I set up rules in Newform and Editform to show and hide fields trigger by the “Category” dropdown value. I want to have the same rules applied when the item is in DispForm. How do I set the rules so they are all triggered when form load so the proper fields are hidden? Thank you!
I’m not sure I understand you correctly, but you should be able to use the same syntax on your rules in DispForm. Please add some screenshots if you are not able to get it set up correctly.
I have rules set up for the NewForm to hide certain fields based on the “Category” field value (See images). I want to have the same rules applied when the user open an item and show only the fields based on the Category field value. How do I trigger the correct rule?
The rules are triggered based on the value in the fields you set up the triggers to trigger on – have you tried to just copy the rule to DispForm? (obviously the required fields settings won’t apply).
In general, using the “Debug this rule” checkbox on the rule header row helps you see whats going on.