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DFFS is installed in a document library called SPJS. If you look in Site Contents, you should be able to find it.
By the way, if you have a SharePoint practice site, its a great idea to practice installing DFFS yourself and play with it. It is especially helpful to do something that will benefit you in real life.
For instance, I have a practice site I can reach on my phone, and I have built a Blood Glucose tracker that I use several times a day, since I am diabetic and use insulin. Building an app that is just for me allows me to do enhancements, and in doing so, learn a lot about DFFS and SharePoint. I have figured out how to format my app so it looks good on my phone and is easy to use. It took me about a year of researching here and there to finally get it to where it is, and my skills have increased as a result.
I know of two ways to do this. One way would be to export the config for the New Form using the Misc tab in the configuration page, then import that config into the Edit Form on the Misc tab.
However, I find it quicker and easier to just delete the Edit form after I’ve made changes to the New Form, then open the config for the Edit form. When asked whether I want to copy an existing config, I choose New Form.
I hope this helps.
Christoph: You can create a calculated field on your list that contains a link to the version history page for an item — this article may help: URL to version history page (Hint: to make it display as a link, set the data type to “number”). Then just display that column where you want to be able to go to the version history.
If you’re stumped, reply to this answer and I’ll try to get time to create a sample.
P.S. You may need to research a few things like “How do I get the GUID of a sharepoint list?” “How create a link in a calculated column.”
June 23, 2017 at 14:12 in reply to: No visible tabs were found. Please contact an administrator. #16947If you have the Sharegate migration tool, you might try migrating the list directly from SP10 to SP16. (If you don’t have it, you can download a 14 day trial from Note: Some organizations will not let you download and install Sharegate.)
If you do try this, and it does not succeed the first time you try it, try turning off DFFS on the SP10 list then migrating again. You can then turn on DFFS in SP16, and copy the configs from SP10 manually.
Just another possible thing to try so you don’t have to rebuild your list from scratch.
June 23, 2017 at 13:47 in reply to: No visible tabs were found. Please contact an administrator. #16943Ueli;
In your shoes, my next move would be to create a brand new custom list with no extra columns and install DFFS to test that there is not something in SP2016 that is breaking DFFS. If that is successful, I would then rebuild the list from scratch, then migrate the data to it.
I have seen several situations in which a list migrated from one version of SharePoint to another behaves in weird ways.
June 22, 2017 at 14:59 in reply to: No visible tabs were found. Please contact an administrator. #16925I assume your situation is that you migrated a list that uses DFFS from SP10 to SP16, and the display form is generating the error you mention in your post.
I can’t guess at why that is happening, since I have no experience with SP16, but if it were me, since the edit form IS working, I would try deleting the display form configuration and recreating it by cloning the edit form.
If you don’t know how to do that, post back and I’ll give specific steps. If the display form is drastically different from the edit form and would be REALLY hard to rebuild from a clone of the edit form, post back and I can give you a couple of ways of backing up your current display form config so you can restore it if you find the root cause of the error message and don’t need to use my workaround.
Good luck.
I’m not sure I understand your scenario correctly, but let me try to help.
I interpret your question as follows. (If I’m wrong, this may not help)
Assume: List A –> List B (has a field to store the ListA_ID vlookup) All items on List B get created from a List A item through the vLookup functionality on the List A New or Edit form.
List B — List C (has a field to store ListB_ID)
All items on List C get created from a List B item through the vLookup functionality on the List B New or Edit form.Need: create a view that shows all list A items, with their related List B items, and their related List C items.
1. Revise List B and the vlookup on list A so that all the fields from List A needed on the view get copied to the related item on List B when a new item is created on List B.
2. Revise List C by adding a ListA_ID field (and any other fields needed) and revise the vlookup on list B so that all the fields from List A and B needed on the view get copied to the related item on List C when that item is created.
You can now create a view on List C that shows all the related fields from Lists B and A.
(If the List B items do NOT get created from List A items, you may need to manually copy the List A fields into their related List B items. Ditto for List C)
I hope this is helpful to someone.
Desired enhancement: Easy copying of New form config to Edit form, or vice versa.
When I am building a complex form, I usually work on just one version of the form (for instance, the EditForm), and when I reach a point where the form is fairly useable, I will clone the EditForm to create the NewForm.When I need to make changes later (especially if I have written custom Javascript that will provide extra functionality on both the New form and Edit form) I will make the changes in the Edit form, then delete the New form and recreate it so it has the same configuration. (OR, I will export the Edit form configuration and Import it into the New form.)
It would be great if we could have a button like “Copy Edit Form Config to New Form” to save a few steps when trying to keep the New and Edit forms synchronized.
Importance of this enhancement: very low
How to know which version of DFFS is installed, and how to update easily to another version
1. Provide an easy way to know which version of DFFS is installed in the DFFS folder within the SPJS Library. I do this for myself right now but simply adding a text file with a name that reflects the version. For instance, my most recent installations have a text file in the DFFS folder named “DFFS version 2017-02-25.txt”. This lets me know at a glance which version of DFFS I am using. When I download a new version of the DFFS files and unzip the zip file, I rename the DFFS folder to include the version date. This way, I can have several versions of DFFS installed in a single site and switch between them almost instantly simply by changing the folder names. Whichever folder is named “DFFS” (without any date component) is the active version.Request to Alex: please include a text file (like I have explained above) in future versions of DFFS to give users an easy way to know which version of DFFS is installed.
//retrieve items from a list
//takes an object containg the following parameters:
//listName, query, viewFields
function getMacros(){
var fieldName = “Title”;
var fieldType = “Text”;
var listName = “Foods”;
var targetString = getFieldValue(“Food”);
var qty = getFieldValue(“Qty”);
var res, qb = [], item;
qb.push(“<FieldRef Name='” + fieldName + “‘/><Value Type= ‘” + fieldType + “‘>” + targetString + “</Value>” );
res = spjs_QueryItems({“listName”:listName,”query”:qb.join(“”),”viewFields”:[“PctFat”,”CalTot”,”PctCarb”,”PctProtein”]});
if(res.count > 0){
item = res.items[0];
setFieldValue(“TotCal”,item.CalTot !== null ? item.CalTot*qty: “not set”);
setFieldValue(“PctFat”,item.PctFat !== null ? item.PctFat*100: “not set”);
setFieldValue(“PctCarb”,item.PctCarb !== null ? item.PctCarb*100: “not set”);
setFieldValue(“PctProtein”,item.PctProtein !== null ? item.PctProtein*100: “not set”);
}Forum articles:
get values from another list/
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
Keith Hudson.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
Keith Hudson.
// get/set field values.
// NOTE values are read from or written to the input field as strings.
// On save, they are converted by SP to the right data type
setFieldValue(‘FIN’ , ‘valueToSet’)-
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
Keith Hudson. Reason: improve spacing
I must have fat-fingered something the first time I tried renaming my DFFS folder, because I just tried it again and it worked like a charm.
Yes, I was using a table within the HTML and adding the style “border-collapse:collapse” solved the problem. Thanks, Alex!
I’m using SPServices GetListItems function to get text contained in another list on my site to display on the form.
If there is functionality in DFFS to do that already, I would love to use that.
As far as including SPServices, all I need to do is include a script reference in the Custom JS config page, like this?
October 4, 2016 at 12:17 in reply to: Rules opening wrong form, combination rules not working #13531After some more testing, it appears I was misunderstanding the rule operation. I had set the FormB rule somthing like “when Request Type is changed from initial value” and inserted the target value in the value field, not realizing that for a change from initial value, ANY value will do. I changed the FormB rule to “when Request Type is equal to” my value, and it is working correctly.
I still don’t know why my combination rules weren’t working before, but I’ll leave that puzzle for another day.
Once again, a huge shout out to Alex for this great tool!!
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by