I have previously posted a solution for pulling the email address from a people picker. This is an updated version that lets you pull any user list property (this is the built in user list in SharePoint and NOT the SharePoint Server Shared Service Provider profile) from the people picker and write it to a separate text field.
Unlike the previous solution, this one is designed for multi select people pickers.
How does it work
This solution binds to the blur event on the picker input field, and on the click event on the Check Names and Browse button. It checks to see that the picker selections resolve, and then pulls the login name form the selections. It then uses the function “getUserInfo_v2” from the file “spjs-utility.js” to get the user list information for the current selection.
How to set it up
Go here and download the latest version of “spjs-utility.js”
Add a CEWP below the list form in NewForm or EditForm. Read here how to add a CEWP in SharePoint 2007. In SharePoint 2010 you can add the CEWP by selectiong “Form Web Parts” from the list ribbon menu.
Insert this code in it. In line 05: replace “from” and “to” with your FieldInternalNames, and the “propertyName” with the one you want to retrieve. The “multiValueSeparator” is the separator between multiple values (if the picker is a multi select).
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/test/Scripts/spjs-utility.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> pullEmailFromPickerOnChange({from:'MyPeoplePicker',to:'Title',propertyName:'Title',multiValueSeparator:'; '}); /****************************************************** Do not change anything below this line *******************************************************/ fields = init_fields_v2(); function pullEmailFromPickerOnChange(obj){ var toFind, arr, data, val; $(document).ready(function(){ toFind = "div.ms-inputuserfield"; if(!browseris.ie5up && typeof(_fV4UI)==='undefined'){ toFind = "textarea"; } $(fields[obj.from]).find(toFind).bind('blur',function(){ $(fields[obj.to]).find('input').val(''); arr = pullUserInfoFromPicker(obj.from,obj.to,obj.propertyName); $.each(arr,function(i,data){ if(data[obj.propertyName]!==undefined){ val = $(fields[obj.to]).find('input').val(); if(val!==''){ val += obj.multiValueSeparator; } $(fields[obj.to]).find('input').val(val+data[obj.propertyName]); } }); }); $(fields[obj.from]).find('img').bind('click',function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $(fields[obj.to]).find('input').val(''); arr = pullUserInfoFromPicker(obj.from,obj.to,obj.propertyName); $.each(arr,function(i,data){ if(data[obj.propertyName]!==undefined){ val = $(fields[obj.to]).find('input').val(); if(val!==''){ val += obj.multiValueSeparator; } $(fields[obj.to]).find('input').val(val+data[obj.propertyName]); } }); },500); }); }); } function pullUserInfoFromPicker(finFrom,finTo){ var result, isResolved; result = []; $(fields[finFrom]).find('.ms-formbody').find("div[id='divEntityData']").each(function(){ isResolved = ($(this).attr('isresolved').toLowerCase()=='true')?true:false; if(isResolved){ result.push(getUserInfo_v2($(this).attr('description'))); } }); return result; } </script>
Change the script src to match your location of “spjs-utility.js”. If you prefer to use a local copy of jQuery, go here to download v1.6.4. I have not had the time to make it work with jQuery 1.7x so you must use v1.6.4 for now.
Hi Alexander, thank you for this variation :), is it possible say what properties are available and what their names are in sharepoint i.e department etc., thanks again for your share of knowledge 🙂
Sorry for the late reply. You find the available properties in the array “arrOfFields” in the function “getUserInfo_v2” in the file “spjs-utility.js”.
If you add some custom fields to the user list, you must update that array to include the new field names.
Hi Alexander, once again I have to ask you for help. I’m trying to get two parameters from people picker. I’ve added CellPhone property into arrOfFields as you mentioned and I’ve also added CEWP on customized form. In source editor I’ve added like below:
pullEmailFromPickerOnChange({from:’Requestor’,to:’Requestor_email’,propertyName:’EMail’,multiValueSeparator:’; ‘});
pullEmailFromPickerOnChange({from:’Requestor’,to:’Requestor_mobile’,propertyName:’CellPhone’,multiValueSeparator:’; ‘});
and when I choose people from picker nothing happens. In your previous version I was able to pull email without problems, but I wasn’t able to pull two parameters as I described above.
I’ve double checked FieldInternalName for both propertyNames, I’ve also double checked ID for field in my list.
Please give me a tip where it can be a problem.
Hi Alexander, I’ve noticed that in comments on your blog fragments of source code are removed. I can send you complete code which I used on my SHP but you have to tell me how 🙂 ?? In addition to my previous post I’ve also check paths to spjs-utility and jquery.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Read here on how to post code in comments
I’m not quite getting whether you can make it work with one parameter or not?
Is your form customized in SharePoint designer? – if so, try using a non-customized form for reference.
Hey Alexander! I’m SOOO Happy to find this post, but it’s not working at default. All I did was change it to my people picker field which is ‘People’. Any ideas on what I’m missing? I go into the form, add someone, and the Title field does not update.
Here is my code:
Nevermind, figured it out. Silly me, make sure you add this CEWP AFTER the form fields, not above.
Hi Alexander, thanks for this, really useful to have, I have added the FirstName and LastName into the array and works perfectly, in answer to Pawel problem for each bit of information you want you need to add a CEWP and add the code for each one, for example to get my first name I have all the code in a CEWP, then for the last Name I insert another CEWP and change the property name and field name, Thanks so much Alexander really helped me alot 🙂
Hi Kris,
Could you give me more details, how to achieve situation I described above ?? I’d like to youe one people picker and two text fields, after choosing person from people picker I’d like to both textfield be filled with user emai and mobile phone. As far as I know email paramenter is identified by ‘EMail’ tag and mobile phone is identified by ‘CellPhone’ tag. ‘EMail’ tag by default is in “arrOfFields” nut ‘CellPhone’ is not, so I’ve added ‘CellPhone’ tag in to array of fields “arrOfFields” in getUserInfo_v2 bust still no effect :(. Please describe how you pull more then one paramemeter from peoplepicker
Thanks in advance
Hi Kris,
I figured it out why it desn’t work :). Problem was with FieldInternalNames – I used custom forms – there is no FieldInternalName and you have to use ID property assigned to . One problem solved :D. Another problem which I’m still strugling is pulling CellPhone property. I don’t know why but I can pull any other profile properties (i.e. LastName, FirstName etc.) but CellPhone doesn’t work !!! I’m sure that CellPhone property is filled in user profiles but this script doesnt pull this property. Alexander, maybe you can help with this problem ?? Build in properties works like harm but if you have custom property in user profile it doesn’t work 🙁
Hey Pawel, how did you get this to work on your custom forms? I followed the instructions about replacing the “init_fields_v2” fuction on the spjs-utility and assigning an custom id tags to the table fields on my custome form
and then referencing those ids using
pullEmailFromPickerOnChange({from:’RequestedForCustomID’,to:’PhoneCustomID’,propertyName:’WorkPhone’,multiValueSeparator:’; ‘});
I also made sure the CWE web part is below the custom form.
Any ideas?
Hi Alexander
Really good post.
I have a question related with user profile and people picker field.
User Profiles: I have added a new section called “custom properties” and then new field called “Role” with string(Multi Value) — property type.
Values in the ‘Role’ field are: Director, Valuer.
In Manage user profiles: For some users I have allocated them as director and valuer, some are only valuers and some are only directors.
ok now in SharePoint … I have created a people picker field in a list, now the requirement is, when the user select the browse icon next to the people picker field and search for the users.,then it should search and give only the people who have the value “Valuer’ in “Role” field( User Profiles).
Any ideas, really appreciatable
The functionality you request is out of scope for this solution, sorry.
Hi, unfortunately my company hasn’t upgrated to SP 2010. I am found your code very useful, but I’m having to click “Check Names” twice in order for the “Title” field to populate. Any reason for this? Or way to correct?
Hi Pawel ,
I am also using custom forms, how you get the id property instead of internal name?I added some alerts to see where it is failing. I found this part it is not getting ‘2’.
Can you please help me? My requirement is same as yours. I have personame column which is person/group column type and have other 3 text fields. Email,Work number and mobile number to be populated on selection of the user name.
Thank you
Hi Rosaline,
Answer for your question is here: https://spjsblog.com/2010/01/25/how-to-use-these-scripts-in-a-customized-form/
You don’t have to look for internal names. You should add id parameter to object you would like to use and use it just like field internal name 🙂
If you have further questions do not hesitate to ask 🙂
Please help,
I’ve added a new field “Manager” in spjs-utility.js.
I must be having a complete mental block …. where do i reference that I want “Manager” to appear in the text field as opposed to “Email”.
Do I missing something. I add a CEWP after list form.
This is code and it is not updating the value.
pullEmailFromPickerOnChange({from:’Customer Name’,to:’Location’,propertyName:’PreferredName’,multiValueSeparator:’; ‘});
Do not change anything below this line
fields = init_fields_v2();
function pullEmailFromPickerOnChange(obj){
var toFind, arr, data, val;
toFind = “div.ms-inputuserfield”;
if(!browseris.ie5up && typeof(_fV4UI)===’undefined’){
toFind = “textarea”;
arr = pullUserInfoFromPicker(obj.from,obj.to,obj.propertyName);
val = $(fields[obj.to]).find(‘input’).val();
val += obj.multiValueSeparator;
arr = pullUserInfoFromPicker(obj.from,obj.to,obj.propertyName);
val = $(fields[obj.to]).find(‘input’).val();
val += obj.multiValueSeparator;
function pullUserInfoFromPicker(finFrom,finTo){
var result, isResolved;
result = [];
isResolved = ($(this).attr(‘isresolved’).toLowerCase()==’true’)?true:false;
return result;
Customer Name is not a proper FieldInternalName.
Thanks Alex!
I fixed it, it is working now.
One more question. Is there a way to display the current user and their details in the list without picking from people picker
Hi Alex
Is there any way to get the user manager name?
This code “reads” from the SharePoint user list and not the profile found in the server version.
Look at this one and see if you can combine them: https://spjsblog.com/2011/09/18/accessing-user-profile-information-in-sharepoint-with-javascript-updated-version/#comment-6062
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How can I push the value I get for the Manager and set a field that is not a txtbox type. For instance I am retrieving the manager network id successfully but want to populate another people picker field with that id.
You must use the function “getUserInfo_v2” from spjs-utility.js to get the loginname, for the user like this: