Alexander Bautz

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  • in reply to: Feature request for “Quick Save” on a “NEW” item #37420
    Alexander Bautz

      NewForm and EditForm configurations are often different to let the first person use a simple form and then have a more complex form with more fields in editform.

      I think the best solution would be to add an option to turn off quick save (I’ll look at adding that to the next version) so you can use the dffs_PostSaveAction custom js function to redirect to the EditForm configuration.


      in reply to: JS – how to refer to a field in the code #37411
      Alexander Bautz

        If you look at this thread and find the Do something before the item is saved section you can just use getFieldValue(“Your_field_name”) to get the value to build your new variable with the changes, and setFieldValue(“Your_field_name”, your_variable); to write it back to the field.


        in reply to: Form Loading problems in Modern DFFS #37408
        Alexander Bautz

          I haven’t seen this error myself. It refers to the built in object _spPageContextInfo and it tries to read the pageListId from that object.

          If you are able to recreate the issue it would help me to troubleshoot if you could bring up the developer tools and type this in the console and send me the output (expand the object) by clicking the triangle to the left of the output:



          in reply to: SharePoint retirement of Add-Ins #37406
          Alexander Bautz

            No worries, the Modern DFFS is a SharePoint framework app.


            in reply to: Deploying package #37404
            Alexander Bautz

              The configuration for Modern DFFS is stored in a list in each site. The list is hidden, but you can access it on this URL:


              If you include this list (with contents) in your package, DFFS will load the config as soon as the Modern DFFS App is installed in the App Catalog.


              Alexander Bautz

                I have confirmed the bug and started work on it during the weekend, but was not able to finish it. I hope to get a new version out later this week.


                in reply to: Bug found in 1.0.45 #37384
                Alexander Bautz

                  Thanks for the clarification. I have started work on it during the weekend, but found some other issues I need to figure out. I hope to get a new version out later this week.


                  in reply to: Errors on list item creation or edit #37380
                  Alexander Bautz

                    This error is the one fixed in v45 – it was introduced in v37.


                    in reply to: Bulk adding rules? #37378
                    Alexander Bautz

                      Add something like this to your custom js:

                      var arrOfFields = ["Q1_x0020_Status", "Q2_x0020_Status"];
                      arrOfFields.forEach(fin => {
                          jQuery("#dffs_" + fin + " select").on("change", function(){
                      function triggerChangeChoiceFields(){
                          var hasFail = false;
                          arrOfFields.forEach(fin => {
                              if(getFieldValue(fin) === "Fail"){
                                  hasFail = true;
                              // Do your custom action here - for example call a rule that is set up with "Not trigger (must be triggered manually)"

                      This code triggers a rule called customTrigger – set up with the trigger “No trigger (must be triggered manually)”.

                      Let me know how this works out.


                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Fixed code snippet format
                      in reply to: JS to hide unused banded rows #37377
                      Alexander Bautz

                        If you use code to hide fields in a row with side-by-side fields there is unfortunately no built in functionality to hide the “outer” row when all fields in the row have been hidden by rules.

                        The only way to do this is to use custom js – for example on an interval – to check if all fields have been hidden and then hide the outer row.


                        in reply to: Bug found in 1.0.45 #37365
                        Alexander Bautz

                          I need some clarifications: are you trying to copy from a multilookup field in the parent to a multilookup field in the child and only the first item is transferred, or are you trying to transfer values from multiple different lookup fields and only the value in the first field is transferred?


                          Alexander Bautz

                            In DFFS this setting is found in the Misc tab > Multi lookup columns > Arrange multi lookup columns vertically.


                            in reply to: Modern Page with list view #37349
                            Alexander Bautz

                              I tested it and it seems to works as expected. Please note that the modern DFFS solution is a list view command set extension and only loads when the command bar is visible (edit > Show command bar).


                              Alexander Bautz

                                I think there is a built in check in the browser that prevents the function to run in the form has not been modified – try changing at least one field and see if the code runs when you try to exit.


                                Alexander Bautz

                                  The code to tap into the PreSaveItem function worked in my test, but you must ensure you run the originalPreSaveItem and not use “return” in the code above the call to this function.


                                Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 4,724 total)