People Picker field shortens when using side by side settings

Forums Classic DFFS People Picker field shortens when using side by side settings

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    • #18035
      Leon Perdue


      I am using DFFS side by side settings on SP 2010 for 2-3 people picker fields, and the input box is being shortened when using the custom css

      .sbs_FieldTable .dffs_tdWrap *{
      	width:auto !important;
      .sbs_tdIndex_1, .sbs_tdIndex_2, .sbs_tdIndex_3, .sbs_tdIndex_4{
      	min-width:200px !important;	
      	width:200px !important;

      My attempts to try and force this at 150px have failed, any suggestions?

    • #18129
      Alexander Bautz

      You can try removing this setting and see if it helps:

      .sbs_FieldTable .dffs_tdWrap *{
      	width:auto !important;

      If not, you must use a bit more CSS to target the “input” – (I think it’s actually it’s a div) of the PP to set the width.


    • #18213
      Leon Perdue

      Sorry for the delay and thanks for the response!

      when i removed

      .sbs_FieldTable .dffs_tdWrap *{
      	width:auto !important;

      the rest of the side by side dont line up. I do see the people picker is a div. I will keep playing with the CSS and see if i can get the right width.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Leon Perdue.
    • #18216
      Leon Perdue

      I figured out the CSS for SP2010{
          width:140px !important;

      This does not appear to work in my 2013 test site though.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Leon Perdue.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Leon Perdue.
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