Travis Goodman

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  • in reply to: Vlookup filter not working #37838
    Travis Goodman

    Hey Alexander, I didn’t want to create a new post for this, but I am also seeing an issue with the filter for vLookup.

    Here’s my setup:

    – Parent list with a column labeled _DFFSID
    – Child list with a column labeled _vLookupProjectID
    (this is also the FIN for both columns, I have verified that)
    – In my parent list I am configuring the vLookup with the “select web” button to get the website and then selecting the child list in the dropdown.
    – In the filter I have the following: _vLookupProjectID eq ‘[[fieldValue:_DFFSID]]’
    – I save the editor and go to the actual form and it’s telling me “Column ‘_vLookupProjectID’ does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.”
    – Note that in the “build the table” and “add new item” tabs I am able to select _vLookupProjectID in dropdowns to build the table and prefill the form, so it’s a valid column
    – If I change the filter to use Title instead of _vLookupProjectID then it works perfectly fine. I don’t get it.

    My hypothesis is that it’s related to the leading underscore being the problem. My theory lies in the fact that I created a different column that didn’t lead with the underscore, but the rest was the exact same. So it was vLookupProjectID and that one worked as well.

    I have the latest version of modern DFFS installed. Take a look and tell me what you think.

    Travis Goodman

    This is on modern dffs version – it’s been like this always though, not a new bug or anything.

    Travis Goodman

    Also, I notice that if there is a special character in the single line of text field that is used for the lookup column, modern dffs will not try to pull up the modal at all. Like I won’t even get the “No configuration found” error.

    Example, I have an ampersand & in one of my single line of text fields in my parent list. In my child list I have that value set in the lookup column. If I then click on the hyperlinked lookup value, nothing happens.

    in reply to: Request for alternate deployment method #37741
    Travis Goodman

    Modern, yeah so that’s the issue for me then. I don’t have tenant admin access, I am only given admin access to my own site collections. I guess I am out of luck then, unless you have any ideas? Like I still have a ton of stuff on classic DFFS I want to move to modern DFFS and it’s finally at the point where most of the key functionality I use is available in Modern, but I manage 15-20 site collections, so updates are a massive pain point for me. Probably nothing that can be done about that though.

    I did notice that one of my site collections is saying my modern license is expired on that site, so I will email you to check on that part.

    in reply to: Idea for SetFieldValue for datetime columns #36879
    Travis Goodman

    For reference, this was being done when I had a rule to set the date field value to [today]#now

    in reply to: Concern with License placement #36510
    Travis Goodman

    That’s great news, thanks! I use the password on all configs, but didn’t know license is only visible to person that added it. That’s great!

    in reply to: User Manual Alternate Location #36503
    Travis Goodman

    I’m seeing it now, thanks!

    in reply to: User Manual Alternate Location #36500
    Travis Goodman

    Yeah, that’s not showing for me at all. I’ve attached a screenshot of what I get on our VPN.

    in reply to: User Manual Alternate Location #36497
    Travis Goodman

    Is it still sourced within Google Drive/Docs? If so, I think that’s the root of the issue. I’m still getting the error “Couldn’t Preview File – You may be offline or with limited connectivity. Try downloading instead.”

    Download doesn’t work either. If I disconnect from corporate VPN I can get around this.

    in reply to: Extended trial license code for testing purposes #36318
    Travis Goodman

    Hi Alexander, I’m back in the office and just now getting to check on forums. Are you planning on extending the trial license at all, or do I need to contact you to figure out my licensing situation?


    in reply to: Modern DFFS v1.0 has been released #36240
    Travis Goodman

    Hi Alexander, here is my EARLY feedback, but I have a lot more I am still working through. This is just my initial thoughts. Things have been extremely busy so finding time to test has been problematic, but I’m trying! I have some very complex stuff I hope to get to very soon that might fast track your development if we catch the hard stuff early.

    Anyway, here it goes:

    – On datetime columns where width is 12 columns and time is included, put date and time all on single line. It puts hours and minutes on a second line and things are spread out a mile long unnecessarily.

    – Ability to name a row in the config so you can at a glance tell what content is in there (and perhaps create rules based on the rows name for visibility)

    – Ability to load a JS file prior to excuting custom JS (or adding a JS file to the root of the DFFS that would load to all forms like in classic DFFS)

    – Ability to load a CSS file prior to custom CSS (or similar functionality as stated above, something that gets loaded from the core install that would load to all forms)

    – Documentation on what actions can be triggered programmatically with spjs in customJS

    – Perhaps I’m not using it right, but the buttons that appear along the top for add row/column, tabset, html, grid, etc. do not do anything when clicked.

    – Create similar option as label position to allow for label styling outside of custom css. Simple options like bold and maybe providing a hex code for color.

    – Ability to copy rule

    – Create rules based on result of a preceeding rule

    – WOULD LOVE TO HAVE FOR CASCADING DROPDOWNS >>> I know CCDD is not available yet, but just throwing this out there for early development. If there is a break in the cascade, but there are still more columns to cascade after, then keep it moving.
    Example: VP, AVP, Director, Manager is my cascade. Let’s say an employee has a VP, AVP, but no Director, but does have a Manager. So there’s a break at Director, how can we resolve that so it just accepts the blank value and keeps things moving?

    Hope this feedback finds you well, and I plan on providing a lot more! Especially any issues I find in development. I’ll be reaching out to you soon to discuss how I can obtain similar licensing in Modern as I have now in Classic, as well as the donations I’ve already promised. I haven’t forgotten!

    in reply to: Modern DFFS v1.0 has been released #36225
    Travis Goodman

    Congratulations! By the end of this month, I will have a full post available with my feedback and any issues I’ve run into. Yet to determine how best to format it all, but excited to share. Love your work, and I’ll be sending a tip over to you real soon!

    in reply to: Extended trial license code for testing purposes #36176
    Travis Goodman

    Thanks for posting this! I keep falling behind on my testing due to increased workload, but I really hope to dive into it this month and provide some meaningful feedback to you.

    in reply to: v0.9.0.9 has been published #36112
    Travis Goodman

    Got it, thank you! Forgot you had posted that.

    in reply to: v0.9.0.9 has been published #36108
    Travis Goodman

    Hi Alexander, is the license extended in the new update? I ran out of my trial license, and then here in the US we had a long weekend for a federal holiday so I didn’t get to finish all my testing.

    Excited to explore this more!

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 64 total)