I have posted a small update to SPJS-Casc.js to fix these issues: Added support for autofilling values when using “Autofill subsequent dropdowns when they contain only one valid option.” in DFFS. Changed...
I have updated SPJS-utility.js to v1.200. I have changed the file so all functions are now part of the “spjs.utility” namespace. I have included support for existing code using the old function...
Change log You find the latest change log here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-change-log/ v1.11 (August 17, 2015): Fixed an error resulting in existing values not validating when loadign an item in EditForm. v1.10 (February 28,...
I have published a BETA version of vLookup Frontend with these changes: Fixed a bug where number columns could not use the “css” set in vLookup setup. Changed how the list name...
BETA 2 of DFFS frontend released January 19, 2015 Please note that this version is BETA and is NOT intended for a production environment. I have released a new BETA version (v4.210...
I have finally released v2.0 of my vLookup solution. There are a few new features, and it is better integrated into the DFFS backend. You find the complete change log here. Please...
I have decided to make “The complete guide to DFFS v4” freely available. Previously this was distributed to paying customers, but I guess this was not the best decision. You find the...