Read only hyperlink display is not right

Home Forums Classic DFFS Read only hyperlink display is not right

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    • #26410

        When I display a URL field as read only, or use the “table row” to display the URL field, I am seeing an extra “‘>” show on the form. This is making the link incorrect. If there is no link, I see the “‘>”, if there is a link in the field, it displays it incorrectly.

        I don’t want to upload a screen shot from my work computer to avoid any security risks, but if you need to see something, I could take a picture and email it to you.

      • #26412
        Alexander Bautz

          Which version of DFFS are you running? I think I might have fixed something related to Hyperlink fields some time ago, but cannot find it in the change log…

          I tested both using readonly from a rule and by inserting a table row with {fieldName} and it works as expected – see attachments.


          • #26416

              My apologies for not being clear on the versions, I should have put this post in the vLooup forum.

              Latest version of DFFS. It seems the issue comes up when I use version 2.2.133 of SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js; 2.2.127 of this file works as expected.

              I am using the “add new item” feature in vLookup that allows me to open a new form in a separate list and put values in the new form from the initiating form.

              The link and description values being passed from/to a URL field type are coming into the new form in this format:

              <a href="URL">URL</a>

              In the previous version it only added the URL to both fields. Should I be formatting the data in a different way?

              • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by chgrnet.
              • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by chgrnet.
          • #26422
            Alexander Bautz

              Ah sorry, I didn’t understand that is was vLookup. I’ll get this fixed and release a new version tomorrow.


              • #26437

                  I just tried out your latest version. The links are correct, but I’m seeing other text columns (not URL) bring data back like this: name, name

              • #26439
                Alexander Bautz

                  Sorry, I must have messed it up while I fixed the other issue – I’ll fix it an post a new version within a few hours.


                • #26450
                  Alexander Bautz

                    I have update the package – please download again and replace the SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js file as described here:

                    Sorry for the inconvenience,

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