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  • Author
  • in reply to: Get Author (Created By) via JS #36072

      nvm, found it in some of my ancient notes, if anyone else needs this solution it’s
      if (parseInt(spjs.dffs.beforeProperties.Author_ID)==parseInt(user.ID)){/*code*/}

      in reply to: Hide Content Type on DispForm #35872

        in case anyone else is looking for this solution, based on what Alex provided I played around with it and jQuery(“tr[id=’dffs_ContentTypeChoice’]”).hide(); worked for me

        in reply to: API call in edit to show all open items by owner #28745

          The jQuery.each isn’t working, I have that section copied exactly with an alert after the first { and it’s never reached

          Sorry, wasn’t paying enough attention to filters

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by becca.
          in reply to: API call in edit to show all open items by owner #28684

            Thanks a ton, this thread has given me really good js notes.
            In case anyone in the future is searching for something similar here’s my code for displaying a count of open items per team member directly on the edit screen with an indicator for > 5 open items;

            function countItemsByStatus(arg) {
                var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
                    "url": _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('" + arg.listDisplayName + "')/items?$filter=Status eq 'In Progress' and Team eq 'B-Team' and " + arg.filterField + " eq '" + arg.value + "'",
                    "type": "GET",
                    "headers": {
                        "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
                    "success": function (data) {
                        // Use console.log to see the data object
                        // console.log(data);
                    "error": function (err) {
                return deferred.promise();
            countItemsByStatus({ "listDisplayName": "demo", "filterField": "OwnerId", "value": "10" }).done(function (data) {
                document.getElementById("tom").innerHTML = data.d.results.length;
                if (data.d.results.length > 5) {
                    document.getElementById("tom").style = "color:red";
            }).fail(function (err) {

            Where “tom” refers to a <span> in a table in an HTML section in the tab. The countItemByStatus is repeated for each team member, but I’m sure someone could leverage the previous comments to cycle through all instead.

            in reply to: API call in edit to show all open items by owner #28663

              Just got a different scenario, is there a way to get a sum of all the values in a field across multiple items? So instead of count of everything filtered, sum of all values of a certain field for everything filtered. Was originally going to be all open items per team member but now it may change to total story points per team member and I’m not sure how to change the inside of countItemByStatus for that.

              in reply to: API call in edit to show all open items by owner #28650

                This is perfect, I added additional filters that will always be true to the initial url. Now I just need to put the variable out and use it to feed a html section. This is great and helps our form a ton, thank you!

                in reply to: Js hide Edit button on Display #28579

                  A setTimeout worked, thanks!

                  For anyone else looking for this solution,

                  setTimeout(function() { document.querySelector("#dffs_editItemBtn").style.display="none"; }, 1050);

                  Any less than 1050 the button flickers on the screen and any more this code runs before the edit button is added

                  in reply to: Code throwing errors selectively #26720

                    Side effect of being new to js and getting references from multiple different sources is code not being designed cohesively, I’ll clean up my code using this and let you know if I’m still getting errors. Thanks a ton 🙂

                    in reply to: spjs.dffs.dlgBox #26124

                      Got it, I moved one bracket out of place. Oh the joys of coding, one character off but not in an error-throwing way can cause so much headache. This works, now just to add this button press to my redirection navigation exceptions and I’m done with this story.

                      Thanks for getting my morning off to a good start.

                      in reply to: spjs.dffs.dlgBox #26109

                        I think the issue is the return false in the PreSaveAction, since other events in the PreSaveAction are running before getting caught on that line. Seems like bad practice. What I’m going to try next is replace the Submit button with a matching clone that triggers the dlg if needed or goes straight to triggerSave otherwise, and see if putting a triggerSave in the dlg btnOK works that way.

                        in reply to: spjs.dffs.dlgBox #26107

                          No dice, didn’t change a thing

                          in reply to: spjs.dffs.dlgBox #26086

                            I have the misc tab set to give me the yellow notification bar for missed required fields and I double checked my js for the only changes made with this addition so that’s not the problem. If it was I wouldn’t get to PreSaveAction in the first place.

                            On load

                            Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type
                            clienttemplates.js?r…jz4PK%2FeWg%3D%3D:1 image/gif: “;

                            Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type image/gif: “;

                            With both jquery.js:3 and jquery.js:4

                            [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience.

                            With jquery.js:4

                            and nothing new when I save

                            in reply to: spjs.dffs.dlgBox #26075

                              I’ve swapped a few different save attempts in and none have worked and returned so far.

                              function customCloseFunc() {
                                  var inff = $("#info").val(); var houu = $("#hours").val();
                                  if (inff !== "" && houu !== ""){
                                      setFieldValue('field1', inff); setFieldValue('field2', houu);
                                      alrtOKd = true;
                                      spjs.dffs.processEmailTemplate("email"); //this does run
                                      //return true;
                                      if (inff === ""){$("#formVal1").show();}else{$("#formVal1").hide();}
                                      if (houu === ""){$("#formVal2").show();}else{$("#formVal2").hide();}
                              var alrtOKd = false;
                              function PreSaveAction() {
                                  //just a whole bunch of other checks and emails
                                  if (getFieldValue('Complete') === true){
                                      if (!alrtOKd){
                                              "msg":"important parts are <textarea id='info></textarea> <div id='formVal1'> <input type='number'> <div id='formVal2'> <input type='button' class='spjs-dlg-btnOK' onclick='customCloseFunc' value='Save'> <input type='button' class='spjs-dlg-cancelOK' onclick='spjs.dffs.closeDlg();' value='Cancel Save'>",
                                      return false;
                                  return true;

                              Everything else works correctly, just the save and return will not happen.
                              *sorry for all the edits, coding in vba too so I kept using ‘ instead of // and messing everything up

                              • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by becca.
                              • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by becca.
                              • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by becca.
                              in reply to: spjs.dffs.dlgBox #26073

                                Updated to the most recent version and it still is not working

                                in reply to: Get ID on New Item Save #26063

                                  So not sure what is up with this right now, when I last responded it took me directly to the item but now both view and edit are taking me to a list view filtered to only the item, or all items with the same name. I tried this on 2 separate sites and they’re both taking me to a list view now for links from new items, did I mess something up?

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