7 thoughts on “DFFS Package updated to v4.4.5.16”

  1. Hello Alex,
    I installed DFFS v. NewForm and DispForm work perfect and new features are awesome, but. When I open the list item and click on “Edit item” in the ribbon, it does not work because of this URL string:

    URL: ../apps/DV/~site/Lists/VNV/EditForm.aspx?ID=1

    Error message: We’re sorry, something went wrong:
    The file or folder name contains illegal characters. Use a different name.

    You can see the string “~site” and this character is invalid to use in the URL.

    If I remove /~site it works perfectly.
    When I remove DFFS from EditForm, it works perfectly.

    Can you give me a piece of advice on how to resolve this issue?
    Thank you so much

    1. It works from the list to click “three dots” and “edit item” – it works. Also works to mark an item and select “edit item” in the ribbon. Open the list item in DispForm.aspx and then select Edit item in ribbon, it’s not working.

  2. The problem is related to the change Microsoft did a few months back when they removed the automatic detection of modified forms and by default opened the modern form when you clicked a link from a modern list view. To fix this the DFFS installer writes the NewFormUrl, DisplayFormUrl and EditFormUrl on the content type using a “~site” keyword that is supposed to be replaced with the actual site path on runtime.

    In this specific button / location SharePoint fails to recognize the keyword and does not do the replacement.

    You can fix it by replacing this file: /SPJS/DFFS/installer/DFFS_Installer_v2.html with the one found in this version of DFFS.

    Just download it and unzip the file. Now copy the file from the folder in your downloads folder to your site in the same folder in your SharePoint site.

    When you have done this you must use the DFFS installer to uninstall and reinstall DFFS in this form using the new installer version (the DFFS config is not affected by this action).

    I’ll add a ticked with Microsoft to see if they are able to fix it – if not I’ll see what I can do as a workaround.

    Let me know how it goes.


  3. Alex, I am running into a similar issue… though I tried your workaround and that did not work either. The Display form and the New Form both display properly with Dynamic Forms the Edit Functionality no longer works at all (even if i uninstall the dynamic form) Any thoughts?

    1. never mind i think my issue has more to do with a workflow i have created that is causing an error when trying to open the edit form… which i don’t understand at ll… but am working to resolve…

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