Create field with people picker data

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    • #18222
      David Salewski

        Hi there!

        I am trying to create a new list item with JavaScript which works perfectly but for two types: dates and people picker. I used the following manual for the process:
        Create a new item in list B prefilling common fields from list A.
        So I am now trying to fill up the data array.

        If I want to populate an item with data from a people picker field, I get an error code. The code is 0x80020005. I tried several methods to get the data, but none seem to work:

        data.INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME = getFieldValue('INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME','');
        data.INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME = spjs.utility.getFieldValue({"fin":"INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME","delimiter":",","key":"loginName"})
        data.INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME = spjs.utility.userInfo(spjs.utility.getFieldValue({"fin":"INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME","delimiter":",","key":"loginName"}));

        They all provide me with the same error

        The date field also does not work. I tried to regex my date format to the needed one, but it still throws an error.

        var raw = getFieldValue('Liefertermin','').split(/[.]/);
        var dateString = raw[2]+"-"+raw[0]+"-"+raw[1]+" 00:00:00";

        This codes takes my date format (20.09.2017) and converts it to “2017-09-20 00:00:00”. I tried both with and without the time.

        Do you have any tips for me, which could help?

        P.S.: The versions I use are
        DFFS Backend v4.4.2.9|
        CSS version: 4.21 / 4.21|
        spjs-utility version: 1.279

      • #18290
        Alexander Bautz

          Sorry for the delay. To update a People picker with code, you must pass the ID like shown here:

          var login = spjs.utility.getFieldValue({"fin":"INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME","delimiter":",","key":"loginName"});
          var userId = spjs.utility.userInfo(login).ID;
          data.INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME = userId;

          The date value must be passed like this:

          spjs.utility.updateItem({"listName":"YOUR_LIST_DISPLAY_NAME_OR_GUID","id":"YOUR_ITEM_ID","data":{"COLUMN_NAME":"2017-09-20 00:00:00"}});


        • #18309
          David Salewski

            Both worked perfectly, thanks!

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