By request I have “ripped” the DFFS tooltip from DFFS. This code can use to create a custom tooltip with the same style and function as in DFFS. This means that you can have a hover-over tooltip that sticks if you click the hover-image.
Take a look at it, and familiarize with the code before asking questions.
The tooltip text or HTML is added to the variable “SPJS_SimpleTooltipContents”, and the “key” is used in the image “onmouseover” to pull in the correct tooltip.
The code
<style type="text/css"> div.SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder img{ cursor:pointer; } #SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder{ /*width:350px;*/ white-space:normal; background-color:#E7ECEF; border:1px #9F9E9C solid; display:none; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal; max-width:500px; z-index:1001; } div.SPJS_SimpleTooltipHolderHead{ height: 16px; padding:1px; border-bottom:1px silver solid; background-color:#0072C6; } div.SPJS_SimpleTooltipHolderClose{ float:right; width: 16px; height: 16px; cursor:pointer; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(); } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var SPJS_SimpleTooltipContents = { "helpText1":"<div style='width:200px;'>This is a custom tooltip for field 1<div style='color:red'>You can use HTML</div></div>", "helpText2":"<div style='width:200px;'>This is a custom tooltip for field 2<div style='color:red'>You can use HTML</div></div>" }; var SPJS_SimpleTooltip = { "data":{ "isSP13":typeof _spPageContextInfo !== "undefined" && _spPageContextInfo.webUIVersion === 15 ? true : false }, "show":function(elm,key){ var p = $(elm).position(), l = {}; if($("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").length === 0){ $("body").append("<div id='SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder'></div>"); } $(elm).after($("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder")); $("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").html("<div style='padding:3px;'>"+(SPJS_SimpleTooltipContents[key] !== undefined ? SPJS_SimpleTooltipContents[key] : "The tooltip for key \""+key+"\" was not found.")+"</div>").attr("pin","0").css({"position":"absolute","left":p.left+15}); // Check left pos l.l = p.left+30; = $("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").width(); l.ww = $(window).width(); if(l.l + > l.ww){ $("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").css("left",(p.left - (l.l + - l.ww))); } $("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").stop(true,true).fadeIn(200); }, "click":function(elm){ if($("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").find("div.SPJS_SimpleTooltipHolderClose").length === 0){ $("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").attr("pin","1").prepend("<div class='SPJS_SimpleTooltipHolderHead'><div class='SPJS_SimpleTooltipHolderClose' onclick='SPJS_SimpleTooltip.hide(true);'></div></div>"); } }, "hide":function(c){ if($("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").attr("pin") !== "1" || c){ $("#SPJS_SimpleTooltipPlaceholder").attr("pin","0").stop(true,true).fadeOut(100); } } }; </script>
This HTML code shows you how to use the tooltip
<!-- Example HTML --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top">Field 1: </td> <td valign="top"><input style="width:300px;" type="text"> <img onmouseover=",'helpText1')" onmouseout="SPJS_SimpleTooltip.hide()" onclick="" src="/_layouts/images/hhelp.gif" border="0"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Field 2: </td> <td valign="top"><input style="width:300px;" type="text"> <img onmouseover=",'helpText2')" onmouseout="SPJS_SimpleTooltip.hide()" onclick="" src="/_layouts/images/hhelp.gif" border="0"> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Example HTML -->
PS: It’s the <img> tags that calls the tooltip, the other HTML is for demonstration only.
I hope you can make use of this code.
Hi Alexander,
Good Morning!
I have one doubt in jquery functionlity.
i have a calender list in sharepoint .In my code button click i have to open the event as .ics file i have used below url for opening the .ics file.
item.EventURL = “/sites/test/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=109&Cmd=Display&List={0E9CA1D0-EF42-40C8-A198-3741B8B0893B}&CacheControl=1&Using=event.ics&ID=” + tempid;
and i have an global array var eventDets = []; to insert the start date and end date location ,description options to load here.
var adate = parseInt(item.ModStartDate);
item.FormatDate = new Date(adate);
item.ServerAttachURL =””;
item.hasAttach = false;
if (item.EventDescription !== null) {
item.EventDescription = item.EventDescription.replace(/[^A-Za-z ]/g, ”);
Last im pushing it into one array eventDets.push(item);
but my doubt is how to change the Event.Description file as Enhanced rich text format.because eventdescription im getting only plain text.
can you help on this?
Sorry, but this is unfortunately how it works. I currently do not have any fix to this issue.