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Thanks Alexander. Indeed that would be a disaster. But if I would make a groupname typo, I could create that group with the typo to get around this issue. Is that right?
thanks Alexander
Yes, I’m selecting the empty value, (in my case in the dropdown “Geen”, see the spjs.lookup.init parameter). This results in an empty string for the field OpposingPartyLookupWork, but the lookup field OpposingPartyTestLookup remains unchanged (only if the field OpposingPartyLookupWork is empty, otherwise it works fine). And yes, I am using the “Set field value” section and setting the field to the value of {OpposingPartyLookupWork} . And the lookup column is not a required field. Manually I am able to make this field empty.
DFFS frontend Backend v4.4.2.5|CSS version: 4.18 / 4.18|spjs-utility version: 1.27
Hi Alexander,
Is there already some progress regarding the sharepoint modern interface and DFFS?
Do I have to worry about Microsoft stopping the classic interface and my dffs forms will not work anymore?
Many thanks
RoelofI managed to convince the end users that it would be better to go for plain text fields (Multi line). So this is not a problem to me anymore. It still is intriguing riddle, though.
Thanks for the help.Thanks Alexander. It works perfect this way.
Thanks Adam. It is a good idea to use a rule for this. I learned from you that it is possible to use a rule to hide elements based on a classname
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately this does not make a difference.Hi,
This one works, but does too much. All p tags are replaced. And what is needed is that only the first p tag is replace and only then, when there is no preceding text. Otherwise we would and up replacing every p tag on subsequent updates. So I would need a split/join of the first occurrence only, which is not preceded by text. Is that possible?Hi Alexander,
Thanks for your reply. I am now half way there. When I combine your dffs_PerSaveAction with my code it works for editting an item. But not when inserting a new item. Then I’m still left with the div and P tag
So this script helps when editing an item
function dffs_PreSaveAction(){ //var rteContents = getFieldValue("Nature").split(/<p>|<\/p>/).join("<span>"); //setFieldValue("Nature",rteContents); var pTags = $("div[class^='ExternalClass']>p:first-child"); pTags.contents().unwrap(); }
The split/join statement (that you suggested) did not help. The html in the text field still kept the div and p tag (both on insert and edit).
Is there maybe an equivalent function in dffs that fires like an “item-added” trigger