Charlie Bell

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  • in reply to: SHow lookup extra fields on display #13234
    Charlie Bell

    Thanks worked like a charm..

    in reply to: Show notification on new form based on lookup column #8552
    Charlie Bell
    res = spjs_getItemByID({"listName":"Accounts","listBaseUrl":"/Intranet/crm","id":sVal,"viewFields":["Contract"]});

    In case anyone else needs this here is the trick for a cross site lookup column

    in reply to: Show notification on new form based on lookup column #8550
    Charlie Bell

    res = spjs_getItemByID({“listName”:”Customers”,”id”:sVal,”viewFields”:[“Service_x0020_Contract”]});

    could i possible change this to lookup a list on another site????

    in reply to: Show notification on new form based on lookup column #8538
    Charlie Bell

    Thanks a bunch it seems to be working i tried it before i upgrade and i only get the Type error when function returns true…. so thanks a bunch now i just need to upgrade the site i have a bunch of custom stuff what should i backup to be safe or should i do anything special during the upgrade i didnt see anything in the install guide so figure its kinda like the normal dffs upgrade… coming from 4.306

    thanks again for the help

    in reply to: Show notification on new form based on lookup column #8514
    Charlie Bell

    Anyone have any luck with this???? need to use associated lookup in a rule for a few items.. anyone?????

    in reply to: Rule based on a Lookup additional field #8497
    Charlie Bell

    Im looking to do just just this and could def use a little help mine is a little different so i will post a new thread..

    Charlie Bell

    Hey, So it actually does get popualted when you load new form with the logged in User ID ( still does not work) But i would like it to update the dropdowns when there is a change on the PP..

    i even tried on the edit form where Requester field had name and was saved prior to trying to get to dropdown.

    Charlie Bell

    Requester is the name of my people picker on the service ticket. so it should read the requester and then look in the equipment list and match AssignedTo in that list..

    when you say pull the information from are you meaning that what ever is in requester will populate the dropdown?
    i thought the below code would populate the dropwodn with the title

    And the CAML would read my current form and get the ID from the requester Field and the look in Equimpnet for that name in the AssignedTo column

    Charlie Bell

    If i change to use current logged in user id it works..

    <Eq><FieldRef Name='AssignedTo' LookupId='TRUE' /><Value Type='User'><UserID/></Value></Eq>

    that will show me the equipment assigned to me so its something with the requester people picker

    Charlie Bell

    Man his is tuff so im still getting the same thing no data.. I just created a new list with 3 columns Title, AssignedTO, AssetNumber i have populated the list with 2 records assigned to me.. I have a ticket that is saved andmy name is in the Requester field…
    here is my code… `var argObj = {
    “CAML”:”<Where><And><IsNotNull><FieldRef Name=’Title’ /></IsNotNull><Eq><FieldRef Name=’AssignedTo’ LookupId=’TRUE’ /><Value Type=’User’>”+String(spjs.dffs.beforeProperties[“Requester_ID”])+”</Value></Eq></And></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=’Title’ Ascending=’TRUE’/></OrderBy>”, // Full CAML query. If used, the rest of the filterObj settings are disregarded
    “linkText”:”Write your own value”
    “linkText”:”Add new item”,
    “saveNewItemText”:”Save new item”

    Here is the debug..` [LookupInTextField: Debug]
    ListName: Equipment
    Query: <Where><And><IsNotNull><FieldRef Name=’Title’ ></FieldRef></IsNotNull><Eq><FieldRef Name=’AssignedTo’ LookupId=’TRUE’ ></FieldRef><Value Type=’User’>undefined</Value></Eq></And></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=’Title’ Ascending=’TRUE’></FieldRef></OrderBy><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=’Title’ Ascending=’TRUE’/></OrderBy>
    ViewFields: ID,Title
    Query returned 0 items.
    Current field value: “”, was NOT found in the available values returned by the query. The field value has been cleared. `

    Charlie Bell

    Recap for anyone trying to use this.. What im trying to do is Build a ticket system which ties to an asset system allowing user to submit ticket and select equipment assigned to that user so tickets will then be shown on asset page for monitoring problem devices.
    So what i want is to enter the requester on new ticket which will then populate a dropdown of the SN of the equipment assigned to the requester..

    Question I used the above CAML in the misc tab custom JS in the filterObj is this the correct spot i notice you say argObj?
    still getting basically that same error not returning any data.
    Where you mention _ID does this mean i need to change the people picker for the requester? is this why im getting the null data

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