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Backend v4.4.3.58 css v.4.46 spjs.utility v1.328
Related to my post from yesterday, I have this set up and tried both the trigger.(“click”) and triggerSave and neither makes presaveaction run again, then I can’t click submit again
Awesome work-around, thanks.
I got it to work as a link but the only styling it keeps is the text color, text size, and text background color. In w3school’s editor it looks correct though. I think I’ll have to change it to an image with a link, little bit of a bummer since I wanted the nice click function, but emails are not kind.
Thanks for your help per usual
I switched it to be inline but now I just get the button text :\
May 29, 2019 at 22:16 in reply to: Register Date Selection via clicker and compare date field value with new Date() #25516Works perfectly, thanks.
Okay, so to use it the way I want I would have to put the first reference to the sbs in a function dffs_ready(){} before continuing with my code. That makes a lot of sense since with my rules solution I have to use dffs_ready with my first reference to the rule. This actually helps me understand dffs as a whole a bit better, thanks a ton.
sbs_OuterTR_888 does work in rules, while I’m not fond of this solution I have a rule to show the element sbs_OuterTR_888 and one to hide it that I trigger from js at different points. Seems extra odd to me that it works as it should in a rule but not $(“#sbs_OuterTR_888”).hide();
Nvm that last message, for this appending it to ms-formlabel works fine.
This works as intended on but not on td.dffs-readonly-inner, how should I modify this to work when also using doReadOnly on the field?
I have a field on tab 1 that effects whether a field in tab 3 is editable or not by a different type of user. I want to clarify why that field isn’t editable to the higher permission users without displaying anything to the general users.
For example, when I inspected one made from a rule on another form, the js path I could copy from it was (‘#field_internal_name_dffsValidation’), different from dffsformvalidation. But I can’t seem to get the right phrasing to set this for a field in the form I’m currently working on.
I think we might be talking about slightly different usages, what you gave me is for if you save without filling out required fields, what I’m looking for is when this is used like an alert (e.g. rule is triggered, sets and shows Display this message).
spjs.dffs.toggleSelectedTab(‘0’); ended up being very useful for making a button to reset the page, thanks for the clarification on toggleSelectedTab
I apparently never hit Submit when I typed this out before, my apologies.
I ended up just copying your code character for character but it still didn’t work. I’m switched off this project for now so this can be ignored for a bit. My team has made me the de facto SharePoint expert working on multiple projects so my focus is being switched/refocused often, thus all the very different asks that don’t always have the best follow-up; sorry spastic-ness and thanks for all the help so far.