Forum Replies Created
Hi there
Is the problem the current item field I’m using? DisplayName is a calculated field.
Hi Alexander
First is the output from the Edit form followed by the output from the Display form for the same item.
Field: vLookupDivisionsblob:
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Field: vLookupDivisionsquery:
<View Scope=’RecursiveAll’><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=’Org’ /><Value Type=’Text’>,</Value></Eq></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=’ID’ /></OrderBy></Query></View>
Field: vLookupDivisionsNumber of items matching the query: 0
Field: vLookupDivisionsblob:
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Field: vLookupDivisionsquery:
<View Scope=’RecursiveAll’><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=’Org’ /><Value Type=’Text’>A Life Explored</Value></Eq></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=’ID’ /></OrderBy></Query></View>
Field: vLookupDivisionsNumber of items matching the query: 1
Works as you’d expect!
Hi there
I’ve tried it on a test environment with the latest version and got the same result (although it seemed to work then stopped working).
I’ve then tried with the child library and parent list in the same site where previously they were in different sites. So far so good.
No need to be sorry. I’m just glad that there will be more soon. Beers on there way for this one!
Hi there
I was looking to do the same thing, pre populate a Multi look up field. The item is selected but not added.
Is this something that can be done?
Hi there
Yes, there are multiple lines per employee in the list. I’d be filtering for a single project and summing employee hours for all outputs for that project.
As for Javascript knowledge – nil.
I can pull a spreadsheet for the list and use a pivot table to get the information I need so I do have a way, but in the vlookup would be better.
Also meant to ask will it ever be possible to allow a multi-level group by option e.g. by staff and by output in the example above.
Cheers. That worked a treat.
Hi there
No need to apologise. I will buy you a beer if you can fix this one. Promise!
I’ve attached the screen shot (have rather a lot of fields in this list)
The screen shot shows the Field Type as as Text in the configuration form. If I change to Lookup (Text value) I go no matching records, but also no error.
HI Alexander
I have a list of projects. Some projects are ‘parents’ of other sub projects in the same list. The link is a lookup field called Parent which returns from the project list a project name.
In the project display and edit forms I am using a vLookup field to look for sub projects to display. I have a range of other vLookups successfully working, pulling in child records from other lists. This is the only one that isn’t working. Is it do do with the fact that list it is looking up itself?
A similar example would be if I had alist of staff and the managers where in the same list. Could I use a vlookup to list for a manager their reportees?
Hi there
I’ve not solved the problem, but I have found out that it works in Chrome (Version 43.0.2357.130 m), but not in IE (v11.0.9600.17843). See screen shots
Any suggestions?
I’m sure I have updated the DFFS files. The back end is showing as v4.303 (I was previously on 4.262) and there is a new tab in the set called Autocomplete which isn’t present in the set up that works.
I may be missing something, but when I swap out the old files for the new files I, the vlookup fields appear with just their field name and no data. The back end configuration indicates that the plug in is not installed, but as far as I can see all the links to the files are working.