I got a request for a method to edit the form label of a SharePoint form. Basically this i very easy.
This is how it looks by default:
By adding a few lines of code it can look like this:
How is it done?
As always we start like this:
Create a document library to hold your scripts (or a folder on the root created in SharePoint Designer). In this example i have made a document library with a relative URL of “/test/English/Javascript” (a sub site named “test” with a sub site named “English” with a document library named “Javascript”):
The jQuery-library is found here. The pictures and the sourcecode refers to jquery-1.3.2.min. If you download another version, be sure to update the script reference in the sourcecode.
Add a CEWP below your NewForm list-form (and EditForm if you like) like this:
With this code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/English/Javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> fields = init_fields(); var myNewLabel = "<br><div>Here is some custom text added by adressing the formlabel with jQuery!</div>" + "<br><div>You can insert images to:<br><img src='/test/English/Shared%20Documents/jQuery_img.jpg' border='0'></div>" $(fields['MyChoice']).find(".ms-formlabel h3").after(myNewLabel); function init_fields(){ var res = {}; $("td.ms-formbody").each(function(){ if($(this).html().indexOf('FieldInternalName="')<0) return; var start = $(this).html().indexOf('FieldInternalName="')+19; var stopp = $(this).html().indexOf('FieldType="')-7; var nm = $(this).html().substring(start,stopp); res[nm] = this.parentNode; }); return res; } </script>
The function init_fields() is a modified version of Erucy’s function for finding fields in a SharePoint form. My modified version uses FieldInternalName rather than DisplayName to locate the fields.
Thats it!
If you want to add individual labels for each of the choices in the choice list- read this post to learn how.
Once again, your work in innovative and outstanding!
Charlie Epes
Buffalo, NY
another great post
I did find one small bug, but not anything major. When I first implemented the script, I did not make my change to the FieldInternalName. My result was all fields had the same text and image. Once I made the change it only appeared in the named field area. Still all in all great job.
Hi Larry, What exactly did you change on the FieldInternalName. I’m having the same problem. Thanks!
There’s nothing else to it than use the correct FieldInternalName of your field. If you have the wrong name specified – you get the described result.
Here’s how to find the FieldInternalName
Hey Alexander, I began implementing this script on a project. I added it to the NewForm with no issues. I added it to the DispForm, and nothing extra is written to the page. does this need to be modified for it to work on the DispForm?
$(fields[‘question1’]).find(“.ms-formlabel h3”).after(q1);
Are you sure the CEWP is below the list form?, I have no trouble with showing it on my DispForm.
sorry for bothering you. not really sure what i did. I am working with several scripts and was combining a few to share files and links. I just opened it up and working with no issues. sorry to bother you. thanks
when this is applied to the survey form no go. I did notice the difference. the survey form does not have the h3 after the ms-formlabel but even when I change to this
[sourcecode type=”text/javascript”]
nothing is written to the page. did I miss something?
You have to adapt the function init_fields() like done in this post:
Wrap choice-field in multiple columns–
This has to do with the survey having “td.ms-formbodysurvey” rather than “td.ms-formbody”
this is what I have. I noticed in the survey no h3 after formlabel. Added you check for list or survey and swapped out the variable. still wont write. can you c what I’m missing here?
[sourcecode type=”text/javascript”]
var q1 = "test";
// Array of all descriptions – must be the same number of elements as the number of choices in the choice-list
var arrMyChoice = [‘ = Not Applicable’,
‘ = Never’,
‘ = Rarely’,
‘ = Sometimes’,
‘ = Most of the time’,
‘ = Always’
// Standard list
var tdClassToFind = ‘.ms-formbody’;
// Is it a survey?
tdClassToFind = ‘.ms-formbodysurvey’;
function descriptionAfterChoice(FieldInternalName,arrName,widthOfCustomLabel){
$(fields[FieldInternalName]).find(tdClassToFind).find(":radio").each(function(idx){ //(":checkbox")
// Add alternating style to make it easier to follow the lines in the form
var trClass = ”;
//trClass = ‘ms-alternatingstrong’;
trClass = ”;
$(this).next().after("<span style=’display:inline-block;width:" + widthOfCustomLabel + ";white-space:nowrap’>" + arrName[idx] + "</span>")
I was confused a minute as this question should have been posted in this article: Add individual label for each choice in multichoice list.
I will nevertheless answer here:
I am sorry if I was confusing. This is the right post area. if you look at the script I posted lines one and two
is what I cannot get working in the survey. do you mind one more look to see what I missed on that?
Hi again,
Sorry, i misunderstood.
In a survey the label is in a separate TR, use this line to add to the formlabel in a survey:
back to bug you again with labels. I know this is for forms, but is a list view, setup as a boxed view with labels, How can I use this script or what do i need to modify, to add a label for the field label in a boxed view with labels?
I found the cell with style .ms-stylelabel, but there must be something else I am missing.
I implemented this code, and it replaced all the names with testing. my fieldinternalname is “question1”. the display name is “01”
the page source shows this
I just want to replace the 01 with something else, can this be done?
Like this?
[sourcecode laguage=”javascript”]
var oldHtml = $(this).html();
var newHtml = oldHtml.replace(/01/g, "Testing");
perfect, so all I need to do for each label or question is replicate that function, changing the var for each one, right?
You should add some sort of logic to the loop to avoid looping trough all fields more then once, but the answer is yes.
Can you change it so it renders in a different css style then ms-formlabel h3?
This is fairly simple. One good thing about CSS is that the last one read on page load is the winner. By applying your style or class in the var you can change it to what ever you want like this:
or this
one last thing I forgot to mention. I have found once I starting playing with my styles and formatting I needed to add a width attribute of at least 190px. The amount is a personal preference. I needed to add this width mostly with ordered and unordered lists to prevent wrapping and so it would flow with the rest of the page layout.
How would I make this text a link? I tried this, but it didn’t work:
var myNewLabel = “Link to Google”;
I figured it out. I ended up not using the var myNewLabel and instead putting my code right in the after() function:
after(‘Link to Google‘)
This also worked well since I had several fields and I wanted a different link on each field.