Multi line text field in list view: Shorten text and add hovereffect to view full text

11.08.2010 Updated description to of the parameter “FieldInternalName”. Use “DisplayName” if the multiline field is of type rich or enhanced rich test.

I got this request from ronajon:

hi Alexander,
i accidently stumbled on your great blog search for a way to modify my lsitview with javascript.

here’s what i would like to accomplish:
i have this allitems view with multiple columns. One of these colums is of the multi lines of text.
When i start editing my items my multiline column cell strats growing in size due to a point that i can only see one item in my screen and need to scroll down to see other items in the list.

Is there a way to limit the number of characters in the multi line column (named “Voortgang en resultaat”) to show less characters: preferably one line of text or text up until some splitting character?


The text is limited to 100 characters, but when hovered, it shows the full text:

As always we start like this:
Create a document library to hold your scripts (or a folder on the root created in SharePoint Designer). In this example i have made a document library with a relative URL of “/test/English/Javascript” (a sub site named “test” with a sub site named “English” with a document library named “Javascript”):

The jQuery-library is found here. The pictures and the sourcecode refers to jquery-1.3.2.min. If you download another version, be sure to update the script reference in the sourcecode.

The code for the file “LimitMultilineTextInView.js” is found below.

This will work in standard views and in grouped views, but has not been adapted to work with “Boxed” views.

Add a CEWP below the list view and add this code:

<script src="/test/English/Javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/test/English/Javascript/LimitMultilineTextInView.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Shows the first 100 characters in the text
// Shows the text 'Hover to see content' in stead of the actual text
	//limitMultiLineText('MultilineText','','Hover to see content');

Parameters explained:

  • FieldInternalName: The “FieldInternalName” of the field containing the multi line text. Use DisplayName if the multiline field is of type rich or enhanced rich text. (how to find the FieldInternalName)
  • initialLength: Limit the initial displayed text to this number of characters. This argument is overridden by the next, if supplied.
  • inPlaceHoverText: If set, this argument will override the previous, and add a “inPlace” text that can be hovered to view the full text.

When hovered there are a delay for 650 milliseconds to prevent flickering when you move the mouse rapidly over multiple cells.

The code for the file “LimitMultilineTextInView.js” looks like this:

/* Limit the length of the text in a multi line text field in a list view
* Created by Alexander Bautz
* v1.0
* LastMod: 21.02.2010
* ---------------------------------------------
* Requirements:
Include reference to jquery -
* ---------------------------------------------
Call from a CEWP below list view like this:
<script src="/test/English/Javascript/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/test/English/Javascript/LimitMultilineTextInView.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	// Shows the first 100 characters in the text
	// Shows the text 'Hover to see content' in stead of the actual text
		//limitMultiLineText('MultilineText','','Hover to see content');

function limitMultiLineText(FieldInternalName,initialLength,inPlaceHoverText){
intName = FieldInternalName;
initLength = initialLength;
inPlaceText = inPlaceHoverText;
colIndex = $(this).attr('cellIndex');

$(" tbody:not([id^='aggr']) tr:has( >td[cellIndex=" + colIndex + "][beenthere!=1]").each(function(){
var thisTd = $(this);
if(inPlaceText!='' && inPlaceText!=undefined){
var teaserText = inPlaceText;
var teaserText = thisTd.text().substring(0,initLength);
thisTd.wrapInner("<div style='background-color: white; border: thin silver ridge; padding: 4px; display: none;'></div>")
.prepend("<span style="cursor: default;">"+teaserText+"...</span>")
thisTd.addClass('dummyHoverClass ms-dialogSelectedRow');
var offset = thisTd.offset();
var tdWidth = thisTd.width();
thisTd.removeClass('dummyHoverClass ms-dialogSelectedRow');
thisTd.find('div:first').stop(true, true).fadeOut(100).prev().show();

// Attaches a call to the function "limitMultiLineText()" to the "expand grouped elements function" for it to function in grouped listview's
function ExpGroupRenderData(d,a,e){
var c=document.getElementById("tbod"+a+"_"),b=document.createElement("DIV"),f=a.split("-");
b.innerHTML='<TABLE><TBODY id="tbod'+a+'_" isLoaded="'+e+'">'+d+"</TBODY></TABLE>";

Save the file as “LimitMultilineTextInView.js”, mind the file extension, and upload to the scriptlibrary as shown above.


43 Comments on “Multi line text field in list view: Shorten text and add hovereffect to view full text

  1. thx for the script it works great!

    one change i had to make is add the inPlaceHoverText to the function call in the CEWP: limitMultiLineText(‘MultilineText’,100,”);

  2. This is great! I am not super with code, but I don’t think this will be a problem except I am not sure which page in designer to insert the script code in, or where to insert it [below the list view code] – can you help me?

    1. That helps! Do I need to do anything with the LimitMultilineTextInView file? Sorry for the bother, but this is a very cool script if I can get it to work…

    2. Just save as “LimitMultilineTextInView.js”, and upload to a “scriptlibrary”. No modification.

      All you have to do is modify the script reference in the CEWP code, and pass your FieldInternalName as an argument to the function limitMultiLineText() (still in the CEWP).


  3. Having trouble.

    Saved .js to a library where I store all my jQuery resource center that nt auth has read access to). Changed CEWP to point to the library, and changed value to internal field name.

    Applied CEWP below list view with no affect.

    I assume that to create the js file, I use the copy code button, paste into text file, and save with .js extension – is that correct?

    Here is my CEWP. THANKS!!!

    // Shows the first 100 characters in the text
    // limitMultiLineText(‘Review_x0020_Notes’,50);
    // Shows the text ‘Hover to see content’ in stead of the actual text
    limitMultiLineText(‘Review_x0020_Notes’,”,’Hover to see content’);

    1. Hi,
      No, the “copy to clipboard” screws up the code (tested now). Use the “view source” button, highlight the code in the new window and copy it from there to notepad. Save as “LimitMultilineTextInView.js”.


  4. The scope of my requirement is somewhat different in that I have a list containing employee names and a column setup as a hyperlink which when clicked displays the employee photo. The problem is , the user needs to revert back to the list after viewing the photo.

    It would be great though to have the user hover over the row or column to display the image.

  5. Hi Alexander,

    I did not include the column as a picture because they are to big to display in the list view. For this reason I setup a list with a hyperlink to the image.

    Besides it would look terrible having a list that displays all these large pictures in a list view. For that reason, I have been trying to find some way to display an image from a list when a user hovers over a row or column.

    Thanks for above code though, it works great elsewhere on my site.

  6. Hi Alex: I tried this code on a Task List and using latest jquery – jquery-1.4.2.min.js. Applied CEWP poisitng to latest jquery; but getting error -> ‘colIndex is undefined.

    Pls advise what could be reasons.

    – Deepak

    1. Hi Alexander,

      I’m trying to get this to work too but keep getting the ‘colIndex is undefined’ error.

      Just to clarify do I need to change the FieldInternalName within LimitMultilineTextInView.js to DisplayName or leave the script as is and just use DisplayName within the CEWP?

      Thanks in advance,


    2. Hi,
      Have you put the CEWP below the list view?

      Noe need to edit anything in the “LimitMultilineTextInView.js”. Use DisplayName in the CEWP if the field is of type “rich text”.


  7. Hi Alex,

    can this script be ‘modified’ to work on more than one multiple line field in a list? My colleague asked to have a list build with up to three multiple line fields but he only wants to see the first two lines of every field.


  8. The main problem with this solution is, that the three dots “…” will be displayed, even if the field is empty and that the length of the fields is not fixed so that I can’t say two lines equal xx characters, cut everything after that point and display “…” instead (with or without mouseover).

  9. Hi Alex,

    By any means if this would work with a DVWP and a multiline column that is created as a text?
    Works nice on the list though. Nice.

    1. Hi,
      I do not think it is possible to make a general solution for a DVWP as this “by design” is custom made by each user.


  10. Need some help please.
    I’m no expert by far when dealing with jquery and sharepoint CEWP. I copied your code to a text file, loaded it a spot where my files go. I then took that link and pasted it in the “Content Link” url spot. Not sure if that’s correct

    Also, my issues is that the remarks section of my list is way to large which is why I thought your code would be perfect, am I wrong?

  11. Hi Alex,
    This works great! I was just wondering if this will this work on single line text fields also? For example a single line of text may be limited to 255 characters on the list field but I may only want to display the first 50.

  12. Hi Alex,
    Just what I’ve been looking for…
    One question though!
    The truncated text appears to strip carriage returns, so appears as one long line.
    I’m informed by someone that knows a bit about JAvaScript ti that’s to do with the Text() function, is there a way to keep these?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi,
      This has to do with text being HTML formatted, and if you pull the 100 first characters, you’ll lose the closing HTML tag. This is the reason for stripping it to plain text.


  13. hi, i have a problem with your javascript. when i appply your script on my list that have default layout of view, your script is working ok but when i apply your script on my list view that have
    framed unmarked layout that i used from sharepoint designer 2010 your script is not working.
    can you help me how resolve that your script is working on
    framed unmarked layout of view in my list?

    1. Hi,
      I’m sorry, but as stated in the article, this code will not work in a “boxed” view. I have not looked at this code for quite a few years now, but if want to try adapting it for yourself you are welcome to use this code.

      Sorry I cannot be of more help.


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