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Update on this — in playing around, I notice the fields only get moved around if they are re-used in another tab. I made a test tab that did NOT re-use any fields from my first tab, and toggled between them rapidly and the fields did not move at all. They did get re-arranged as soon as I flipped over to the 3rd tab which did re-use fields from my first tab.
I can’t say it was any change you made in the last version, because this is something I only just now noticed. I have over 100 lists with DFFS, and I just upgraded to your new version. The version I was using before I upgraded is this: Dynamic Forms for SharePoint v4.4.3.64 – March 13, 2019|CSS version: 4.46 / |spjs-utility version: 1.332
So it could have been introduced in any version in between those. I just happened to notice it on this list. I haven’t upgraded all my lists to the new version, so I’ll follow up if I see it on any other lists.
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Thanks for providing such great support and an amazing product.
Thanks, I’ll be sending a tip your way.
What are your thoughts on my scenario for my comment above, ID#34574
A field that should be read-only based on a rule with a high index becomes editable if there is a lower index rule that makes it a required field?
That makes sense because I have always had that rule at the very top of my rules since I knew it always triggered last anyway, and I wanted the form load rule at the top for easy access. I will let you know which version I had previously when I’m in the office next, but off memory I believe it was March 2019 or May 2019. Somewhere in there, and it was working then, so yeah sometime after that.
Also, in that version the user group rules did reverse, is there a technical reason that was changed? I used that a lot in my previous version before upgrade. No big deal, I’ll just add a “is NOT in user group” and set it to the opposite rules as the “Is in user group” to mimic reversing.
The very first issue I reported at the top is also legitimate. If you have fields set to read-only in the rule for when the form is ready, but then also have a rule to make that field required, it makes it editable even though it should logically be read only.
I think I figured out the issue!!!
Rules are not reversing when using “User is member of group”.
As a test, I made a rule that simply says if user is in group members, if true then make all fields visible.
The expectation is that if I’m not in the group (which I’m not), then it would automatically reverse the rule since it is false and hide all fields.
It’s not doing that.
This is definitely the issue, thanks for looking into it!
Ok, here’s my final example.
I have 2 columns, Request Status and Assigned To. In the tabs, I have them grouped to tabGroup_wfm.
Rule 1 (named Completed) = If Request Status = Completed
That’s it, I’m using it as a validation for Rule 2.
Rule 2 = If user is in group with name “Site Members” and then in the linked rules and functions section I have ~Completed, then tabGroup_wfm is editable.
So my expectation is that only users inside of Site Members should be able to edit the Request Status and Assigned To fields while Request Status is not equal to Completed.
To test, I took myself out of the members group.
The item Request Status is set to Submitted.
My expectation is that I should not be able to edit Request Status or Assigned To because I am not in the Site Members group, but I can, and I don’t know why.
Here are the two rules:
Rule 1:
Rule 2:
{"friendlyName":"Workforce","note":"","ruleDisabled":false,"ruleDisabledIn":{"n":false,"d":false,"e":false},"ruleDebug":false,"triggerField":"DF_CurrentUserInGroup","operator":"","triggerValue":"Home Solutions Scheduling Members|Home Solutions Scheduling Owners","validateOn":"b","siblingRules":"~Completed","siblingRulesTriggerOnChange":false,"noReverse":false,"stopAndExit":false,"jumpToRule":"","mandatoryFields":[],"optionalFields":[],"hiddenFields":[],"visibleFields":[],"readonlyFields":[],"editableFields":["tabGroup_wfm"],"hideSaveItemBtn":"","hideCancelItemBtn":"","hideEditItemBtn":"","setFieldValueArr":[],"displayMsg":{"fin":"DF_CurrentUserInGroup","val":""},"alertMsg":"","oldStyleAlert":false,"selectedTab":"","visibleTabs":"","hiddenTabs":"","runThisFunction":"","sendThisEmail":"","hiddenHeadings":"","visibleHeadings":""}
- This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Travis Goodman.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Travis Goodman.
The more I play with it, the more inconsistent it gets. I’m wondering if the form is loading before all my rules trigger. Let me play with this a bit more. Like when I refresh, the fields I see are inconsistent with what I would expect.
Actually, yeah this is a legitimate problem. Consider this scenario:
Form has a column called Status. Status is a choice field with Submitted, Pending, Completed choices.
Rule 1 = If Status is equal to Submitted, then field Assigned To should be optional. This will automatically reverse Assigned To to be Required if the rule is false. Perfect.
However, Rule 2 = If Status is equal to Completed, then all fields should become read-only so no one can go in and change anything after the item was already marked completed.
Expectation with Status = Completed is that Rule 1 would make Assigned To required, and since the item is completed, Rule 2 would make it read only so no one can manipulate it.
Reality is that Assigned To is left editable because Rule 1 makes it required, which is making it permanently editable.
I can’t believe I forgot to mention this before, but I’m using SharePoint Online. Pretty important detail I failed to mention.
So I’m running into an issue. When I copy the link to the DFFS_Installer_CDN.html file to my CEWP in my target site, the CEWP throws back the following error: Cannot retrieve the URL specified in the Content Link property. For more assistance, contact your site administrator.
I assume it’s being blocked because it’s cross-site. Not sure how to get around this. It’s definitely not permissions, because I have the centralized site set to everyone.
This will not save configs in the centralized location – they will be saved in each site that uses DFFS (all your target sites).
The option to Load DFFS and vLookup configurations from CDN that you can check in the CDN installer cannot be used in your scenario as it would not allow for changes being made in each of the target sites. It would only apply if your target sites all were an exact copy of your “centralized” site and you wanted to have the config centralized.
I’m ok with the form configurations being saved in the target site collection, and I prefer that. I’ll try this out tomorrow.
To make sure I understand, I do NOT want to check to load DFFS and vLookup configs from CDN, right? And it’ll know to use the configurations library on the local site?
Ok, running into some issues here that may be due to my never having done the CDN method.
So I’ve got the files on my “centralized” site collection, what files (if any) do I need on my target site collection that will reference DFFS from the centralized site?
If you check the DFFS_Loader_CDN.html file is loaded from CDN checkbox in the DFFS Installer for CDN and follow the instructions to upload the completed file you can centralize this also.
For this quoted piece above, what instructions to upload what completed file, and where am I uploading it to?
Lastly, will this method automatically save configurations to the centralized site for me as I make updates, just like it does currently when I have it installed locally on each site? Or how does it work with updates being made? Like say I add a new rule to a list, does that automatically get saved to the centralized site location?
I will definitely be sending you a tip once this is all setup, I really appreciate your assistance with this.