I have uploaded a new BETA version of DFFS and plugins. I’m sorry for the long delay from the previous BETA, and that I cannot give you a production ready release. Based...
I have spent a lot of time last week and in the weekend trying to sort out some problems with “on-change rules” that surfaced in the last BETA version. Due to the...
I have made some changes to how jQuery loads using the “noConflict” loading option to ensure the correct version of jQuery is loaded, and that it’s not killed by other third party...
I have released a new DFFS package with a few new features and some bugfixes – you find the change log here. The autocomplete plugin has been brushed up a bit, and...
I have published a new DFFS package. It has a few bugfixes and new features so Please test it before you add it to a production environment to ensure none of the...
I have released a new version of DFFS with plugins. There are some new features, and some bugfixes. You find the full change log here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-change-log Alexander
I have fixed a few bugs in DFFS and in the cascading dropdown plugin – you find the full change log here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-change-log/ Post any issues in the forum. Best regards, Alexander