I have released v6.1.3 of SPJS Charts for SharePoint. You find the change log here: https://spjsblog.com/spjs-charts-for-sharepoint/spjs-charts-for-sharepoint-change-log/ I have tried to address the problem with using SPJS Charts for SharePoint with IE on...
I have released a new version of DFFS with plugins. There are some new features, and some bugfixes. You find the full change log here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-change-log Alexander
I have added a video installation guide for SPJS Charts for SharePoint in the user manual: https://spjsblog.com/spjs-charts-for-sharepoint/spjs-charts-for-sharepoint-user-manual/ Alexander
After some delays I have finally released SPJS Charts for SharePoint v6.1.0. this is a complete rewrite of the query and filter from v6.0.0 and adds much more flexible filter options and...
I have fixed a few bugs in DFFS and in the cascading dropdown plugin – you find the full change log here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-change-log/ Post any issues in the forum. Best regards, Alexander
After BETA 2 where I made some major changes to how the filters where handle, I realized that I needed to make some more changes to the query part to let you...