Leon Perdue

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  • in reply to: DFFS Backend v4.4.3.47 – SBS alignment #21522
    Leon Perdue

      Hi Alex,

      Thanks for this info this resolved my issue!

      Leon Perdue

        that was it. complete oversight on my part. Thank you as always!

        in reply to: Time tracker in DFFS #19688
        Leon Perdue

          It is a normal SP 2013 custom list. The form is only customized with DFFS.

          I even tried creating a brand new test list and get the same errors.

          in reply to: Time tracker in DFFS #19672
          Leon Perdue

            Hi Alexander,

            Here is the console response

            VM344:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of null
            at <anonymous>:1:24

            in reply to: Time tracker in DFFS #19617
            Leon Perdue

              Sorry for the delay:

              using the same code you provided in the topic

               var a = [], b = [], tt;
               a.push("<tr style='font-size:18px;color:green;'>");
               a.push("<td colspan='2' style='padding:2px;'>");
               a.push("<span id='elapsedTime'></span><span id='totalTime'></span>"); 
               b.push("<span title='You can save and close the list item while the timer is running. It will keep tracking time until you edit the item and click \"Stop the timer\".'>");
               b.push("<input style='background-color:#C2CF8A;color:#444;' type='button' id='dffsTimeTrackerStartBtn' value='Start the timer' onclick='startTicker()'>");
               b.push("<input style='background-color:#D57C7C;color:#ffffff;display:none;' type='button' id='dffsTimeTrackerStopBtn' value='Stop the timer' onclick='stopTicker()'>");
               tt = getFieldValue("TotalTimeString");
               if(tt !== ""){
               $("#elapsedTime").html("Total time: "+getFriendlyTime(Number(tt)));
              function startTicker(){
               var a= getFieldValue("StartTimeString");
               if(a === ""){
               setFieldValue("StartTimeString",new Date().valueOf());
              function stopTicker(){
               var a = getFieldValue("StartTimeString")
               , b = new Date().valueOf()
               , u = spjs.utility.userInfo(_spPageContextInfo.userId)
               , et = b-Number(a)
               , tt = Number(getFieldValue("TotalTimeString")) + et
               , log = getFieldValue("Log")
               , al = getFieldValue("Activity");
               // Reset start time and log
               if(a !== ""){
               if(log !== ""){
               log += "\n*******************\n";
               if(al !== ""){
               al = "\n\nActivity log:\n"+al;
               setFieldValue("Log",log+u.Title+"\nStart: "+new Date(Number(a)).toLocaleString(_spPageContextInfo.currentUICultureName)+"\nEnd: "+new Date().toLocaleString(_spPageContextInfo.currentUICultureName)+"\nElapsed time="+getFriendlyTime(et)+al);
               $("#totalTime").html("Total time: "+getFriendlyTime(tt));
              function getFriendlyTime(ms){
               var h, m, s;
               h = Math.floor(ms / 3600000);
               m = Math.floor((ms % 3600000) / 60000);
               s = Math.floor((ms % 60000) / 1000);
               return (h<10?"0"+h:h)+":"+(m<10?"0"+m:m)+":"+(s<10?"0"+s:s);
              if(getFieldValue("StartTimeString") !== ""){
               var a = getFieldValue("StartTimeString"), b = new Date().valueOf(), tt = Number(getFieldValue("TotalTimeString"));
               if(a !== ""){
               $("#elapsedTime").html("Elapsed time: "+getFriendlyTime(b - Number(a))); 
               if(tt !== ""){
               $("#elapsedTime").append(" / Total time: "+getFriendlyTime(tt + (b - Number(a))));

              console message:
              jquery.js:4 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.

              When i delete any multi line text field i get no error.

              Leon Perdue

                I figured out the CSS for SP2010

                    width:140px !important;

                This does not appear to work in my 2013 test site though.

                • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Leon Perdue.
                • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Leon Perdue.
                Leon Perdue

                  Sorry for the delay and thanks for the response!

                  when i removed

                  .sbs_FieldTable .dffs_tdWrap *{
                  	width:auto !important;

                  the rest of the side by side dont line up. I do see the people picker is a div. I will keep playing with the CSS and see if i can get the right width.

                  • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Leon Perdue.
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