Prefill value is not visible-

Home Forums vLooup for SharePoint Prefill value is not visible-

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    • #18497
      Farhan Shaikh

      When I create a new item using add new item link present in the display form I could not see prefilled values in one of my dropdown which is splookup field Whereas creating a new item using add new item link present in the edit form, the same prefilled values are visible in the dropdown. Please help.

    • #18541
      Alexander Bautz

      I deleted your original question (because it was duplicated) and add the reply here:

      I tested this now and it works both from DispForm and EditForm.

      Which version of vLookup and spjs-utility.js are you using? I have made some changes that cold have fixed this issue in the later version of the DFFS package.


    • #18551
      Farhan Shaikh

      Thank you very much Mr.Alexander.It is working now.

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