All posts by Alexander Bautz

DFFS and new form layout in SharePoint

This is a little status update on the new layout in document libraries that are starting to roll out in SharePoint online.

DFFS will currently not work with this new layout. I’m working on a new version that will support it, but until this is ready you must change a setting to keep the classic view.

Read this article that describes how to keep the classic view:

I’ll post updates as soon as I have a BETA ready, but it will most likely be a few months. In any case, it will be ready well before the classic view option is deprecated.

Please post any questions in the forum.

Best regards,

Charts for SharePoint v5 BETA 4

New beta version released – follow these instructions to install:

There is no change log for this revision, but it fixes the issues reported in the forum:

The user manual is “work in progress”:


Charts for SharePoint v5 is finally here

SPJS Charts for SharePoint v6 can be found here

I published the first version of the SPJS Charts for SharePoint back in 2010, and released the current v4 version well over 2 years ago.

After being neglected for far to long, I’m happy to finally release v5 of SPJS Charts for SharePoint in a BETA version.


This version has been brushed up quite a lot, and supports most of the chart types available in the Google chart solution.

I have also added support for basic drill-down, transpose and a few other new features. It still supports all SharePoint versions, but I have not been able to test it in SP 2007 – feedback is appreciated.

This new version will not interfere with v4 of SPJS Charts for SharePoint (uses a separate configuration list), but you cannot use v4 and v5 in the same page. You cannot currently import existing charts from v4, but this might be added as an option if there is demand for it.

There is no trial period built in, but you can request a 1-3 month trial by following the link in the banner below the chart.

Follow these simple steps to install

  1. Download the files form here
  2. Unzip, and upload to a document library named “SPJS”. The folder structure should be “/SPJS/Charts/”.
  3. Edit the file “SPJSChartsMaster_CEWP.html” to correct all the links to the various scripts.
  4. Copy the path to the file “SPJSChartsMaster_CEWP.html” and insert the link in the Content link field in a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) in a page in your site.

Localize the frontend UI

You can edit the file “/SPJS/Charts/js/spjs-charts-i18n.js” to add your own translation for the labels and messages in the frontend UI.

User manual

The user manual is not yet complete, but you find it here.

Feedback and comments

Please post any feedback in the forum

DFFS now with built in check-out for list-items

I have previously show how you can use DFFS rules to require check out of list items before editing.

This worked reasonably well in most cases, but if you had a large form with lots of rules, the loading would take twice the time because all the DFFS rules would have to run before the check-out action could take place – and then the form was reloaded.

To overcome this, and also make the setup easier, I have now built support for requiring check-out of list items into DFFS. You find the settings in the Misc tab when editing the EditForm of a list item.

Please note that this is in BETA (v4.3.68), and I need your feedback to ensure it works as expected before releasing it in the production version.

You find the DFFS package in the DFFS_BETA folder in the download section.

Please post any findings in the forum


Extension to the hit-counter for logging hits to files linked in the quick-start

This is an extension to this solution:

I got a request for a solution to add hit counter functionality to a set of custom HTML pages in a document library. While you can add the hit counter code to the page, it will be a bit cumbersome if you have pages not inheriting from the master page.

I will here describe a possible solution to the problem, but this requires you to access these files from a link in for example the quick launch. It will not work if you go to the document library directly and open the file.

The code

Add a web part page to a document library in your site. Add a HTML form web part, or a SCRIPT editor web part to the page, and add this code:

<div style="font-size:25px;color:green;">Please wait while we open the requested page...</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/SPJS/DFFS/plugins/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/SPJS/DFFS/plugins/SPJS-utility.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var hitCounterListName = "HitCounter";
var hitCounterListBaseUrl = "";

function spjs_logHitAndRedirect(){
	var redirTo = GetUrlKeyValue("goto"), res, data = {};	
	if(redirTo !== ""){
		data.Title = "Hit";
		data.URL = unescape(redirTo);
		data.User = (typeof _spUserId !== "undefined" ? _spUserId : _spPageContextInfo.userId);
		data.ReferringURL = document.referrer;
		res = spjs_addItem({
			location.href = redirTo;
		alert("Append \"?goto=[url to page] to the URL to log a hit, and redirect to the page.");


You must edit the code and add the correct link to jQuery and spjs-utility.js. You must also provide the correct name and path to the HitCounter list in the variables “hitCounterListName” and “hitCounterListBaseUrl”. This should be the same as you use in the “argObj” in the hit counter setup.

How to use

The link to the HTML page you add to the quick start must be on this format:

The above will log a hit on “” and redirect you to this file.
