I got this request from Larry:
choice – Multiple select, check boxes, is there a way to have multiple default values. I may want the same 3 items to always be selected. by default SP only allows one option. This field for 90% may need those 3 requests. Can it be done?
Add this code to a CEWP below the form in NewForm or EditForm: Alter the reference to jQuery as needed.
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> /* Multiple default values in a column of type "Checkboxes (allow multiple selections)" * Created by Alexander Bautz * alexander.bautz@gmail.com * https://spjsblog.com * v1.0 * LastMod: 22.02.2010 * Sets the default value of a column of type "Checkboxes (allow multiple selections)", by passing the FieldInternalName of the SharePoint-field with an array of values to prefill. */ fields = init_fields(); // Define the array if values var myArr = ['Choice 4','Choice 9']; // Call the function with the FieldInternalName of the field and the array. setMultiSelectDefaultValues('MyMultiChoice',myArr); function setMultiSelectDefaultValues(FieldInternalName,arrOfValues){ $(fields[FieldInternalName]).find('input:checkbox').each(function(){ var thisText = $(this).next().text(); if($.inArray(thisText,arrOfValues)>-1){ $(this).attr('checked',true); } }); } function init_fields(){ var res = {}; $("td.ms-formbody").each(function(){ if($(this).html().indexOf('FieldInternalName="')<0) return; var start = $(this).html().indexOf('FieldInternalName="')+19; var stopp = $(this).html().indexOf('FieldType="')-7; var nm = $(this).html().substring(start,stopp); res[nm] = this.parentNode; }); return res; } </script>
You also might want to take a look at this one:
Limit number of allowed selections in Checkboxes choice
This was a quick response. Nailed it perfectly!
I added a small addition, If you start with default selected items, there is no way to get back to that. Is it needed? probably not but if any one is interested I will post the code that resets checked items
Btw, you can set the DefaultValue-Property on the SharePoint Field to something like ;#DefaultValue1;#DefaultValue2;#.
This works on SharePoint Foundation 2010 RTM
Thanks for the tip. I have not begun looking at 2010 yet…