Document Library dffs missing

Home Forums Modern DFFS Document Library dffs missing


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    • #38412
      Jeff Lynch

        I’m building in modern and trying to do a vLookup to a document library but I get a message that dffs isn’t set up in the doc library and when I go to the document library there is no dffs option in the ribbon. How do you get into the config on a document library?

      • #38413
        Alexander Bautz

          I have seen this before. I think this is caused by a “stuck” definition from an old installation of Modern DFFS.

          Try going to the site collection app-catalog and remove the Modern DFFS solution. Empty the recycle-bin to completely remove it and then re-upload it to the site collection app-catalog. Remember to check the “Make this solution available to all sites in the organization”. In a site collection app catalog the text is misleading – it will only apply inside the current site collection.


        • #38422
          Jeff Lynch

            O.K. that worked for the document library, but now my main list that I’m building the vLookups in keeps losing the dffs choice. It came back once for a bit, then its gone again, I have repeatedly refreshed, even ctrl+f5 with no luck. All the other lists in the site are working, how can that happen?

          • #38423
            Alexander Bautz

              After updating DFFS it sometimes struggle to load, but it should resolve itself after approximately 15 minutes. If not, try going to the Application tab in the developer tools and click the “Clear site data” button (if you use Chrome or Edge).


            • #38424
              Jeff Lynch

                thank you, deleting cache seems to have fixed it. Odd behavior but hopefully gone now.

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