I have now released version of DFFS for the Modern SharePoint. It fixes a few bugs and introduces some new features Read more and get your license over at SPJSWorks.com Post any...
I have fixed a bug in the file SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js introduced in the previous version where a missing semicolon caused the minified file to fail to load with an error like this: Uncaught...
I have now released version of DFFS for the Modern SharePoint. It fixes a few bugs and introduces some new features Read more and get your license over at SPJSWorks.com Post any...
I have fixed a small bug in the vLookup functionality where setting a date field in a child item did not include the time part. You find the complete change log here, and the...
I have released a new version of CommentBox for SharePoint to fix a bug where when using cBox in a DFFS DisplayForm. When unsubscribing to comments the page would reload and the...
I have fixed a bug. You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual. Post comments below, or use the form. Best regards,Alexander
I have fixed a bug. You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual. Post comments below, or use the form. Best regards,Alexander
I have now released version of DFFS for the Modern SharePoint to fix a few bugs introduced in version published yesterday. Read more and get your license over at SPJSWorks.com Post...