There is no built in support for inline editing in the vLookup script, but you can add custom code to add support. Here is a few examples.
Add this to your Custom CSS
.vLookupDispWrap{ padding-left:1.1em; cursor:pointer; width:100%; box-sizing:border-box; white-space: normal; } .vLookupDispWrap:hover:before{ content:"\270e"; float:left; margin-left:-1.1em; } .vLookupEditWrap{ display:none; width:100%; box-sizing:border-box; }
// Field type choice - dropdown function edit_inline_dropdown(val, id, listGuid, fin, choices) { var dVal = val, b = []; if (dVal === "") { dVal = " "; } b.push("<div style='white-space:nowrap;'>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupDispWrap' onclick='toggleEditField(this);'>"); b.push("<span class='vLookupCurrVal'>" + dVal + " </span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupEditWrap'>"); b.push("<select>"); jQuery.each(choices, function (i, v) { b.push("<option value='" + v + "'"); if (val === v) { b.push(" selected='selected'"); } b.push(">" + v + "</option>"); }); b.push("</select>"); b.push("<span title='Save' style='cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;' onclick='saveChangesInput(this,\"" + fin + "\",\"" + id + "\",\"" + listGuid + "\")'>✔</span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("</div>"); return b.join(""); } // Field type choice - multichoice function edit_inline_multichoice(val, id, listGuid, fin, choices) { var dVal = val, arr = val.split(/<br\s*\/?>/i), b = []; if (dVal === "") { dVal = " "; } b.push("<div style='white-space:nowrap;'>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupDispWrap' onclick='toggleEditField(this);'>"); b.push("<span class='vLookupCurrVal'>" + dVal + " </span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupEditWrap'>"); jQuery.each(choices, function (i, v) { b.push("<input id='inline_" + fin + "_" + i + "' type='checkbox' value='" + v + "'"); if (jQuery.inArray(v, arr) > -1) { b.push(" checked='checked'"); } b.push("/><label for='inline_" + fin + "_" + i + "'>" + v + "</label><br>"); }); b.push("<span title='Save' style='cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;' onclick='saveChangesMultichoice(this,\"" + fin + "\",\"" + id + "\",\"" + listGuid + "\")'>✔</span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("</div>"); return b.join(""); } // Field type multiline plain text function edit_inline_textarea(val, id, listGuid, fin) { var dVal = val, b = []; if (dVal === "") { dVal = " "; } val = val.split(/<br\s*\/?>/i).join("\n"); b.push("<div style='white-space:nowrap;'>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupDispWrap' onclick='toggleEditField(this);'>"); b.push("<span class='vLookupCurrVal'>" + dVal + " </span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupEditWrap'>"); b.push("<textarea style='height:75px;width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;'>" + val + "</textarea>"); b.push("<span title='Save' style='cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;' onclick='saveChangesInput(this,\"" + fin + "\",\"" + id + "\",\"" + listGuid + "\")'>✔</span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("</div>"); return b.join(""); } // Field type single line of text function edit_inline_text(val, id, listGuid, fin) { var dVal = val, b = []; if (dVal === "") { dVal = " "; } b.push("<div style='white-space:nowrap;'>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupDispWrap' onclick='toggleEditField(this);'>"); b.push("<span class='vLookupCurrVal'>" + dVal + " </span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupEditWrap'>"); b.push("<input type='text' value='" + val + "'>"); b.push("<span title='Save' style='cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;' onclick='saveChangesInput(this,\"" + fin + "\",\"" + id + "\",\"" + listGuid + "\")'>✔</span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("</div>"); return b.join(""); } // Save function for input, select and textarea function saveChangesInput(elm, fin, id, listGuid) { var val = jQuery.trim(jQuery(elm).prev().val()); saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid); } // Save function for multichoice function saveChangesMultichoice(elm, fin, id, listGuid) { var arr = [], val; jQuery(elm).parent().find("input:checkbox:checked").each(function (i, o) { arr.push(jQuery(o).val()); }); val = arr.join(";#"); saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid); } function toggleEditField(elm) { jQuery(elm).hide().next().show(); } function saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid) { var dataObj = {}, res, eId; dataObj[fin] = val; res = spjs.utility.updateItem({ "listName": listGuid, "id": id, "data": dataObj }); if (res.success) { // Choice columns val = val.split(";#").join("<br>"); val = val.split("\n").join("<br>"); jQuery(elm).parent().hide().prev().html(val + " ").show(); } else { eId = new Date().valueOf(); jQuery(elm).hide().after("<span id='" + eId + "' title='" + res.errorText + "' style='cursor:default;margin:3px;color:red;font-weight:bold;'>!</span>"); setTimeout(function () { var prev = jQuery("#" + eId).prev(); jQuery(prev).show().next().remove(); }, 5000); } }
Text field example
Add this to your text field in the vlookup ViewFields Special configuration:
Then add this to your Custom JS:
function edit_inline_title(val, item){ var listGuid = "{ccbbf922-f0af-481b-b2c0-b12ea24d224e}", fin = "Title", id = item.get_item("ID"); return edit_inline_text(val, id, listGuid, fin); }
Change the variable listGuid and fin to match the vLookup child list and the field name you are editing.
Multiline plain text field
Add this to your multiline plain text field in the vLookup ViewFields Special configuration:
Then add this to your Custom JS:
function edit_inline_description(val, item){ var listGuid = "{ccbbf922-f0af-481b-b2c0-b12ea24d224e}", fin = "Description", id = item.get_item("ID"); return edit_inline_textarea(val, id, listGuid, fin); }
Change the variable listGuid and fin to match the vLookup child list and the field name you are editing.
Dropdown choice field
Add this to your choice field in the vlookup ViewFields Special configuration:
Then add this to your Custom JS:
function edit_inline_status(val, item) { var listGuid = "{ccbbf922-f0af-481b-b2c0-b12ea24d224e}", fin = "Status", choices = ["Not started", "In progress", "Completed"], id = item.get_item("ID"); return edit_inline_dropdown(val, id, listGuid, fin, choices); }
Change the variable listGuid and fin to match the vLookup child list and the field name you are editing and change the choices array to match your fields choices.
Multichoice field
Add this to your choice field in the vlookup ViewFields Special configuration:
Than add this to your Custom JS:
function edit_inline_color(val, item) { var listGuid = "{ccbbf922-f0af-481b-b2c0-b12ea24d224e}", fin = "Color", choices = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"], id = item.get_item("ID"); return edit_inline_multichoice(val, id, listGuid, fin, choices); }
Change the variable listGuid and fin to match the vLookup child list and the field name you are editing.
People picker field
Thanks to Brett Anderson for writing up most of this example.
Add this to your people picker field in the vlookup ViewFields Special configuration:
Than add this to your Custom JS:
function edit_inline_AssignedTo(val, item){ var listGuid = "{ccbbf922-f0af-481b-b2c0-b12ea24d224e}", fin = "AssignedTo", id = item.get_item("ID"); return edit_inline_pp(val, id, listGuid, fin); } function edit_inline_pp(val, id, listGuid, fin) { var ppid = "pp" + id, dVal = val, b = []; if (dVal === "") { dVal = "Click to add name"; } b.push("<div style='white-space:nowrap;' >"); b.push("<div class='vLookupDispWrap' onclick='toggleEditField(this);' >"); b.push("<span class='vLookupCurrVal' > " + dVal + " </span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("<div class='vLookupEditWrap' >"); b.push("<div id='" + ppid + "' onkeydown='event.stopPropagation()' style='height:22px' >"); function showPP() { var schema = {}; schema.PrincipalAccountType = 'User,DL,SecGroup,SPGroup'; schema.SearchPrincipalSource = 15; schema.ResolvePrincipalSource = 15; schema.AllowMultipleValues = false; schema.MaximumEntitySuggestions = 50; schema.Width = '200px'; schema.Height = '50px'; this.SPClientPeoplePicker_InitStandaloneControlWrapper(ppid, null, schema); } setTimeout(function () { showPP(); }, 250); b.push("</div>"); b.push("<span title='Save' style='cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;' onclick='saveChangesPP(this,\"" + fin + "\",\"" + id + "\",\"" + listGuid + "\")'>✔</span>"); b.push("</div>"); b.push("</div>"); return b.join(""); } function saveChangesPP(elm, fin, id, listGuid) { var ppid = "pp" + id, idArr = [], pp = SPClientPeoplePicker.SPClientPeoplePickerDict[ppid + "_TopSpan"], users = pp.GetAllUserInfo(), dispNameArr = [], dataObj = {}, res, eId; // Get current PP values jQuery.each(users, function (i, o) { dispNameArr.push(o.DisplayText); idArr.push(spjs.utility.userInfo(o.Key).ID); }); jQuery(elm).parent().hide().prev().html(dispNameArr.join(", ") + " ").show(); dataObj[fin] = idArr.join(";#;#"); res = spjs.utility.updateItem({ "listName": listGuid, "id": id, "data": dataObj }); if (!res.success) { eId = new Date().valueOf(); jQuery(elm).hide().after("<span id='" + eId + "' title='" + res.errorText + "' style='cursor:default;margin:3px;color:red;font-weight:bold;'>!</span>"); setTimeout(function () { var prev = jQuery("#" + eId).prev(); jQuery(prev).show().next().remove(); }, 5000); } }
Change the variable listGuid and fin to match the vLookup child list and the field name you are editing.
Post any comments below, or create a new forum topic (if you do, please add the link to the post in the comments below so other users can find it).
Hi Alexander,
This is really useful, thank you for including it.
Are you able to include sample code to edit a People-Picker field inline?
Also, I noticed that the inline editing doesn’t work if the field is blank.
Is it possible to include the option to edit blank values?
I don’t have any examples ready to use a people picker and I don’t have time to create one right now – maybe someone else have this to share?
You can look at this how you can load and use the poeple picker code: or this one:
What kind of field is not editable when empty? – I think maybe the clickable area is to small / hard to find when the value is an empty string or just one whitespace?
Works perfectly, thank you.
I would have never figured out that SaveChangesPP function.
Sending support $ to your PayPal.
Much appreciated.
I’m glad it worked – and thanks for the $
I slightly modified your code to support easy changes to the icons or glyphs used for the save, error, and null value display placeholder.
/* css */
white-space: normal;
content:”\270f”; /* ✏ */
/* javascript */
var inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder = “?”;
var inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon = “?”;
var inlineEdit_saveFailedIcon = “❗”;
// Field type choice – dropdown
function edit_inline_dropdown(val, id, listGuid, fin, choices) {
var dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
b.push(“” + dVal + ” “);
jQuery.each(choices, function (i, v) {
b.push(“” + v + “”);
b.push(“”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +””);
return b.join(“”);
// Field type choice – multichoice
function edit_inline_multichoice(val, id, listGuid, fin, choices) {
var dVal = val, arr = val.split(//i), b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
b.push(“” + dVal + ” “);
jQuery.each(choices, function (i, v) {
b.push(” -1) {
b.push(” checked=’checked'”);
b.push(“/>” + v + “”);
b.push(“”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +””);
return b.join(“”);
// Field type multiline plain text
function edit_inline_textarea(val, id, listGuid, fin) {
var dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
val = val.split(//i).join(“\n”);
b.push(“” + dVal + ” “);
b.push(“” + val + “”);
b.push(“”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +””);
return b.join(“”);
// Field type single line of text
function edit_inline_text(val, id, listGuid, fin) {
var dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
b.push(“” + dVal + ” “);
b.push(“”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +””);
return b.join(“”);
function toggleEditField(elm) {
function saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid) {
var dataObj = {}, res, eId;
dataObj[fin] = val;
res = spjs.utility.updateItem({ “listName”: listGuid, “id”: id, “data”: dataObj });
if (res.success) {
// Choice columns
val = val.split(“;#”).join(“”);
val = val.split(“\n”).join(“”);
jQuery(elm).parent().hide().prev().html(val + ” “).show();
} else {
eId = new Date().valueOf();
jQuery(elm).hide().after(“”+ inlineEdit_saveFailedIcon +””);
setTimeout(function () {
var prev = jQuery(“#” + eId).prev();
}, 5000);
function edit_inline_pp(val, id, listGuid, fin) {
var ppid = “pp” + id, dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = “Click to add name”;
b.push(” ” + dVal + ” “);
function showPP() {
var schema = {};
schema.PrincipalAccountType = ‘User,DL,SecGroup,SPGroup’;
schema.SearchPrincipalSource = 15;
schema.ResolvePrincipalSource = 15;
schema.AllowMultipleValues = false;
schema.MaximumEntitySuggestions = 50;
schema.Width = ‘200px’;
schema.Height = ’50px’;
this.SPClientPeoplePicker_InitStandaloneControlWrapper(ppid, null, schema);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 250);
b.push(“”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +””);
return b.join(“”);
function saveChangesPP(elm, fin, id, listGuid) {
var ppid = “pp” + id, idArr = [], pp = SPClientPeoplePicker.SPClientPeoplePickerDict[ppid + “_TopSpan”], users = pp.GetAllUserInfo(), dispNameArr = [], dataObj = {}, res, eId;
// Get current PP values
jQuery.each(users, function (i, o) {
jQuery(elm).parent().hide().prev().html(dispNameArr.join(“, “) + ” “).show();
dataObj[fin] = idArr.join(“;#;#”);
res = spjs.utility.updateItem({ “listName”: listGuid, “id”: id, “data”: dataObj });
if (!res.success) {
eId = new Date().valueOf();
jQuery(elm).hide().after(“”+ inlineEdit_saveFailedIcon +””);
setTimeout(function () {
var prev = jQuery(“#” + eId).prev();
}, 5000);
// Save function for input, select and textarea
function saveChangesInput(elm, fin, id, listGuid) {
var val = jQuery.trim(jQuery(elm).prev().val());
saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid);
// Save function for multichoice
function saveChangesMultichoice(elm, fin, id, listGuid) {
var arr = [], val;
jQuery(elm).parent().find(“input:checkbox:checked”).each(function (i, o) {
val = arr.join(“;#”);
saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid);
Thanks, but unfortunately the format of your code snippet was messed up. Please repost the code and wrap it like described here:
If you are not able to post it (might not have necessary rights to post HTML) you can email it to me and I’ll update your comment with the snippet.
var inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder = “?”;
var inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon = “?”;
var inlineEdit_saveFailedIcon = “❗”;
// Field type choice – dropdown
function edit_inline_dropdown(val, id, listGuid, fin, choices) {
var dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
b.push(“<div style=’white-space:nowrap;’>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupDispWrap’ onclick=’toggleEditField(this);’>”);
b.push(“<span class=’vLookupCurrVal’>” + dVal + ” </span>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupEditWrap’>”);
jQuery.each(choices, function (i, v) {
b.push(“<option value='” + v + “‘”);
if (val === v) {
b.push(” selected=’selected'”);
b.push(“>” + v + “</option>”);
b.push(“<span title=’Save’ style=’cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;’ onclick=’saveChangesInput(this,\”” + fin + “\”,\”” + id + “\”,\”” + listGuid + “\”)’>”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +”</span>”);
return b.join(“”);
// Field type choice – multichoice
function edit_inline_multichoice(val, id, listGuid, fin, choices) {
var dVal = val, arr = val.split(/<br\s*\/?>/i), b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
b.push(“<div style=’white-space:nowrap;’>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupDispWrap’ onclick=’toggleEditField(this);’>”);
b.push(“<span class=’vLookupCurrVal’>” + dVal + ” </span>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupEditWrap’>”);
jQuery.each(choices, function (i, v) {
b.push(“<input id=’inline_” + fin + “_” + i + “‘ type=’checkbox’ value='” + v + “‘”);
if (jQuery.inArray(v, arr) > -1) {
b.push(” checked=’checked'”);
b.push(“/><label for=’inline_” + fin + “_” + i + “‘>” + v + “</label><br>”);
b.push(“<span title=’Save’ style=’cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;’ onclick=’saveChangesMultichoice(this,\”” + fin + “\”,\”” + id + “\”,\”” + listGuid + “\”)’>”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +”</span>”);
return b.join(“”);
// Field type multiline plain text
function edit_inline_textarea(val, id, listGuid, fin) {
var dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
val = val.split(/<br\s*\/?>/i).join(“\n”);
b.push(“<div style=’white-space:nowrap;’>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupDispWrap’ onclick=’toggleEditField(this);’>”);
b.push(“<span class=’vLookupCurrVal’>” + dVal + ” </span>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupEditWrap’>”);
b.push(“<textarea style=’height:75px;width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;’>” + val + “</textarea>”);
b.push(“<span title=’Save’ style=’cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;’ onclick=’saveChangesInput(this,\”” + fin + “\”,\”” + id + “\”,\”” + listGuid + “\”)’>”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +”</span>”);
return b.join(“”);
// Field type single line of text
function edit_inline_text(val, id, listGuid, fin) {
var dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
b.push(“<div style=’white-space:nowrap;’>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupDispWrap’ onclick=’toggleEditField(this);’>”);
b.push(“<span class=’vLookupCurrVal’>” + dVal + ” </span>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupEditWrap’>”);
b.push(“<input type=’text’ value='” + val + “‘>”);
b.push(“<span title=’Save’ style=’cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;’ onclick=’saveChangesInput(this,\”” + fin + “\”,\”” + id + “\”,\”” + listGuid + “\”)’>”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +”</span>”);
return b.join(“”);
function edit_inline_integer(val, id, listGuid, fin) {
var dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
b.push(“<div style=’white-space:nowrap;’>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupDispWrap’ onclick=’toggleEditField(this);’>”);
b.push(“<span class=’vLookupCurrVal’>” + dVal + ” </span>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupEditWrap’>”);
b.push(“<input type=’number’ min=’0′ step=’1′ placeholder=’#’ value='” + val + “‘>”);
b.push(“<span title=’Save’ style=’cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;’ onclick=’saveChangesInput(this,\”” + fin + “\”,\”” + id + “\”,\”” + listGuid + “\”)’>”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +”</span>”);
return b.join(“”);
function edit_inline_date(val, id, listGuid, fin) {
var dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = inlineEdit_nullValuePlaceholder;
else {
try{dVal = new Date(dVal).toISOString();}catch(err){}
b.push(“<div style=’white-space:nowrap;’>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupDispWrap’ onclick=’toggleEditField(this);’>”);
b.push(“<span class=’vLookupCurrVal’>” + dVal + ” </span>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupEditWrap’>”);
b.push(“<input type=’text’ placeholder=’YYYY-MM-DD’ value='” + val + “‘>”);
b.push(“<span title=’Save’ style=’cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;’ onclick=’saveChangesInput(this,\”” + fin + “\”,\”” + id + “\”,\”” + listGuid + “\”)’>”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +”</span>”);
return b.join(“”);
function toggleEditField(elm) {
function saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid) {
var dataObj = {}, res, eId;
dataObj[fin] = val;
res = spjs.utility.updateItem({ “listName”: listGuid, “id”: id, “data”: dataObj });
if (res.success) {
// Choice columns
val = val.split(“;#”).join(“<br>”);
val = val.split(“\n”).join(“<br>”);
jQuery(elm).parent().hide().prev().html(val + ” “).show();
} else {
eId = new Date().valueOf();
jQuery(elm).hide().after(“<span id='” + eId + “‘ title='” + res.errorText + “‘ style=’cursor:default;margin:3px;color:red;font-weight:bold;’>”+ inlineEdit_saveFailedIcon +”</span>”);
setTimeout(function () {
var prev = jQuery(“#” + eId).prev();
}, 5000);
function edit_inline_pp(val, id, listGuid, fin) {
var ppid = “pp” + id, dVal = val, b = [];
if (dVal === “”) {
dVal = “Click to add name”;
b.push(“<div style=’white-space:nowrap;’ >”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupDispWrap’ onclick=’toggleEditField(this);’ >”);
b.push(“<span class=’vLookupCurrVal’ > ” + dVal + ” </span>”);
b.push(“<div class=’vLookupEditWrap’ >”);
b.push(“<div id='” + ppid + “‘ onkeydown=’event.stopPropagation()’ style=’height:22px’ >”);
function showPP() {
var schema = {};
schema.PrincipalAccountType = ‘User,DL,SecGroup,SPGroup’;
schema.SearchPrincipalSource = 15;
schema.ResolvePrincipalSource = 15;
schema.AllowMultipleValues = false;
schema.MaximumEntitySuggestions = 50;
schema.Width = ‘200px’;
schema.Height = ’50px’;
this.SPClientPeoplePicker_InitStandaloneControlWrapper(ppid, null, schema);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 250);
b.push(“<span title=’Save’ style=’cursor:pointer;margin:3px;color:green;font-weight:bold;’ onclick=’saveChangesPP(this,\”” + fin + “\”,\”” + id + “\”,\”” + listGuid + “\”)’>”+ inlineEdit_saveButtonIcon +”</span>”);
return b.join(“”);
function saveChangesPP(elm, fin, id, listGuid) {
var ppid = “pp” + id, idArr = [], pp = SPClientPeoplePicker.SPClientPeoplePickerDict[ppid + “_TopSpan”], users = pp.GetAllUserInfo(), dispNameArr = [], dataObj = {}, res, eId;
// Get current PP values
jQuery.each(users, function (i, o) {
jQuery(elm).parent().hide().prev().html(dispNameArr.join(“, “) + ” “).show();
dataObj[fin] = idArr.join(“;#;#”);
res = spjs.utility.updateItem({ “listName”: listGuid, “id”: id, “data”: dataObj });
if (!res.success) {
eId = new Date().valueOf();
jQuery(elm).hide().after(“<span id='” + eId + “‘ title='” + res.errorText + “‘ style=’cursor:default;margin:3px;color:red;font-weight:bold;’>”+ inlineEdit_saveFailedIcon +”</span>”);
setTimeout(function () {
var prev = jQuery(“#” + eId).prev();
}, 5000);
// Save function for input, select and textarea
function saveChangesInput(elm, fin, id, listGuid) {
var val = jQuery.trim(jQuery(elm).prev().val());
saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid);
// Save function for multichoice
function saveChangesMultichoice(elm, fin, id, listGuid) {
var arr = [], val;
jQuery(elm).parent().find(“input:checkbox:checked”).each(function (i, o) {
val = arr.join(“;#”);
saveInline_vLookupChanges(elm, val, fin, id, listGuid);
Curious if/how you can do the inline editing but for an autocomplete field?
The autocomplete code will unfortunately not apply when using inline editing. This means you would have to write custom code to create the autocomplete functionality.
Dang. Yeah, I wouldn’t even know where to start with that as I’m still learning JS. No worries, thought I would check though.
I added your custom js and css on to a Page via a linked CEWP for inline editing in a View (It works perfectly in the DFFS form). However, everything works in the view except that it keeps moving my cursor out of the inline edit field and unselects the row. Do you know what i am doing wrong?
I haven’t really tried it in a list view so I would have to do that first, but I guess SharePoint has some built in code that shifts the focus.
Do you see any error messages in the F12 > Console when trying to edit?