Bug found in 1.0.45

Home Forums Modern DFFS Bug found in 1.0.45

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    • #37364
      Marcus Khoo

      There is an issue when using a “New” item button from a VLookup. If I try to copy values from the “source” to the “new” and those values are lookups then only the FIRST lookup value is transferred.
      Note: This used to work so it has broken with a new release but not sure which one.

    • #37365
      Alexander Bautz

      I need some clarifications: are you trying to copy from a multilookup field in the parent to a multilookup field in the child and only the first item is transferred, or are you trying to transfer values from multiple different lookup fields and only the value in the first field is transferred?


    • #37382
      Marcus Khoo

      More info:
      My “original” item has tweleve columns, eleven of them are Lookup columns (Which do NOT retrieve the “Title” of the source).

      I am trying to “clone” my twelve column item and I am using the “New” opiton in a vLookup.

      I want to create a brand new item and set the default values of nine of the eleven lookups with the same values as the original.

      This used to work but now when I use the “New” button, only the first of the eleven lookups gets popualted in the new item and I have to manually select the other ten.

      Hope this explains it better.

      Best regards

    • #37384
      Alexander Bautz

      Thanks for the clarification. I have started work on it during the weekend, but found some other issues I need to figure out. I hope to get a new version out later this week.


    • #37386
      Marcus Khoo

      Thanks Alexander

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