Marcus Khoo

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  • in reply to: Bug found in #37685
    Marcus Khoo

    Hi Alexander
    I am trying to fill the new item field with the existing current value of the same field.
    (I am using vLookup to make a “copy” of the current item)

    Best regards

    in reply to: Bug found in 1.0.51 #37671
    Marcus Khoo

    Super job Alexander. Many thanks

    in reply to: Bug found in 1.0.51 #37661
    Marcus Khoo

    I eventually got round to testing this.

    If you create a brand new rule with a Yes/No field and do NOT change the default value from “No” then the rule does not fire.

    You need to edit the rule change the trigger to “Yes”, Save the form. Open the form back up, go to Rules and change the trigger value back to “No”. Then it works.

    Found this effect on the “New” form (haven’t tested the others)

    in reply to: Feature requests #37547
    Marcus Khoo

    Also, in a vLokokup would it be possible to customise the message which current defaults to:

    “There are no items matching this query”

    I may just like to say “None” or even “”


    Marcus Khoo

    Thanks Alexander, but what calls this function? Is it called automatically whenever any field is changed?

    Marcus Khoo

    Spoke too soon. Don’t quite get the example.
    I want to trigger the update of a specific field when another changes and i want to do the same for twenty fields
    when A is changed, B is updated
    when C is changed, D is updated
    When E is changed, F is updated


    Marcus Khoo

    Doh! you have it already in the Examples. Sorry.

    in reply to: Feature request for “Quick Save” on a “NEW” item #37430
    Marcus Khoo

    Hi Alexander, yes that may work but I would still need the users to be able to Save – without going to the Edit form.
    How about a “Save and Edit” option on Quick Save? That gives me all three options:
    1. Stay on New form with QuickSave
    2. Go to the Edit form with “Save and Edit”
    3. Just “Save and Close”


    in reply to: Deploying package #37418
    Marcus Khoo

    (OOps, I meant “Ver”, DFFS already has a “Version” which it uses to track itself)

    in reply to: Deploying package #37417
    Marcus Khoo

    Hi Chrisoph,
    I have created my own view (not changed the default one) in this list that has “Title”, “Form” (first instance of the column) and Last Modified date.
    This is great if you want to see the last time you updated the form and what form type is being used.
    If you are developing your own forms, this is a great way of easily identifiing the form configurations to copy if you do updates
    You could also add a “Version” column to keep track of form changes

    in reply to: JS – how to refer to a field in the code #37416
    Marcus Khoo

    Also note that this works great for Lookup fields. So
    returns the VALUE in the field not just the ID of the item being looked up.

    in reply to: SharePoint retirement of Add-Ins #37415
    Marcus Khoo


    in reply to: Bug found in 1.0.45 #37386
    Marcus Khoo

    Thanks Alexander

    in reply to: Bug found in 1.0.45 #37382
    Marcus Khoo

    More info:
    My “original” item has tweleve columns, eleven of them are Lookup columns (Which do NOT retrieve the “Title” of the source).

    I am trying to “clone” my twelve column item and I am using the “New” opiton in a vLookup.

    I want to create a brand new item and set the default values of nine of the eleven lookups with the same values as the original.

    This used to work but now when I use the “New” button, only the first of the eleven lookups gets popualted in the new item and I have to manually select the other ten.

    Hope this explains it better.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Oops – problem with #37286
    Marcus Khoo


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