vLookup Not Populating in List when paging in web part

Home Forums vLooup for SharePoint vLookup Not Populating in List when paging in web part


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    • #32644
      William Ellis

      I am using vLookup for SharePoint [backend] v2.2.156. I have added the parent list in a web part on my home page. I have also added the CEWP to the Home page so that the child records display. The list view groups by two fields, so when I click down to the actual records, the child records appear in the list. However, once I page to the next 20 records, the child records disappear and I have to go completely back up to the grouped view and then drill back down to get any child records to appear. I have searched the forums but haven’t found any answers to this.

    • #32646
      William Ellis

      Also, the columns for the child records seem out of alignment in the list view. Can this be fixed?

    • #32650
      Alexander Bautz

      I haven’t tried this in a while – do you see any change in the URL of your page when you go to a new page in your list view?

      You can try this approach also: https://spjsblog.com/forums/topic/vlookup-count-on-list-view-issue-with-groups/#post-10135


    • #32660
      William Ellis

      No, the child column data just disappears. If I open another group and drill down to the records, then the child column data appears for the whole web part. It is like it is not refreshing and running whatever code runs to populate the child data in the list view, when I page through the records(currently showing 20 per page).

      I’ll give that link a try and see what happens.

    • #32675
      William Ellis

      Alexander, the link you shared seems to be specific to SP 2010. I do not see the specific lines of code in the html page.

      • #32677
        Alexander Bautz

        Yes, the code was originally written for SP2010, but I think it might work (not 100% sure though because you are not using a normal list view, but a list view web part).

        Just add the code at the bottom of the file – just before the end script tag.


    • #32679
      William Ellis

      I added the code(the second block you mentioned), but nothing changed.

      The first block was not in the code to begin with, shown below)
      $(window).on(‘hashchange’, function(){
      So I removed what I added in. There are times when the ‘Loading’ text flashes for a brief second and then disappears with no child records showing. Other times when I open a group, the child records appear. There are two different Web Parts with vLookups, to different lists, not sure if that is causing it, seems to be the same when it was just one web part.

      I did an F12 and saw no errors either.

      • #32690
        Alexander Bautz

        Does it work if you use a standard list view in the list and not in a web part page?


    • #32692
      William Ellis

      Yes, that works great.

      • #32705
        Alexander Bautz

        OK. I’m not sure exactly why it is not working when you use a list view web part, but if you can send me some screenshots of how your page is set up with the webparts (email me on the address you get this notification from) and I’ll try setting up a similar web part page and test it.

        In general, grouped views (especially when grouped twice) is a bit messy to keep track on – did this work when testing in a normal list view? – if so, are you using the same vLookup field name is two different lists in the same web part page? – that will not work.


    • #32730
      William Ellis

      I’ll get a screenshot to you shortly. As for the vLookup fieldnames, is that the internal field names can’t be the same? The user manual seems to say that I must use _vLookupID and _vLookupParentID if I want to allow it to work with the >5000 list view items. So if that is the case, there is no way I can use two web parts from different lists on the same web part home page?

      It does work better on the list view page, but it still has issues when paging through records two group-levels down.

      • #32740
        Alexander Bautz

        It is the internal name of your vLookup placeholder field – not _vLookupID and _vLooupParentID.


    • #32794
      William Ellis

      It is vLookup_Children

      • #32797
        Alexander Bautz

        If you use that field name on both lists you can try changing the vLookup field name on one of them. Just create a new field named for example vLookup_Children2 and go to the vLookup config tab and export from the old and import to the new field – then delete the old field (existing child items are not affected by this).


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