
  • This is a short one on how to remove menu items from the “New”, “Actions”, “Settings”, and “List view’s” menu in a list or document library. This method requires a CEWP added below the list view web part with the code, and is a “per view code” which […]

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  • This is a short one on counting groups in a grouped list view like this (group count in the list view toolbar): Note: This counts only visible groups. If you set the “Number of groups to display per page” in the list view settings you will get max […]

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  • 05.01.2010 Small update to hide the “OK-button” if the “keyIsNotUniqueCount” is greater than 0. 25.11.2009 Small update to the script for placing the image correctly when used with the headings script. In this article I will give you a solution for adding “primary key support” to a list […]

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  • This is another method for redirecting a user to a custom page on “OK” and another page on “Cancel”. I have described two methods in this previous article. This method is a god replacement for the “simple redirect” described in the previous article. As always we start like […]

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  • In another post i received a request on how to identify the content type in NewForm to execute “content type specific code”. Here’s a quick description of one method. The method relies on a script, init_fields(), which loops trough all fields in the form and makes an object […]

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  • 12.09.2011 A new version is posted here. 30.07.2010 A major update of the script to tidy up the code and to support previewing in a image library. Please read trough the article to get the changes to the CEWP code. The solution is tested in IE 8, Firefox […]

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  • 16.11.2009 Fixed an error found by Marc Verner, resulting in values returning “undefined”. This error var introduced by my previous update because i didn’t test it thoroughly… I have added some code to show how to use this code with multiple fields. This code is commented out, but […]

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  • 21.02.2010: Updated the post with the code for floating the site action menu to the right on the screen (as requested by Larry). This one proved a bit tricky because the site action menu is part of the master page. See codeblock below for updated code. Please let […]

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  • 06.02.2010 Added another method for floating the view selector on the right side of the page. I got a request from “tecrms” that sounded like this: As you know on all list views and document views, the view selector is on the right hand side of the menu […]

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  • Requests

    Post requests and questions in this post, but be patient awaiting reply or solution examples. This is a “one man blog” and i have limited time to answer questions. There will be less activity during the summer months, but i will keep posting new solutions, only on a […]

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  • 28.12.2009: Updated the code in line 38 and 41 and added “stop(true,true)” to prevent animation from looping when mouse is rapidly hovered in and out. In a previous post i described how to add a custom tool-tip on mouse-over a SharePoint field. This was using the “title-property” of […]

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  • Note: I’m far away from my safe “pure JavaScript” world here – if someone have any comments on this approach i will gladly listen! In this article I will give an example of how to send e-mail (with CC, Bcc and HTML body) from SharePoint with JavaScript and […]

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  • 08.12.2009 Small update to fix scroll vertically. Here’s a tip on how to rearrange the multiple select lookup column in a vertical orientation. This is the default orientation: This is the new vertical orientation: Here’s how its done As always we start like this: Create a document library […]

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  • 29.10.2009 Update: I have written a new article on how to add HTML-style tool tip – read it here. I got a request for a method of adding a custom mouse-over tool tip on a field in a SharePoint form. Here is a quick example. As always we […]

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  • Have you ever wanted to: have multiple document templates in i one document library– without having to use content types? use the same template in multiple document library’s? have different document templates available in each view? have easy access to editing the templates? I will provide a javascript […]

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  • 19.11.2009 Fixed the bugs from yesterday… 18.11.2009 Added support for grouped views. 17.11.2009 Updated code to remove the filter in the viewheader for the field with the calculated column “Link”. Noted by Paulo Sousa in the post comments. I have also added a code to use for the […]

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  • 17.06.2010 Updated code to support this heading script: Headings in SharePoint Forms – jQuery Have you ever wanted to hide rows from your DispForm if they are empty? As always we start like this: Create a document library to hold your scripts (or a folder on the root […]

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  • 19.02.2010: Updated the post with a code example for setting this drop downs as required (requested by Larry). You find the code at the bottom of the article. 28.12.2009: Updated to add support for an optional delimiter character. I have also updated the functionality so that the selection […]

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  • Updated 10.10.2009: To use this script with the script Headings in SharePoint Forms – jQuery you must set the parameter “stretch” for the heading script to false. You must also call the heading script before the “Narrowing list form to one column-script”. I have made a tiny update […]

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  • This one is a follow-up on the two previous posts on manipulating form labels, but the technique can be used for many other scenarios. I will show you how to use entries from another list as “resources” for a script by querying the “resources-list” for variables to use […]

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  • This post describes how to add individual labels for each choice in a multi choice list. This is a follow-up on the post on how to modify formlabel in SharePoint form. The end result looks like this: Read the previous post to get the basics, then modify the […]

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  • I got a request for a method to edit the form label of a SharePoint form. Basically this i very easy. This is how it looks by default: By adding a few lines of code it can look like this: How is it done? As always we start […]

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  • In this post i will show you how to display the workflow history log in the workflow status column instead of just “In Progress” or “Completed”. The default behavior is like this: The status is “Completed”, but what did it do? A click on “Completed” brings up the […]

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  • 11.01.2010: A follow-up on this article is posted here: Check workflow status and refresh page when status equals “Completed” Have you ever wanted to prevent editing of a list item if the workflow has failed? Here is the answer. This code queries the list trough the web-service lists.asmx […]

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  • A new version can be found here. 08.04.2011 A small makeover to get rid of some extra script references and to add compatibility to all major browsers. This one is related to my post on Cascading dropdowns, but is used to convert one column of type “Single line […]

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  • 05.07.2012 An updated version can be found here This article describes how to show or hide a form field based upon membership or not membership in a SharePoint group. This solution uses the script created in this article to access the user info on the current user. It […]

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  • 18.09.2011 I have posted a new solution which makes this one obsolete. You find the new one here 09.09.2010 Updated the function “getUserInfo”. It no longer requires the list GUID for the user list to be specified in the script. 31.10.2009: Small update for default picture in the […]

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  • Updated 23.09.2009 In this post i will show you how to add heading-support to a SharePoint list view. This is a follow-up on my previous post Headings in SharePoint Forms – jQuery. It is a precondition for understanding and utilizing this solution that you read the previous article. […]

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  • 01.03.2010 Added another method of building headings here: Headings for SharePoint forms – another method Modified 10.10.2009: Small update for compatibility with the script Narrowing list form to one column. This script adds heading-support to a custom SharePoint List by using a “prefix” in the field name of […]

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  • 28.11.2009 A follow up article on using multi select checkboxes is found here. 13.11.2009 Updated code for better function in EditForm and DispForm This is a short intro on how to dynamically expand or collapse a field or array of fields based upon selection made in another field. […]

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  • 23.04.2011 Yet another article about the same topic can be found here 21.11.2009 A new article describing another method for redirecting a user to a custom page on “OK” and another page on “Cancel” is found here. This method is a good replacement for the “simple redirect” described […]

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  • Change log October 19. 2014 Updated the code to get rid of a few wrong single quotes introduced when migrating this code from another server. I received a comment on another post requesting a function to wrap the choice-field into any given number of columns. Say you have […]

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  • Cascading dropdowns

    14.06.2010 A new version of this script is released Cascading dropdowns in SharePoint text fields – populated by lookup in another list (version 2) I recommend using the new version. Updated 14.08.2009 This script “converts” singleline textfields to lookup-dropdowns. One dropdown filteres the next. You can have 2-5 […]

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  • This post is old… you will find other ways to do all this in newer posts – Alexander As promised, here are the post on returning the value of any SharePoint-field with the use of Javascript. As for now this script is IE only! – as stated earlier, […]

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  • This post is old… you will find other ways to do all this in newer posts – Alexander This post will talk about how to use javascript to find a form-field in av SharePoint list form (NewForm, DispForm and EditForm) from its unique FieldInternalName. When you have found […]

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  • 15.09.2009: Complete rewrite of the script to tidy up the code, improve functionality, and to add jQuery-logic to make it run smoother. This script is used to Compare a “DueDate” in a list view with “Today” and generate “traffic lights” to flag status. It also adds a mouseover […]

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  • Welcome to my blog!

    Welcome! You find newly added posts on the right side of the screen. All previously posts are found in the “Archives”, and you can search for keywords in the top right corner of the front page. How to post code in comments How to troubleshoot when the scripts […]

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14 Comments on “Archives

  1. Hi Alex,
    I need a small help on SP 2010.I have a customized list which is getting data from multiple lists.I have written a SPD work flow to get data and display in list.It’w working fine as per requirement.But it is taking 30 + seconds time.So i need to display a progress bar/spinning image while SPD work flow status = null or status = in progress.

    Can you pls help on.

  2. hi Alex, I m having wsp file in sharepoint 2010. I need to deploy this wsp into office 365 along with workflows and all. Could you please help me.

  3. Hi Alex, How can i get the value of selected item from the look up field.Based on that value i need to get the value from another list .

  4. Hi Alex,

    I’m looking for a decent lightbox / slideshow to display a picture gallery (with thumbs & hopefully captions!) I found one a while back and I’ve lost it again. I don’t think it was originally from here, but I am positive I saw something on this site which directed to that solution. Had good look through here and can’t seem to find it.

    Can you point me in the right direction please or equally do you have a solution?

  5. Hi Alex,

    I have a SharePoint 2013 (The Cloud version) custom list where 1 column is a text field where contact numbers are keyed in. How can I get SharePoint to highlight duplicate values in that column so that every time a new item is added to the list, I’ll know if the contact number has been used previously?

  6. Hello,
    we have a license for a site collection and we have created a new subsite, what are the actions to take in order to keep the license on the subsite

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