Calculated and Associated fields disappear from Fields tab

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    • #22705

        This issue keeps recurring. DFFS will list calculated and associated lookup fields under Fields on initial load. I add these to various tabs. They show up in the forms. The next day I open DFFS back end and see the bright red bars indicating that these fields are missing from my tabs (and the Fields tab). See Attachment 1.

        In order to get these fields back I must reinitialize all three forms: click red bars, save form, exit DFFS. Re-enter DFFS and add back the fields that are once again found under the Fields tab.

        Using latest DFFS (

      • #22710
        Alexander Bautz

          This sounds strange. Does the Fields tab list these fields?

          I’m thinking maybe you have to many fields of one type so the script that pulls in all available fields might not manage to get all fields when querying the list (there are some limitations / throttling in SP). Can you show me a complete list of all fields (with field type) in your list?


        • #22712

            Attachment 2 lists all fields. Note that Cal_123 (calculated field) and ProdPhaseName:LRIP (associated lookup field) are shown and are part of my Tabs.

            Attachment 3 is taken after I exited the DFFS backend. Closed the browser and re-opened. Now these two fields are missing from the Fields tab and I get the red warnings.

          • #22716
            Alexander Bautz

              Are you using a large number of lookup columns and calculated columns?


            • #22718

                No, the screenshots above are the total number of columns. One lookup field and one calculated field.

              • #22726
                Alexander Bautz

                  I’m not able to figure this out – can you answer these questions?

                  1. Which list type is it? (custom list, tasks etc.)
                  2. Is this a field created in this list, or is it a site column?
                  3. Is there anything else special with this list?


                • #22728

                    This is a custom list. All fields were created in this list. Nothing special.

                    I have numerous other lists (all custom lists, no site columns) in which I experience this same problem. This is just a simple custom list that I set up.

                    SP 2013 treats calculated columns and lookup columns different than plain text. Any relation to this? Why would it work and then not work?

                    If I ignore the red warnings about missing fields the forms continue to display the calculated and lookup associated field columns and the forms function as needed. However, once I make mods to the forms in the DFFS backend I must reinitialize to ensure the fields reappear and I must reinsert the fields in the right Tabs. A recurring nuisance at this point.

                    Are you unable to recreate?


                  • #22730
                    Alexander Bautz

                      Unfortunately I cannot recreate it. Do you use the “Enhanced with DFFS” link in the form to enter setup?


                    • #22732

                        No, I always use a bookmark to enter the DFFS backend directly:


                        and then I select the list form in which I want to work. Should I select the edit form before the display form? It seems I must reinitialize the edit form before the display form will once again list the display form only fields, i.e., calculated and associated lookup fields.

                      • #22734
                        Alexander Bautz

                          I think this must be the cause. Try using the link in the form to check if this fixed it. If it does, please attach the code you use in your dffs.aspx page so I can look at it.


                        • #22770

                            Yes, using the link at the bottom of the Display form to access the DFFS backend does not result in the missing field issue.

                          • #22782
                            Alexander Bautz

                              OK, do you use the file DFFS_DirectToBackend.html found in the latest DFFS package in your DFFS.aspx page?


                            • #22793

                                This is the path in the DFFS Web part installed on the DFFS.aspx page.


                                DFFS Installer v1.1.0.6 – August 02, 2018

                                • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by MikeS.
                              • #22800
                                Alexander Bautz

                                  OK, if you use the file located in /SPJS/DFFS/DFFS_DirectToBackend.html from this package you have the latest one (no changes made to this in later versions). I did try using this to access the config for a list, but unfortunately cannot recreate it.

                                  Can you explain how you change the form config from EditForm to DispForm when you have opened the first forms from the DFFS.aspx page – you are using the buttons in the top left corner to change, and not editing the URL of the page right?


                                • #22804

                                    I use the top left buttons.

                                    The URLs are different when initially accessing the Display form as shown here:

                                    URL comparisons:
                                    Directly accessing DFFS.aspx via this URL results in Display form missing fields (red bar warnings)


                                    The URL after accessing the DFFS backend from link at bottom of Display form (no missing fields or red warnings):


                                    Should I use a different link to access DFFS.aspx directly?

                                    Should I replace
                                    in the DFFS.aspx page web part?

                                  • #22814
                                    Alexander Bautz

                                      Thanks for the clarification, I found the bug and have fixed it in the new release:


                                    • #22845

                                        Great job Alexander. No more missing fields when accessing the DFFS.aspx page directly.


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