I have fixed a few bugs and added some new functionality – like support for mobile devices. You find the compete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual.
Post comments below, or use the form.
Best regards,
After installing the “DFFS Package updated to v4.4.5.0” a combobox stopped working.
“manualMode”: true,
“dataSource”: dataSourceArrayFilter,
“lookupList”: “”,
“lookupListBaseUrl”: “”,
“lookupListFields”: [“Title”, “ID”],
“thisListFields”: [“EntRemete”, “EntRemeteID”],
“dropDownDefaultvalue”: “(Selecione uma Entidade)”,
“filter”: “”,
“hideEmptyDropdowns”: false,
“autoselectSingleOption”: true,
“clearInvalidSelection”: true,
“addOwnValue”: false,
“addOwnValueMouseover”: “”,
“cancelOwnValueMouseover”: “”,
“sideBySide”: false,
“debug”: false
If i set “debug”: true, does nothing.
Do you see any errors if you open up the developer tools (hit F12 and select Console) and refresh the page?
I recommend using Google Chrome (or another chromium based browser).
No errors in the console.
I use Chrome.
If I don’t use the dataSource with a query and start using the filter with the lookupList and lookupListBaseUrl, it works. It’s very weird.
I don’t know if to use the dataSource I need something in particular that I’m missing.
The truth is that the control is loading infinitely.
Normally when debug is activated, information was seen in red, but with this control, this does not happen. Whether debug is enabled or not makes no difference.