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I realized I didn’t really explain my purpose. I want to set up the function so it can dynamically pull the redirect destination from the URL search parameters because the page I link FROM may change and I am putting the current page in the search parameters under a “DFFSSource” parameter. If that parameter is present, I want to redirect users to whatever URL is passed. I am testing with “https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egoogle%2Ecom” as the source and it logs correctly in the console as just before navigating to Google when I test by clicking a button. When I cancel the form, nothing logs to the console and nothing happens. I don’t get errors, I just don’t get anything.
I also tried with this but still, I can see the action take place on clicking a button, but not on cancelling the form.
function saveCancelRedirect() {
let searchParams = new URL(document.location).searchParams;
let dffsSource = decodeURIComponent(searchParams.get(“DFFSSource”));
console.log(typeof dffsSource);if (dffsSource !== undefined && dffsSource !== null && dffsSource !== ‘null’) {
location.href = dffsSource;
}For some reason it doesn’t seem to be working for me. We are still running v1.0.12.0, but I believe that version includes support for detecting the cancel event.
I have this in the Custom JS of the New form:
function saveCancelRedirect() {
let searchParams = new URL(document.location).searchParams;
let dffsSource = decodeURIComponent(searchParams.get(“DFFSSource”));
console.log(typeof dffsSource);if (dffsSource !== undefined && dffsSource !== null && dffsSource !== ‘null’) {
console.log(‘Redirect to ‘ + dffsSource);
}function dffs_PostSaveAction() {
}function dffs_PostCancelAction() {
}I am able to trigger the function by clicking a button, but it is not triggering when I cancel or close the form.
Thanks for your reply. I did see those examples, but I haven’t successfully gotten my functions to trigger when the form is closed or cancelled. I am not seeing the cancel event as something I can use as a trigger.
I am finally getting back around to try this out and am having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to trigger a function on cancelling a form. I don’t see a cancel event in the triggers for the rules. How do I attach my function to a cancel event?
I appreciate your help.
Thank you! I really appreciate it.
Thank you. Yes, in this instance I am sending users to the form from another page, so I want them to come back whether they save or cancel in the form. This would also apply if I just show them the display form for an item and they close it. I would like to send them back to the page of my choice. Adding a way to detect cancelling would be very helpful in order to handle both cases (save and cancel or close).
Thanks for the quick response! I was expecting this answer, but thought I should ask just to confirm before giving up hope. I appreciate it!