David S Kaimann

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  • in reply to: Button as HTML that triggers a rule #9703
    David S Kaimann

      Thank you! Works like a charm!

      in reply to: Using DFFS to pre-fill an Auto Complete field #9221
      David S Kaimann

        Just following up on this one. Is there any way to trigger this field to “blur” or force the Autocomplete to start? If I try to prefill just this one field using the vLookup “Add new item”, i’d ideally like to have this autocomplete field perform the autocomplete when the form is ready.

        in reply to: Restrict "Add new item" to specific User Groups #9199
        David S Kaimann

          Perfect! Thank you!!!

          in reply to: Restrict "Add new item" to specific User Groups #9170
          David S Kaimann

            Thank you so much! I’m using 2010 right now, but we’ll be migrating to 2013 within the next few months. If you’re able to provide both options, it would be awesome!


            in reply to: Cascading Dropdowns losing dffs-formvalidation class #8772
            David S Kaimann

              I’m experiencing a similar issue; however, I haven’t customized any JavaScript / jQuery. The Asterisk is missing in Internet Explorer, but not FireFox. Any ideas why this would be happening only in Internet Explorer?

              in reply to: Use setFieldValue with Cascading dropdowns #8615
              David S Kaimann

                Hi there!

                I just wanted to add an additional comment / question on this topic. Basically, I’d like to leverage the same “idea” here when using the “Mutli” option. Here’s what I have / what I’m trying to do:

                Cascade 1: Project Status
                Cascade 2: Project Manager
                Cascade 3 (multi): Project Name

                Ideally, I want the last cascade to include a URL / Hyperlink that I’ve stored in a calculated column, but it the “multi” box doesn’t display or save the full URL. I’m fine storing just the “text”, but I’d really like to be able to be able to store the URL in <i>another field</i> if I can’t get the URL / Hyperlink to come through in the “multi” option. I’m basically trying to replicate the “Lookup” function in SharePoint for multiple values since it would let me add multiple links back to the other item (in a many to one relationship).

                I’ve attached screenshots as well.


                in reply to: Cascading Drop Down when more than 5000 items? #8548
                David S Kaimann

                  I confirmed that I get the same error (attached) when using the newest published files under “DFFS and plugins”.

                  in reply to: Cascading Drop Down when more than 5000 items? #8547
                  David S Kaimann

                    I’m using version 1.250 that was published on 9/8/2015 with the “DFFS and Plugins” release. I see that you have an updated version since 9/8/2015, so I can try that

                    in reply to: New DFFS Version #8442
                    David S Kaimann

                      FYI – everything is working GREAT in the new version! Great work! Thanks!

                      in reply to: New DFFS Version #8365
                      David S Kaimann

                        Thank you so much! The refined code you have works extremely well!

                        I’ll definitely test out the vLookup SPFieldLookupMulti function in your BETA 3 to see if that’s changed. Thanks again!

                        in reply to: New DFFS Version #8357
                        David S Kaimann

                          And…one other note: If we can’t fix the display issues with the show / hide stuff, that’s totally fine. I tried removing the <tr> and <td> tags, and it works just fine.

                          The “vLookUp” fix would be totally appreciated! 🙂

                          in reply to: New DFFS Version #8356
                          David S Kaimann

                            I think I found the issue – and – I’m hoping you can help… 😉

                            But first, here’s another issue:

                            • On the “vLookup_frontend” file, there was a rule / function for “SPFieldLookupMulti” that I think got broken with one of the recent updates (even before the BETA).
                            • Can you confirm if the non-Minified code has this information for that rule / function?
                            			case 'SPFieldLookupMulti':
                            				thisField.find('select option[value="'+lId+'"]').trigger("dblclick");

                            For my original issue:

                            • On each “tab”, I have “Instructions” (a “Heading or HTML field” I added to the tab) that are hidden / unhidden with another piece of simple JavaScript.
                            • I think that’s what’s causing the funky display, because it worked fine on a list that didn’t have these instructions.
                            • The actual show / hide function is actually working just fine, it just seems to be adding additional versions of the first “column” I have listed on the DispForm / EditForm / New Form.

                            Below is the code that I use:

                            Instructions Example

                            		<div class="InstructionHeadOpened">
                            			<a class="showLink" href="#" id="instructions1-show" name="instructions1-show" onclick="showHide('instructions1');return false;">Show Instructions <img alt="help" src="/_layouts/images/hhelp.gif" title="Show Help Instructions."></a>
                            		<div id="instructions1" class="more" style="color:black">
                            			<a class="hideLink" href="#" id="instructions1-hide" name="instructions1-hide" onclick="showHide('instructions1');return false;">Hide Instructions <img alt="help" src="/_layouts/images/crit_16.gif" title="Close Help Instructions."></a>
                            			<p>To create a <strong>new</strong> request:</p>


                            function showHide(shID) {
                               if (document.getElementById(shID)) {
                                  if (document.getElementById(shID+'-show').style.display != 'none') {
                                     document.getElementById(shID+'-show').style.display = 'none';
                                     document.getElementById(shID).style.display = 'inline';
                                  else {
                                     document.getElementById(shID+'-show').style.display = 'inline';
                                     document.getElementById(shID).style.display = 'none';


                            /* This CSS is used for the Show/Hide functionality. */
                            .more {display: none;font-size: 8pt;}
                            a.showLink {text-decoration: none;display:inline;font-style: italic;font-weight:normal;font-size: 8pt;}
                            a.showLink:hover {text-decoration: none;display:inline;}
                            a.hideLink {text-decoration:none;display:inline;font-style: italic;font-weight:normal;font-size: 8pt;}
                            a.hideLink:hover {text-decoration:none;display:inline;}
                            a.showLinkText {text-decoration: none;}
                            a.showLinkText:hover {text-decoration: none;}
                            a.hideLinkText {text-decoration: none;}
                            a.hideLinkText:hover {text-decoration: none;}
                            in reply to: New DFFS Version #8346
                            David S Kaimann

                              Hi there!

                              I’ve kept the CEWP files exactly the same – I only replaced the .js and .css files, so I’m pretty sure nothing is loaded twice. I’m attaching several files that show the information that appears in the Console for both FireFox and Internet Explorer 10, including the old and new versions. I have Full Control access to my entire Site Collection, so permissions shouldn’t be an issue.

                              Thanks in advance!

                              in reply to: DFFS v4.210 BETA #6934
                              David S Kaimann

                                Sorry for just now replying! For some reason, I think the WordPress notification went to my spam folder!

                                1: What kind of field is “Volume (Last 12 Months) and what trigger did you use to set it read only? [thespiandave: Text Box. I used the trigger of “User is NOT in group.”]

                                2: Did the field “English Approval – Writer” have a value that did not show up when set to read only? If so, what trigger did you use to set it read only?[thespiandave: In all honesty, I don’t remember. However, I tried again on an item that had a value in that box and it did display that person’s name as was read only.”]

                                3: Regarding boolean fields in DispForm – are you 100% sure you used the new version in the frontend?[thespiandave: I re-downloaded the frontend files – and – spjs-utility files today and no change. It still says ‘Yes’ on the DispForm.”]

                                Info regarding comparing dates: This change will use the full date including hours and minutes when comparing date values from two different fields – using one date col in the “If this trigger” field, and another date col in “This value” field – doing a compare using less than or greater than.


                                in reply to: vLookup frontend v2.100 BETA #6837
                                David S Kaimann


                                  Great work! I appreciate all of the help! I attached a Word Document showing some of my testing results. I tried to test all of the items, but wasn’t able to get to them all.

                                  THANKS for all your hard work!

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