All posts by Alexander Bautz

Classic DFFS updated to v4.4.5.49 – October 25

I have fixed a bug in the file SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js introduced in the previous version where a missing semicolon caused the minified file to fail to load with an error like this:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'setFieldValue'

You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual.

Post comments below, or use the form.

Best regards,

CommentBox for SharePoint v3.1.0.11

I have released a new version of CommentBox for SharePoint to fix a bug where when using cBox in a DFFS DisplayForm. When unsubscribing to comments the page would reload and the ID would be removed from the URL.

Look here for the complete change log:

Post any comments below, but please post bugs or questions in the forum: