I have fixed the bugs reported in the previous BETA 1 version and updated to BETA 2. I believe most of the issues should be addressed now, but I need some more...
I have published a new revision of DFFS and plugins. You find the full change log here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-change-log/ Please post any comments or questions in the forum. Best regards, Alexander
SPJS Charts for SharePoint v6.0.1 BETA 1 Updated the filter methods to add cascading filters. See instructions in the “Custom CAML and filter” tab in the chart config, or the user manual....
I have released a new version of DFFS to fix a few bugs, and add some enhancements. You find the complete change log here. Please post any questions or comments in the...
I have released v6.0.0 of SPJS Charts for SharePoint. The reason for skipping to v6.0.0 for this release is that the loader has changed to ease the setup process. Unfortunately this version is...
Hi everyone! I have had a problem with the outgoing emails on my blog for about a week. I have reset it now, but as there have been little outgoing emails last week, you...
SPJS-CascadingDropdowns.js v3.529 (October 10, 2016) Fixed an issue where removing an option from one multiselect control did not clear the orphaned options in subsequent multiselect controls. You find the changed file in...
I have updated the DFFS package to fix a small issue in license tab in DFFS backend, an an issue with the DFFS Installer not showing all lists in the dropdown. I...