I have fixed a few bugs. You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual. Post comments below, or use the form. Best regards,Alexander
I have fixed two bugs – you find the change log here: https://spjsblog.com/spjs-charts-for-sharepoint/spjs-charts-for-sharepoint-v7-change-log/ Alexander
I have fixed a few bugs. You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual. Post comments below, or use the form. Best regards,Alexander
I have fixed a few bugs. You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual. Post comments below, or use the form. Best regards,Alexander
One of my long time customers asked me if I had any possible suggestions on a person to fill a position. They are looking for an experienced professional, well versed in DFFS/SPJS...
I have fixed a few bugs. You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual. Post comments below, or use the form. Best regards,Alexander
I have fixed a few bugs and added one new feature. You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual. Post comments below, or use the...
I have released a new version of CommentBox for SharePoint with a bugfix related to time on the comments being off by a few hours. Look here for the complete change log: https://spjsblog.com/commentbox-for-sharepoint/commentbox-v3-x-change-log/...