This is another method for redirecting a user to a custom page on “OK” and another page on “Cancel”. I have described two methods in this previous article. This method is a...
In another post i received a request on how to identify the content type in NewForm to execute “content type specific code”. Here’s a quick description of one method. The method relies...
12.09.2011 A new version is posted here. 30.07.2010 A major update of the script to tidy up the code and to support previewing in a image library. Please read trough the article...
16.11.2009 Fixed an error found by Marc Verner, resulting in values returning “undefined”. This error var introduced by my previous update because i didn’t test it thoroughly… I have added some code...
21.02.2010: Updated the post with the code for floating the site action menu to the right on the screen (as requested by Larry). This one proved a bit tricky because the site...
06.02.2010 Added another method for floating the view selector on the right side of the page. I got a request from “tecrms” that sounded like this: As you know on all list...
Post requests and questions in this post, but be patient awaiting reply or solution examples. This is a “one man blog” and i have limited time to answer questions. There will be...
28.12.2009: Updated the code in line 38 and 41 and added “stop(true,true)” to prevent animation from looping when mouse is rapidly hovered in and out. In a previous post i described how...