Issue with rule not running "on load"

Home Forums Classic DFFS Issue with rule not running "on load"

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    • #21090

        I have had an ongoing issue with fields that I have rules set to run on load not doing so. If I change the selection, then change it back, it runs. When I load the form, it does not (edit form).

        I did pick the field that asks that it run on load and on change, but it sometimes won’t run on load. Please see attached file for more information.

        I did run debug, but it shows that it should have worked. When I look at the field on the form, it is not working on load.

      • #21116
        Alexander Bautz

          Could it be that you have another rule that interferes with this one? – try enabling debug mode on all the rules listed in the “TriggerMap” in the rule debug panel.


          • #21320

              No other rules. I have been able to consistently get this issue to come up on any list I use that is using the later versions. I just installed the June 2018 on a list. The radio button fields are set to load on load and on change, but when I load the form, they are not running the rules. If I change the file value then change it back, it does as expected. I ran debug and it shows the rules running as green, so the criteria is being met, it is just not being met on load on edit form. I don’t have this issue on new form, and I am using IE 11. I see the same thing on Chrome.

              How could I give you the code of what I have so you can see it? It is not been hard for me to re-create it. If my rules were wrong, why does it work correct on change and not on load?

              DFFS version that works on load:, 2017-02-26/SPJS utility v1.279

              • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by chgrnet.
          • #21323
            Alexander Bautz

              Sorry, I didn’t think of this before – when you have rules for the various options in the status-select you must check the “No reversing of this rule” checkbox in the rules to prevent a rule that is not matched to reverse the “Display this message” action – effectively clearing the value show by a previous rule.


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