a version prior to would cause the trigger to fail to set the correct option for the trigger value when you edit the configuration (and you had to manually set the correct “checked” value in the rule before saving).
  • Fixed a bug in people picker handling (get/set value and using as trigger in a rule) in calendars in SP2013. The people picker in a calendar list is not the same format as other SP 2013 list templates and therefore the people picker must be handled in SP 2010 mode in the calendar.

vLookup v2.2.116

  • Fixed a problem where documents would be listed twice when using code to expand a folder when the form loads, and the vLookup field is on the active tab.
  • Fixed an issue where fields with an internal name starting with “_” would be hidden initially in a DFFS tab.
  • Changed position on the “Remove”, “Up” and “Down” controls for the viewfields to the bottom right corner. Also moved the “Add field” to the bottom of the viewfields section.
  • Added option in the “Special configuration” section to control the CSS of the vLookup table headers. Use it like this:
  • Fixed a bug where vLookup triggered to fast to catch using [currentItem:A_FIELD_FROM_THIS_LIST_ITEM] when this parameter was set in NewForm from another vLookup parent list item.
  • Fixed a bug where the vLookup field would show on first load, but when you changed tab and returned to the tab with the vLookup field and tried to refresh it with the refresh button it would not load.

SPJS-utility.js v1.316

  • Added new function “getListByUrlName”. Use it like this in your custom js to get the Title, GUID, fields, path etc.
  • Fixed an error message occurring when you in custom js use spjs.utilty.queryItems and forget to include a “viewFields” array.
  • Fixed an error occurring when using batch update (array of ID’s) with spjs.utility.updateItem.
  • Fixed getFieldValue / setFieldValue for people pickers in a calendar in SP 2013. The people picker in a calendar list is not the same format as other SP 2013 list templates and therefore the people picker must be handled in SP 2010 mode in the calendar.

SPJS-AC.js v1.6.16

  • Added a new setting for SP 2013+ named “preloadData”. When using “useREST”:true, you can use this new setting like this: “preloadData”:true and it will do what previously was automatically done when having more than one field in the “searchFields” array: read all available items in the AC datasource into memory on load. When you use “preloadData” you also get two more search options in addition to the default method where space between two or more text strings means “and” I have added these methods:
    * Use double quotes around a string to match the exact text.
    * Use upper case “OR” between two search strings to use “or”.
  • Fixed an error where the input textarea would disappear and the options list would not hide when selecting an option and you are using the “multiselect”:true option.
  • Added a new class and style to the ac-input when the value has been resolved: “spjs_acResolved”. If you don’t like the green box-shadow show on hover over the field you can override this style in the DFFS custom CSS. I also changed the class “spjs_acError” to include a red box-shadow.

December 20, 2017

Changed files in this release:

DFFS v4.4.3.31

  • Fixed a bug where hiding multiple tabs in a rule would trigger a “click” on the next tab as it hid the current tab.
  • Fixed a bug with using the “Which groups can see this tab?” setting in a tab would cause the “tabindex” to be wrong if the current user did not have rights to see this tab. This would prevent the built in function for selecting the “next” visible tab to fail to activate / click the correct tab.
  • Added support for showing all rule or tab errors (deleted fields or operator errors) in the top of the page.
  • Changed the loader to work better with slow networks. It will now try longer to get the files before throwing a “load error”.
  • Added a link to all rules in the “TriggerMap” in the debug output.
  • Added a button in the debug output to filter / show only rules evaluated as true.
  • Fixed a bug causing a form NOT using tabs to fail to load.
  • Fixed the date format for locale “cs_CZ” / LCID 1029 as I had specified it as “d.m.y”, but the correct format is “d. m. y”.
  • Fixed an issue with invoking a rule from custom code where the name of the rules was misspelled. This would cause an uncaught error and would prevent the form from loading correctly. Now it will trigger an alert.
  • Added the friendly name and the index to the disabled rules when using the “Minimize all disabled rules” option in the rules tab.
  • Tweaked a bit on the email processing function to prevent excessive whitespace when including a rich text multiline field in the email body. Please note that when using rich text in emails, the rendering in the email client will not be exactly the same as inside SharePoint because some styles are not carried trough to the email.
  • Changed the spjs.dffs.alert function to make it return the id if the dialog. This id can be used to close the dialog with spjs.dffs.closeDlg(id).
  • Changed the email handling function to allow for using a variable in the “Send date” field in the email templates. Please not that if you use a variable, it must ouput a value in the format “[today]+14”.
  • Added support for cloning email templates.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in one of the later BETA versions where the “&sTab?[tabindex]” would not work.
  • Fixed a bug where an anassigned field in the middle of a tab (if you added a field, but did not select a valid field from the dropdown) would cause the rest of the fields configured for this tab to be removed when saving the configuration.
  • Changed so the controls for “EMail active tab” and “Print active tab” now show in NewForm and EditForm configuration even if it only applies to DispForm. This is done to let uses share the configuration between the forms using the “Share the form configuration between multiple forms” – read more in the user manual.
  • Fixed an issue related to setting a field that’s set as required in the list settings as optional using a DFFS rule. In this case, the save will not be stopped when validating the requred fields (in SP 2007 and 2010) and DFFS will therefore send emails and perform other “PreSave” functions even if the form is not actually saved.

vLookup v2.2.108

  • Fixed a bug where the callback from “vLookupPresetFromUrlDone” would not work for lookup columns.
  • Fixed a bug with using single quote in folder names.

spjs-utility.js v1.314

  • Changed the return value from “Yes” or “No” to true or false for the function getFieldValue used in Custom JS on a boolean column in DispFrom.
  • Fixed a problem with using setFieldValue on a date and time column when using the locale “cs_CZ” / LCID 1029 where the last digit of the date string was stripped away.

SPJS-AC v1.6.15

  • Fixed a bug occurring in IE where the list of options flickers and disappears when you type into the search field.

November 13, 2017

Changed files in this release:


DFFS v4.4.3.24

  • Fixed an issue with using the “Misc > Tabs > Use cookie to remember selected tab” setting in combination with initially hidden tabs. In this case, the correct tab would not be selected as it would be hidden when the code executed.
  • Fixed an issue with selection of the first visible tab in combination with all hidden tabs that were made visible based on rules. In this case, no tab would be selected even if only one tab was visible. Clicking this tab, or using the “Select this tab (tab index or Tab unique ID)” option in the rule that made the tab visible would show the correct fields.
  • Fixed a bug with toggleVisibleTab where it would not properly identify the current selected tab by “uniqueID” and therefore would not autoselect the next tab in case you had a rule that was hiding the currently selected tab.
  • Added a fallback to an older version of the resizeDlg function to fix an issue with SharePoint 2010 where a modal dialog would overflow the parent viewport if it was maximized and the form width was bigger than the parent viewport.
  • Fixed an issue with the “Misc > Save and redirect > When saving the list item in NewForm > Redirect to EditForm” where the redirect would fail if you were creating a child item from a vLookup connection and the “Source” parameter in the URL contained the ID of the parent item.

vLookup v2.2.107

  • Fixed a bug occurring when the use don’t have access to the list connected with vLookup. In this case it would show an error message above the form, and the spinner in the field would not stop. I have now changed it so it will show this message in the field: “You don’t have permission to view this list”.

October 17, 2017

Changed files in this release:


vLookup v2.2.105

  • Fixed an issue where the “Add new” button wasn’t clickable unless you hit the text inside the button (it’s not really a button element).
  • Changed the order of the “Save”, “Cancel” and “Delete” buttons in the vLookup configuration.
  • Fixed a bug where the “vLookupPresetFromUrlDone” function would not be called when setting a lookup column in a vLookup child item added from DispForm or EditForm of a parent form.
  • Fixed a bug where the upload button you see when hovering over a folder in a vLookup table had an error in the url to the Upload.aspx page if the folder was not in the root of the document library.

SPJS-utility.js v1.312

  • Added support for querying external lists with custom queries using spjs.utility.queryItems. This would previously not work if the external list didn’t user a column named “ID” as primary key. In this new version you can speciy the primaryKey in the argument option like this example:
    "query":"<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='AddressID' /><Value Type='Text'>447</Value></Eq></Where>",
    "primaryKey":"AddressID" // this must name the column that holds the primary key in the external list
  • Fixed an issue where a people picker that was set as readonly would not properly show the resolved username when using setFieldValue to set the people piker value.

DFFS v4.4.3.16

  • Fixed a bug with using the triggers “is changed from initial value” and “is changed” on multichoice columns. The problmen was that the trigger only fired when changing the first option.
  • Removed the setting for accordion slide time from the DFFS backend config for “Expand and collapse” because it no longer was in use.
  • Fixed a problem introduced in v4.4.3.12 with loading a form with collapsed headings.
  • Fixed a problem introduced in v4.4.3.12 where the setting “Stretch side-by-side fields over both form columns (hiding the field label)” didn’t work in the first tab.
  • Changed how the check out functionality in the Misc tab when editing the DFFS config for EditForm. You can now leave the “You must check out label” empty to automatically check out the item without an alert. This applies to the “Keep checked out label” – leave it empty to hide it. I have also added support for reversing the check out of the item in case the use hits Cancel after opening the item in EditForm.
  • When using SetFieldValue from a rule to set a cascading dropdown, the subsequest dropdowns would not be properly set even if the setting “Autofill subsequent dropdowns when they contain only one valid option” was checked.
  • Fixed some issues related to resizing of the modal dialog when opening the form, expanding headings and vLookups or changing tabs. Also, changed the Misc settings for height and width under “Dialog position and size” to specify minimum height and width instead of maximum widht and height.
  • Set a 500ms delay before triggering emails when saving the form to ensure changes to PeoplePickers are updated before trying to get the value for “To” and “Cc”.
  • Added option to download the list of fields in the “Fields” tab in DFFS backend as comma separated values (CSV).
  • Added notification of possible circular reference in the “Set field value” section in a rule if you try to set the value of the field used as trigger for this rule. In this case you could end up with a rule triggering itself over and over agiain.
  • Added back the option to set a custom value in a choice field using “Set field value” in a rule. This went missing when I changed this to show a list of options for all choice and boolean fields.
  • Added a 100ms timeout to prevent a rule triggerin on change of a multichoince field from triggerin the rule on every option in the field.
  • Added better debug output on linked rules to include the name of the rule triggering it (when using “Let linked rules trigger the parent rule on change”). It will also show if the rule was called manually from code.
  • Fixed an issue with SP 2010 where the link to open list settings form the “Fields” tab would not work.
  • Fixed a bug when using the Misc tab setting “Split tabs in multiple rows” under the “Tabs” heading. In this case, only selected tabs on the last row was “styled” as selected when clicking on it.
  • Changed DFFS backend to fit the config on smaller screens without haveig to scroll sideways.
  • Fixed a bug in DFFS backend when cloning rules with trigger on a choice column. In this case, clicking the label and not the actual checkbox of a choice option in the “This value” section would click the same option in the rule this one was cloned from. This issue only occurred when the rule was “freshly cloned” and it would work correctly after a reload.

August 17, 2017

DFFS v4.4.3.10

  • Fixed some bugs in handling “is not equal to” triggers on multichoice fields.
  • Fixed a few issues in the debug ouput where some of the output did not properly show the rule label.
  • Added option to turn off the “Save and redirect” in NewForm when you add an item from a vLookup field in a parent list.
  • Added support for editing Custom JS and Custom CSS in fullscreen mode. You find the new option in the heading above the textarea.
  • Fixed a bug where disabled rules had white text on white background.
  • Fixed a bug with the “Hide elements that doesn’t match” when filtering in DFFS backend in tabs or rules.
  • Fixed a bug in the change trigger on people pickers.
  • Fixed an error when using “Clone” on a rule and trying to select “And” or “Or” in the “This value” field, “Save item button visibility” or “Edit item button visibility”. In this case, these radiobuttons would be interfering with the selection in the same group in the other rule. This would be fixed when you save the form and reload DFFS backend, but could cause some confusion when you cannot properly check the correct option.
  • Changed the timestamp in the top of the screen in DFFS backend to show “last saved” and not “load time” as before.
  • Fixed a bug with DFFS when using content types and having a tab with a field not in the current content type as first field in a tab. In this case, the tabs row wold be drawn at the bottom of the form.
  • In the “Rules” tab: moved the warning icon for rules disabled in the current form to the rule label like the icon for “Hide this tab in” in the “Tabs” tab.
  • Fixed an issue from the latest BETA (v4.4.3.8) where the debug output panel would always show if you had rules on a multichoice field.
  • Fixed an issue in the “Set field value” section in a rule where you would get a “not found” message if you saved the form with an empty placeholder for a set field action.
  • Fixed a problem with the detection of save conflicts when two users try saving the same form config in DFFS backend. In the previous version, this check only worked when using versioning in the configuration list.
  • Added a new trigger “The form is initiated” this can be used for example to set the base required fields when loading the form. Please note that the “The form is ready” rule will trigger LAST – after all other rules and therefore cannot be used like the new “The form is initiated” rule.
  • Changed the detection of {viewitemlink} and {edititemlink} in DFFS email templates as this had an inconsistent mix of upper and lower case characters. It will now accept all cases of letters.
  • Fixed a problem with triggers on change of a text field when using a custom rule to reset a changed field back to the default value with “setFieldValue”. In this case, the “change tracker” will not be properly updated and therefore it will not trigger if the user tries to change the text to the same value one more time. Please note that this change is made in SPJS-utility.js and you must therefore update this file to fix this problem.
  • Fixed an issue with “spjs.dffs.allChangeTracker[data.triggerField].push(…” when shareing a NewForm or EditForm form config with DispForm.

SPJS-Utility.js v1.308

  • Changed the jQuery.ajax call in the internal function “spjs.utility.wrapSoap” to use .done() and .fail() instead of success and error.
  • Added console.log output (if console is open) when the “spjs.utility.queryItemsThrottled” fails due to a bad request. This change has been added to give better error messages in case the spjs.ac plugin is configured wrong.
  • Fixed a problem with DFFS triggers on change of a text field when using a custom rule to reset a changed field back to the default value with “setFieldValue”. In this case, the “change tracker” will not be properly updated and therefore it will not trigger if the user tries to change the text to the same value one more time.

vLookup frontend v2.2.102

  • Changed the “No items found” label so it won’t show initially when the query hasn’t yet finished.
  • Changed the “spinner” show when loading a vLookup field to use a CSS spinner and not an image. In case you have overridden this image in Custom JS in DFFS, you must change it to include the full image tag and not only the path to the replacement image.
  • Added a fallback to the old “spinner” image if used in SP 2010.
  • Fixed a bug from last BETA where the “No items found” message was missing in Internet Explorer due to a typo in the HTML code (Chrome fixed it on the fly, but IE failed).
  • Added a new “Loading…” label to vLookup that show when the vLookup field is rendering. This can be overriden in the Custom JS in DFFS like the below example. The reason for not adding it to the vLookup config is because it must show before vLookup has loaded.
spjs.vLookup.data.loadingLabel = "Your custom loading label...";
  • Changed the message box layout when saving vLookup to match the new layout from the rest of DFFS.
  • Fixed an error in the saving of DFFS in case you opted to save the DFFS config in the prompt after saving the vLookup config. This call addressed the old name of this save function and would throw a console error and not save the form. You could however save the DFFS config with Ctrl+S or with the normal save buttons in the DFFS GUI.
  • Fixed a problem with missing dialog resize when minimizing an expanded folder in a vLookup child table.

SPJS-AC v1.6.14

  • Fixed an issue with using REST queries (in SP2013+) when using the “userREST” switch and more than one searchField. In this case, there would be some unnessesary queries runnign when filtering. This could cause errors or cause some options not showing when searching on multiple keywords separated with space.
  • Fixed an issue with using REST queries (in SP2013+) when using the “userREST” switch and only one searchField. In this case, the retrived data would not be in the same format as it would when using more than one searchField. Basically, peoplepickers and lookup columns would not be returned as objects, but as plain text.
  • When not using the “userREST” query option (or when in SP version lower than 2013) the AC plugin would not correctly return matches when the initial query has been performed and the user continues to type in the AC input field.
  • Catched a few more errors in case the plugin is not configured properly, and for example tripps the “5000 items limit”. In this case, you will se an error in the AC field in the form.
  • Fixed an issue with using the “listOptionsOnFocus” where the dropdown would not hide unless you selected an option.
  • Fixed a few issues where clearing a selection, or loading an invalid selection in EditForm would not clear the “setFields”.
  • Fixed an issue where the “No items match your search” would not hide when clicking out of the ac-field.
  • Fixed an issue with clicking in the AC field, but not changeing the value would re-run the query.
  • If you use a date column in the “optionalDetailFields” it would show the date in this format: yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00Z (ISO8601). I have now added a parse function that show locale date format.
  • When using the “useREST” setting in SP 2013 the setFields now accepts “PeoplePicker/Name” when setting a people picker in the current form. The “optionalDetailFields” also accepts this format.

SPJS-Lookup v1.1.9

  • Debug output did not show the filter CAML because it did not escape the < and >

July 31, 2017

Changed files in this release:

DFFS v4.4.3.7

  • Changed the load time output in the console so  it will no longer be printed in full every time. You get instructions on how to show the output – basically by typing this in the console:
  • Fixed a bug related to using the same email template name in NewForm and EditForm when using the “Save and redirect to EditForm” functionality. In this case, the email in EditForm would not be sent as it was mistakingly interpreted as an attempt to send a duplicate form the same form.
  • Fixed an error that broke the DFFS backend for older versions of Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed an issue with rule debug output in IE 8 where click on the “arrow” would not properly expand the debug information. Please note: IE mode of IE5 or IE7 will NOT show the debug output properly due to missing CSS selector support (I haven’t made any efforts to fix it).
  • Fixed a few layout issues for Side-by-Side configuration in IE 5 mode on SP 2007 where the CSS styles from Custom CSS would not work properly.
  • Fixed a few layout issues for DFFS backend when using IE 5 mode in SP 2007.
  • Fixed an issue with debug output showing empty heading for rules where “no reverse” was configured.

SPJS-Casc v3.7.9

  • Fixes an issue where one of the values in the array was “undefined” and broke the script with a “split of undefined” error.

SPJS-AC v1.6.11

  • Fixed a bug withe “Add new” when using REST queries in SP 2013+. In this case, the autocomplete would not properly show the newly added option in the search result.
  • Fixed a bug where the “setFields” would not be cleared when clearing the value in the Autocomplete input.

July 23, 2017

DFFS v4.4.3.6

  • Removed console.group on the load time tracker as this broke in IE8 mode.
  • Added search field in tabs and rules in DFFS backend to find textareas or inputs where a text string has been uses.
  • Changed the sort order to descending by date of modification and also preveted accidentally deleting a live config.
  • When crating a new restore point: changed so that the note you add in the “Please give a short description of this restore point” will be prepended to the current “Note to self” from the “Export, import and restore” tab.
  • Fixed an error in the change event trigger on a lookup column.
  • One new improvement in the loading of custom js files in the Custom JS tab. Based on the feedback I have gotten, this will now properly work in most cases. Keep in mind that the files loaded in the “Load these files before executing the Custom JS” will load asynchronously and you cannot be sure that the first one loads before the last one. Therefore you must add the code that “uses” the loaded files in the Custom JS textarea as this will be initiated last. You can also concatenate all your external files in one file to ensure all dependencies have loaded before you use them.
  • Fixed text and input / textarea colors in DFFS backend when you use a dark theme with base text color white. Fixed the same in dialogs in frontend.
  • Fixed an error in “Return to DispForm when editing an item and NOT opening the form in a dialog” in the Misc tab in DispForm configuration. If checking the checkbox, the setting would be saved, but when entering DFFS backend again, it fails to set the selected state of the checkbox and on save it will therefore be cleared. This bug has been there a long time (not sure exactly which version it occurred in).

SPJS-AC v1.6.9

  • Fixed an error that prevented the autocomplete from setting a people picker properly when using it in SP 2007 with IE in IE8/9 mode.

July 17, 2017

DFFS v4.4.3.5

Important information:

  • Due to changes in SharePoint online related to how AMD modules (scripts compatible with require.js) are registered, I have been forced to change the loading of custom script files in the Custom JS in DFFS.If you load an AMD enabled module and want to use this code in the custom code you have written in Custom JS, you need to wrap the code in a “require” function like this:
    require(["module_name"], function(module_name){
    // add the code using "module_name" here

    I have added some more information in the Custom JS tab.

  • Fixed a bug with using a boolean (Yes/No) field as trigger on unchecked / false state.
  • Changed some internal functions to speed up loading of forms with a large number of fields. Please note that this involves removing a “wrapper” of fields and this might affect some custom css rules if you have used the class “dffs_tdWrap”.
  • Fixed a bug with using a custom function as trigger on load.
  • Enabled some redirect functionality that was previously disabled in SharePoint 2007.

SPJS-Casc v3.7.8

  • Fixed a bug with using the same value in the first two levels of a three level cascading dropdown. In this case, the filtering of the third level would fail.

SPJS-AC v1.6.8

  • Fixed a bug with setting people picker fields in SP2007.
  • Fixed a bug where the setFields were run two times when using arrow keys and enter to select an item in the dropdown.

July 10, 2017

DFFS v4.4.3.3

  • Fixed a problem with loading custom js files in the Custom JS tab in SharePoint online. This issue is related to the use of require.js in SharePoint online, and the latest changes made to DFFS to use jQuery.noConflict() broke the compatibility. What I have done now is to use requrie.js to load all custom files added to the top of the Custom JS tab. In SharePoint online I use the built in version of require.js, but in SharePoint 2007 and 2010 I load the require.js file from the new folder added to DFFS: “/SPJS/DFFS/require/require.js”.Please note: If you use SharePoint 2007 and plan to load files in the Custom JS tab, you must add a new variable “spjs_path” to the “DFFS_frontend_CEWP.html” file that points to the current DFFS folder like this:
var spjs_path = "/Sites/YourSite/SPJS/DFFS";
  • Changed the “Switch form” buttons in DFFS backed to have all visible at all times, but disabling the one for the form you are currently configuring.
  • Fixed an issue with the new “Browse restore point and deleted configurations”. If you permanently deleted one of then, closed the dialog and reopened it, the item you had deleted was still listed. Because it was actually deleted, deleting it agains would pop up an error message and freezing so you couldn’t close the dialog.
  • Fixed a bug where the operator select on rules fails to set options as “disabled”. Depending on the trigger type used in rules, some of the operators in the dropdows should be disabled. This doesn’t always work so you may end up with the ability to select a operator that isn’t actually valid for that trigger.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Only if the field is empty” checkbox on the “Set field value” section in a rule failed to save with the configuration – effectively overwriting the previous value in the field in the rule was triggered.
  • Fixed an error in the console when selecting a field in the rule config for “Optional fields”, “Required fields” etc.
  • Added back the missing “is not equal” operator on multichoice fields.
  • In the previous version I changed the default tooltip icon from the built in “/_layouts/images/hhelp.gif” to a Unicode character. Unfortunately this Unicode character wasn’t available in all platforms – effectively rendering the icon as a square. I have added a new default tooltip icon in the next release.
  • Fixed a bug preventing rules triggering on multiselect fields from working in DispForm.
  • DFFS_loader: Some small changes to ensure DFFS don’t overwrite an existing jQuery version loaded before DFFS.
  • DFFS Installer: Fixed an issue with the new “Custom folder” installation method where the overlay and loader file was loaded from the current “DFFS” folder and not from the custom folder specified.

SPJS-Utility v1.3.0.6

  • Fixed a problem with setting multiple values in a multi lookup columns one after the other. This would not work and effectively only setting the first value. You could pass an array of values to set multiple values, but not for example use a multiselect autocomplete field to write all selected values to a hidden multi lookup column.

vLookup v2.2.99

  • Added new {“totalsType”:”count”} option. See help text in the totals section in vLookup backend.
  • Added new checkbox to control the visibility of the new “Grand total” functionality for grouped vLookup views.

SPJS-AC v1.6.7

  • Fixed an issue with using the AC field as a trigger. In this case the rule would not always trigger when the field was changed.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the red X when using multi select and long values in the select.
  • Fixed a problem with resolving the value if you typed the search value to fast so that the search was performed within 500 ms of the field being ready.

June 25, 2017

Please note that the user manual hasn’t been updated yet. All changes are listed below, but I’ll do my best to update the manual within a few days.

DFFS v4.4.3.0 (June 25, 2017)

  • Rebuilt the triggers for choice and multichoice fields to show a list of options to select from instead of typing in the options in a plain text field. Because you select the actual choice options I have removed all other operators than “is equal to”, “is changed from initial value” and “is changed”. Please note that this might require that you redo the rules triggering on multichoice fields.
  • Added option to test load a new version of DFFS by putting the new version in a folder named “DFFS_NEXT” in the SPJS library, and adding “DFFS_NEXT=1” to the URL when loading the DFFS form like this (please note that this will only work when upgrading beyond v ):
  • Fixed an issue with space in the URL being encoded as %2520 (because it was escaped two times) when using {viewItemLink}  and {editItemLink} in DFFS emails.
  • Fixed an incompatibility when upgrading from an older version where you would get an error in the console like “Cannot read property ‘join’ of undefined” related to “objArr.accordion”.
  • Fixed an issue with using the “Switch form” buttons in DFFS backend and having duplicate heading IDs. In this case you would be redirected, but the form would NOT save – effectively loosing current changes.
  • Added support for creating restore points. You can later browse restore points and any deleted configurations to restore then into one of the forms in the same list. This functionality has been put in a new tab “Export, import and restore” along with the Export and import functionality that has been moved from the Misc tab. Please note that you can only restore configurations saved after upgrading to v4.4.3.0.
  • When you press Delete in the DFFS backend to delete a config, it is backed up and you can restore it later from the “Export, import and restore” tab.
  • Fixed an issue with triggering on an empty people picker in SP 2010.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t disable a trigger on “The form is saved”.
  • Added support for doing basic calculations in the “Set field value” section in a DFFS rule. You can use “+”, “-“, “*” and “/”. See help icon in DFFS backend.
  • Changed rules for Boolean triggers to show a checkbox and not an input field. This means you no longer adds “true” or “false”, but checks or unchecks the checkbox to set the trigger value.
  • Fixed an issue when you in a dialog click “Save and redirect” and then “cancel” IN THE NEW FORM . This would open a blank DispForm on save.
  • Added support for redirecting from EditForm to DispForm in the Misc tab.
  • Rebuilt the debug output to show color coded outputs (green = rule match, red = no match).
  • Changed the parsing of variables included with {var:nameOfVariable} to strip away whitespace to prevent errors if the person editing the DFFS configuration accidently adds a whitespace.
  • Changed all dialogs in DFFS backend to use a script generated alert box. If you like to use it in Custom JS you can call it like this:
    "title":"The dialog title",
    "msg":"This is the message - you can use HTML",
       alert("You clicked the OK button - add you custom OK button code here.");
    "okBtnLabel":"This is the OK button label", 
        alert("You clicked the Cancel button - add your custom Cancel button code here.");
    "cancelBtnLabel":"This is the Cancel button label"
  • Fixed an issue with using an empty date and time column in the “Send date” of a DFFS e-mail. This would throw an error, but will now send the e-mail right away.
  • Added option to add field, heading or HTML section in-between existing fields in a TAB. Go to the “Tabs” and hover the mouse over one of the fields in the tab – notice the + below to the left. Click this plus to bring up the menu to add a new field, a heading or a HTML section below the current field.
  • Added new setting for tabs where you can set “Hide this tab in” for use when cloning a form config from for example EditForm to NewForm.
  • Added option to compare a date in a trigger with {Created} or {Modified}.
  • Fixed an issue in Tooltips where a MUI setup with <br> in the HTML would incorrectly be translated to “\n” when loading the config in DFFS backend – this would throw an error when attempting to save an you would have to manually change it back to <br>.
  • Added option in the Set field value section in a rule to set a date and time column to “now” like this:
  • [today]#now
  • Fixed an issue where a read-only representation of a choice column in NewForm or EditForm where you have the options set up side-by-side (in the Misc tab) would not be in the same side-by-side layout.
  • Fixed a few incompatibilities with SharePoint 2007. Also updated the CEWP code for use in SP 2007 with an example on how to set the “_spPageContextInfo.pageListId” for multiple lists.
  • Changed the loader and installer (local version – not the APP) to support DFFS files located in “current” site, “parent” site or “root” site.  I have changed the variable “spjs_scripts_in_current_site” to: “dffs_folder_location”. You can use “current”, “parent” or “root”.
  • Updated the “local installer” to give some more information about the location of the DFFS files when installing in a list / library.
  • Changed the how a custom function used in “Linked rules and functions” are handled. Previously this would only be evaluated on load, and use the result also on change. This is changed to evaluate the function on change an on load. Also, the “Rule friendly name” will be passed to the function as an argument.
  • Added option to minimize all disabled rules in the top of the “Rules” tab.
  • Added option to load different versions of DFFS in different lists in the same site. To do this, add a custom version of DFFS with a new folder name – like DFFS_yyyy-MM-dd to the SPJS library, and specify this folder name in the DFFS Installer (currently only the local installer has this feature). This is a great way to upgrade to a new version of DFFS one list at the time.

vLookup v2.2.98 (June 25, 2017)

  • Changed how numbers are truncated when using “decimals” in the special configuration settings. Earlier version would just truncate the number,  but now it will round up the number and truncate it with the “toFixed” method.
  • Fixed an issue with “Show more” where you would get the “Show more” link when using a paging of for example 10 items even if you there was only 10 items in total.
  • Fixed a problem with DFFS redirect not working when adding or editing a vLookup child item in a dialog.
  • Added a new function to use in custom code to reload a vLookup.
spjs.vLookup.refresh("YOUR_FIN") ;
  • I have also changed how the CAML pulls in variables from [currentItem:FIN] to make this “live” – reflecting the changed value in the field (previously it was only pulled in on load and was static).
  • Added option to have a “grand total” when using totaling and have the vLookup table grouped. The grand total will show at the bottom of the vLookup table – below the groups. There are a new field for adding the grand total heading in vLookup backend.

SPJS-AC v1.6.5 (June 25, 2017)

  • Added support for REST queries in SP 2013+. To use REST you must set the key “useREST” to true.
  • If you use REST you can add a filter in the “RESTFilter”. For example, this to get all items where Title starts with the letter “t”:

You can use a function to return the filter value – for example like this:

Title eq {function:yourCustomFunction}

Then add this function in the Custom JS:

function yourCustomFunction(){
    return getFieldValue("AnotherFieldInYourForm");
  • Please note that if you plan to filter “live” by a dynamic filter value (by for example using the value from another field as input to the filter) you can only use one field in the “searchFields” array.
  • New functionality for SP 2013+ when using “useREST” and multiple “searchFields” the complete dataset will be retrieved before the field is rendered. This way your search will be faster.  If your dataset is large and it takes to long to load it, please use one “searchField” to speed it up. You can concatenate multiple search fields in one single line of text field and use this as “searchField” to speed up the search and still search in multiple columns. Unfortunately using a calculated column will NOT work due to restrictions in the SharePoint REST api. Please note: when using REST you must use this format when setting a people picker in the “setFields” section: PeoplePickerFieldName/Name.
  • Fixed a bug in the autocomplete for people picker fields in SP 2007.
  • Fixed a bug in re-validating a field on load in EditForm where this sometimes would fail and show a red “square” and forcing the use to reselect the item.
  • Added “debug” option to the function call.

Example function call:

 "loadText":"", //Used with large REST datasets in combination with multiple searchFields to show a message when waiting for the data to load
 "searchFields":[], // Array of fields to search in
 // Prefilter - use this OR filterREST
 "filterCAML":"", // You can use {function:yourCustomFunction} to get a "live" filter value for each search
 // Prefilter for SP 2013 and up - use this OR filterCAML
 "optionDetailFields":[], // Additional fields to show in the dropdown
 "optionDetailPrefix":[], // Optional prefix for the fields in "optionDetailFields". The length of this array must be the same as "optionDetailFields".
 "multiselectSeparator":"; ",

SPJS-Utility.js v1.305 (June 25, 2017)

  • getFieldValue in DispForm now properly gets the HTML from a rich text field.
  • Fixed an issue with setFieldValue on taxonomy where a value with a comma would incorrectly be parced as two separate entries (and fail on validation).
  • Fixed an issue where setting a lookup column in a rule or using “setFieldValue” would be delayed with a setTimeout for 1500 milliseconds causing a problem when setting this lookup on pre save (the value would not always be saved).
  • Added a function to get a list (to get the list GUID) by the list URL name. This function can be used like the below example. Please note that this function is asynchronous so you must call the function using the ID inside the “callback” function :
 // Use the list.Id to call your custom function
  • Fixed some incompatibilities with SharePoint 2007.

SPJS-Casc.js v3.7.6 (June 25, 2017)

  • Added support for setting the multichoice selects side-by-side in the DFFS configuration tab or in custom code by adding “sideBySide”:true.
  • Fixed an issue where only the first level would show when loading a cascading dropdown set with invalid options selected in EditForm.
  • Added support for using a predefined array of objects as datasource for the cascading dropdowns. This would be preferable when using multiple instances of spjs-casc in the same form to avoid running the same query multiple times. To use this option, you must NOT use the DFFS tab “Cascading dropdown”, but add the function call to the Custom JS like this:
var res = spjs.utility.queryItems({"listName":"CascInitialFilterSource", "query":"<Where><IsNotNull><FieldRef Name='Title' /></IsNotNull></Where>", "viewFields":["Title", "FieldValue", "LookupValue"]});

var dataSource = res.items;

You can use a REST call if you like, but ensure the “dataSource” is an array of objects like this example:

 "Title":"Item #1",
 "Value":"Some value"
 "Title":"Item #2",
 "Value":"Another value"

Use the “dataSource” like this:

// #1
 "lookupList":"", // not used when dataSource is defined
 "lookupListBaseUrl":"", // not used when dataSource is defined

// #2
 "lookupList":"", // not used when dataSource is defined
 "lookupListBaseUrl":"", // not used when dataSource is defined
  • Added a new option for letting the user type in their own value by canceling the dropdown select and show a text input. This option can only be used for single choice cascading dropdowns, and only when setting up a cascading dropdown in the Custom JS (the option is not available when using the “Cascading dropdown” tab in DFFS backend”). This works by removing the dropdown select for the field you select, and for all descendants of this field. This action can be reverted to restore the dropdowns. Look at the snippet below for setup instructions:
 "addOwnValueMouseover":"Add your own value",

March 12, 2017 BETA

DFFS v4.4.3.9 BETA (March 12, 2017)

This is in BETA because of new functionality and that jQuery now loads with “noConflict”.

  • DFFS rules: changed the name from “And these rules or functions = true / false” to “Linked rules and functions”.
  • Added support for letting “Linked rules” trigger the parent function on change. Previously a rule containing “Linked rules” would only validate on load. With this new functionality you can have a rule with a trigger where the main trigger validates to “true” on page load, but with “Linked rules” that validated to “false”. When each of the linked rules are triggered on change later on, this rule and all linked rules will be revalidated – and if all validate to true, the parent rule will be triggered.
    This new functionality must be turned on for each rule by checking “Let linked rules trigger the parent rule on change”.
  • Enforced numbers only in side-by-side index.
  • Allowed a-z A-Z 0-9 and _ in “Tab unique ID”, Heading and HTML section “Unique ID” and “Rule friendly name”. Previously only a-z and 0-9 was allowed.
  • Added jQuery.noConflict() to the DFFS Loader to prevent errors when using other third party code that loads jQuery. This will create a separate name-space jQspjs that is used as alias for jQuery in DFFS and all plugins.
  • Fixed a bug in the handling of the “DFFSID” URL parameter when sending an email form NewForm with a link to the current item. The problem only occurs in SP2013 / 2016, and will fail to load the correct item. When upgrading theses links will work as expected. Please note that the field “_DFFSID” must be indexed if your list may contain more than 5000 items.
  • Fixed an inconsistency where not all calls to a custom function from a rule would pass the rule id as argument.
  • Removed the padding of the selected tab in DFFS both frontend and backend (in the CSS files) to prevnet the tabs from stacking up incorrectly when using zoom in the browser.

SPJS-Autocomplete v1.5.4 BETA (March 12, 2017)

This is in BETA because jQuery now loads with “noConflict”.

    • Added support for “optionDetailPrefix” that lets you use a prefix in the dropdown for each of the fields in the “optionDetailFields” array.
 "optionDetailPrefix":["Status: "]
    • Added new option “searchFields” that lets you specify which fields you will search in when typing in the searchbox. It’s still the “showField” that will be show in the input when you have selected an item.
  • Fixed a few small issues with the blur event on an autocomplete where you could enter an invalid value if you pasted an invalid option and tabbed out of the field within 250ms.

vLookup v.2.2.90 BETA (March 12, 2017)

This is in BETA because jQuery now loads with “noConflict”.

  • Translation / replace in documents wasn’t working when using folders.

SPJS-lookup v1.1.8 BETA (March 12, 2017)

This is in BETA because jQuery now loads with “noConflict”.

  • Added MUI support on labels in the configuration options “dropDownDefaultvalue”, “linkText” and “saveNewItemText”.
  • Added new options “orderBy” that lets you sort the options by another field than the “optTextFieldInternalName”.
  • Documented the “optValFieldInternalName” option.
  • Documented the “parseFunction” option.

SPJS-Utility.js v1.300 BETA (March 12, 2017)

This is in BETA because jQuery now loads with “noConflict”.

  • Changed the getFieldValue function to work on attachments. The returned value will be an anchor tab with the name and link to the attachment file.

You find the files in this BETA here.

Please don’t uses this in a production release until it is out of BETA, and any feedback you can give on the new functionality related to linked rules are appreciated.

February 25, 2017

DFFS v4.4.2.9 (February 25, 2017)

  • The dateformat in setFieldValue when using “timestamp” now supports d and M for single digit day and month.
  • Trimmed the string added in the “Run these functions / trigger these rules” sections to avoid errors when leaving a whitespace behind the function name.
  • Disabled the functionality that made the rows switch place to show the active tab in the lower row when using the “Split tabs in multiple rows” in the Misc tab.
  • Fixed an issue with setting a people picker as readonly and it sometimes didn’t update the value in the readonly presentation.
  • Fixed an issue where the styles in the form was not applied on the printout in IE.
  • Fixed an issu with cloning a form that has the “formConfig=XYZ” in the “pageId”. This will now be included in the cloned config.
  • Added option to redirect from NewForm to DispForm.
  • Created new pages with documentation for the DFFS plugins SPJS-Cascading dropdowns and SPJS-Autocomplete.

SPJS-utility.js v1.279 (February 25, 2017)

  • Added support for getting and setting “TaskOutcome” in a workflow task column.
  • Addes support for using d and M for single digit day and month in the format when calling the function spjs.utility.dateObjToFormattedString
  • Fixed an issue when trying to run the getMaxID function on the “userInfo” list. This would return a number in the millions range due to some system accounts being created with a really high ID.
  • Added support for setting the “All day event” and “Recurring” as readonly.

SPJS AC v1.5.1 (February 25, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue where editing a value in the autocomplete and immediately tabbing out of the field made it fail to validate the input.
  • Changed the status images and the coloring of the input when inputting invalid values.
  • Added some more checks to ensure you have used the correct field as “placeholder” for the Autocomplete. You will get a notification if you use “multiselect” and doesn’t have a multiling plain text field as “placeholder”.
  • Fixed an issue where a lookup column that was used in the “setFields” configuration was not cleared when clering the value in the autocomplete. If this is done in EditForm and the lookup column is a required field set in the list settings, the topmost item will be selected as no “(None)” option is available. Please note that this change is done in spjs-utility.js so you must update this to the latest version.
  • Fixed some weaknesses in the reValidateOnLoad functionality.
  • A few “internal” changes to ensure more stable performance when changing the selection in the autocomplete.

SPJS Cascading dropdowns v3.7.0 (February 25, 2017)

  • Added support for using an initial filter to narrow down the dataset to items matching the filter.

vLookup v2.2.84 (February 25, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue with using {var:somVariable} in the “replace” functionality in the “Special configuration” for a field in vLookup backend.

spjs-Lookup v1.1.6 (February 25, 2017)

  • Fixed an error occurring when NOT using the option “clearInvalidSelections”.

February 15, 2017

DFFS (February 15, 2017)

  • Added support for “All day event” and “Recurring” as triggers in DFFS rule. Also added support for setting these fields as readonly.
  • Added a check to ensure you don’t save duplicates in case the same field was selected multiple times in for example “Hidden fields” or “Required fields” in a rule.
  • Fixed a bug where the attachment field was removed from a tab in case you deleted the last attachment.
  • Added support for using redirect in a modal dialog to redirect from NewForm to EditForm, or to save an EditForm and reload the same item (in Misc tab). You can also use this code to add a custom redirect after you save a NewForm or EditForm:

    The second parameter is true for open in dialog, and false for open in the same page. Please note that opening a redirect page in a dialog is ONLY allowed if the form you are redirecting from is in a dialog.

  • Fixed an error in a built in object “spjs.dffs.data.tabConfigObj” where only the tab id was used an not the “friendly name”. This object is for internal use, or if you feel creative and want to build advanced functionality in the Custom JS.
  • Added a new operator “does not contain”. Please consider this as BETA until I have gotten a bit more feedback on the functionality.

Installer_CEWP_code.html v1.0.1.1 (February 15, 2017)

  • Added link to go directly to the DFFS Backend from the installer page.

SPJS-utility.js v1.275 (February 15, 2017)

  • Added support for setting and getting the “All day event” and “Recurring” checkbox values.
  • Fixed an isseue with getFieldValue on a people picker in SharePoint 2010. This one made the validation of a required people picker field fail even if it was properly filled in.

vLookup v2.2.82 (February 15, 2017)

  • Added support for using MUI on “thousandsSeparator” and “decimalSeparator” in “Number format” under “Special configuration”.
  • Fixed an error in a function used to get the “maxID” in the child list when vLookup was used on the root of a site collection and the “baseUrl” was “/”. This would sometines make a folder render as empty even if it has documents in it.
  • Added a few new options in the “Special configuration” – see help icon for details.

SPJS-Lookup v1.1.5 (February 15, 2017)

  • Added a new options “clearInvalidSelections” to control how selection that has been removed from the source list after it has been first used in a list item, and then the list item is edited. Add this option to the function call. I’ll update the documentation for this solution in the near future. Previously the functionality was like SharePoint’s own lookup colund and the value was cleared. If you set “clearInvalidSelections” to false, your value will be preserved when if you edit the list item, but it will NOT be selectable in items that hasn’t already used this option.
  • Moved the debug output (when using “debug=true”) down to the field itself and added the argument object to the debug output.

SPJS-Casc.js v3.6.9 (February 15, 2017)

  • Added support for using a multichoice lookup column in any place in the “line” of fields and not only as the last one. Please note that you will get duplicate values in the fields if you have duplicates in the datasource in multiple field when using multichoice lookup fields.

February 01, 2017

DFFS v4.4.2.7 (February 01, 2017)

  • Updated the ACE code editor to v1.2.6
  • Added built in function to redirect from NewForm to EditForm, or to save changes in EditForm, and keep editing the same item. This works in SharePoint 2010 and 2013 / Office 365 when the form is NOT opened in a modal dialog. See Misc tab in DFFS backend.
  • Fixed an issue with the function that verifies an email address when using REST to set emails. This function would not recognize the user login name if this was used instead of an email address.
  • Fixed an issue where a rule that cleared a people picker and at the same time set the field as readonly kept showing the old value even if the field was cleared.
  • Fixed an issue with detecting folders in a custom list.
  • Fixed an issue with “beforeproperties” on people picker fields on SharePoint 2013 on premises when loading a list item in DispForm. An error in the script caused the ID to be returned with a trailing semicolon, and caused DFFS rules like “Compare logged in user with people picker field” to fail.
  • Added better error handling to the function “strToDateObj” so it will not throw an error if your pass an invalid FieldInternalName.
  • Changed to a lighter shade of gray for the “checkbox” representing a readonly Yes/No column in NewForm or EditForm, or in DispForm.
  • Fixed the scroll in each tab in DFFS backend to these now are individual and scrolling one will not offset the scroll in another.
  • Added information about fields being required in the list settings in the “List fields” tab.
  • Moved the “Add new field” and “Go to list settings” from the “Misc” tab to the “List fields” tab.

SPJS-Utility.js v.1.272 (February 01, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue where a rule that cleared a people picker and at the same time set the field as readonly kept showing the old value even if the field was cleared.

SPJS-AutoComplete v1.4.14 (February 01, 2017)

  • Fixed a bug occurring when using “optionDetailFields” to specify additional fields to show in the options, and you use arrow keys and enter to select an item. In this case, all text values in the current option (including the details) would be appended to the field.
  • Added “delete” as alias for the “destroy” function.
  • Fixed a bug where clearing an autocomplete instance failed to clear the “setFields”.

vLookup frontend v2.2.80 (February 01, 2017)

  • Fixed an bug where expanding a folder would not execute any custom render function set up in the “Special configuration” for the field.
  • Fixed an issue where the groups wouldn’t order descending if the column you grouped on contained only numeric values.
  • Fixed an potential error with leaving an empty “viewFields” row in the config. This would be saved with the config and would cause an error on load.

SPJS-Casc.js v3.6.8 (February 01, 2017)

  • Added support for using a pipe character to delimit multiple options in all “levels”. Plase note that this may need more testing so please post in the forum if you find a bug.
  • Tried to fix an issue occurring when a multichoice field only contains one option when loading it in EditForm. The field will be marked with a red dotted line, and the field fails to save the selected value.

January 17, 2017

SPJS-Casc.js v3.6.6 (January 17, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the use of lookup columns in more than one of the fields in the source list on SharePoint 2013/2016.
  • Added support for using a multilookup column as the source field for the last field in a cascading dropdown configuration. Each of the options will be shown as one option in the dropdown.
  • Added support for using a multiline plain text field with pipe delimited values (Option 1|Option 2|Option 3) as the source field for the last field in a cascading dropdown configuration. Each of the options will be shown as one option in the dropdown.

You find the file here. Unzip and replace the file in “/SPJS/DFFS/plugins”.

January 12, 2017

DFFS v4.4.2.5 (January 12, 2017)

  • The “local” DFFS installer (not yet the APP) has a new button that does a total cleanup of old CEWPs in the form. This can be used to uninstall an older CEWP installation of DFFS.
  • Fixed an issue where you loaded an older version of the cascading dropdowns plugin, and the DFFS backend did not render correctly (missing content in tabs).
  • Changed location of the links to the list settings for adding or modifying fields from the Misc tab to the “List fields” tab (renamed). I have also added a button that opens the list settings in a new tab.
  • Fixed an issue with sending the tab contents from DispForm where the email always would be sent with REST even if you had checked “Use custom list with workflow to send E-Mails” in the “E-Mail and Print” tab.
  • Fixed an issue with crating the DFFS_Email list the first time you checked the “Use custom list with workflow to send E-Mails” in the “E-Mail and Print” tab where some fields would not be added until you unchecked and rechecked the “Use custom list with workflow to send E-Mails” checkbox.
  • Added support in the latest version for a previously undocumented feature where you can have multiple configurations for a form by using this URL key setup:

    this config will load a totally different config than this address:


    Using this method you can crate different forms that you can link to, and have different DFFS config so your rules in a complex form can be handled separately for each form config”.

SPJS-Casc v3.6.5 (January 12, 2017)

  • Removed an alert when trying to load the config in a content type that doesn’t have the fields used in the cascading dropdown configuration – for example in a folder in a document library.
  • Fixed an error where the “fields” object was not correctly populated, causing a malfunction of the cascading dropdowns.
  • Added support for using a lookup column as a source field for the cascading dropdown in SP 2013 (was lost in v3.6.x after changing the query to use REST). Please see the help icon in the cascading dropdonw configuration screen in DFFS backend (requires DFFS backend v4.4.2.5) for details.
  • Added “Note to self” in the cascading dropdown config screen in DFFS backend.
  • Fixed an issue with using the setting “Hide the dropdowns when they have no available options” with DFFS tabs.
  • Fixed a bug where you would get an error like “the object doesn’t support the property or method match”.

Older versions

You find the change log for older versions here.