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  • in reply to: Reload vLookup query based on parent field change #12761

      It does not update when manually clicking the refresh icon in the vLookup table.

      vLookup frontend v2.2.67

      I’ll attempt to update the files later in the evening.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by avala. Reason: Adding image
      in reply to: Create from Existing item in vLookup #12753

        Perfect,it works flawlessly! Thank you so much!

        in reply to: Reload vLookup query based on parent field change #12720

          Thanks, Alexander.

          I’ve added the function and rule, and the vLookup is refreshing, but the data pulled back is not updating with the new query (same data in vLookup for old value).

          I’ve checked to make sure “vLookupTest” was changed to our vLookup column internal name and there are no console errors.

          in reply to: Autonumber list items with DFFS #12717

            Thanks for looking into this.

            We’re not worried about the datasheet view as we would direct users to the Newform directly.

            We don’t have a need to reference the SP ID specifically, but if we needed to we could redirect from the NewForm to the EditForm.

            The purpose of this feautre is twofold. One, sequence a form request in sequence without numerical gaps. The SP ID creates gaps when items are created during testing, maintenance, etc. Secondly, we need to sort the list without SharePoint’s quirky numbering system in a list view.

            • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by avala.
            in reply to: Create from Existing item in vLookup #12694

              Did you get this to work? Can you include an example of your configuration and how you have the user selecting which vLookup item they want to copy?

              in reply to: AC not saving value in latest release #12650

                Updating to v1.4.6 has fixed the issue. Thank you again for your generous time and patience!

                in reply to: AC not saving value in latest release #12619

                  No difference. There are no rules on or referencing this column. Same behavior on a tab with just the Location field. I’ve updated the code to:

                  "helpText":"Enter Location...",
                  "enforceUniqueValues":true, // New in v1.33
                  "allowAddNew":true, // New in v1.4
                  "isLookupInSelf":true, // New in v1.4
                  • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Changed URL so its not revealed to all users
                  in reply to: AC not saving value in latest release #12570

                    Tested and the top one is not populating. This is for our SharePoint 2010 farm.

                    in reply to: AC not saving value in latest release #12566

                      Sorry for any confusion.

                      The AC is on a single line text field. Since the solution was not committing the value entered into the form, I went to the list view and entered the value manually in the datasheet view. After I had done this, I opened up a new edit form and it displayed that value as a selection. Again, the AC field is looking at itself in the same list. I hope this clarifies what I am seeing.

                      in reply to: AC not saving value in latest release #12562

                        There is no value in the Disp form or in the list view after saving. There is also no console error on editForm load, updating the AC field, or on save.

                        The AC field is able to pull in values from the correct list if I add them through datasheet view. Seems like the commit function isn’t working.

                        in reply to: Initial Setup Problems with DFFS_Frontend_Overlay #12331

                          I’m facing a similar problem with the Overlay not reaching a fail state (Jslink or CEWP setup) or if I remove the Overlay CEWP, DFFS forms fails to load. I’ve tracked the issue down to a new Console error in our Corp Comm’s custom Masterpage code. Old versions of DFFS (4.272 and the old green version) work fine, but the most recent versions (at least May 19th on) fail to load.

                          Do you have a workaround I can implement on the DFFS side until our developers fix the Masterpage? Rolling back our forms can help us limp along, but we lose some functionality and formatting we need for reporting.

                          in reply to: Autocomplete match override #11187

                            Works like a charm! Thank you for the quick reply.

                            in reply to: Sum multiple vLookup Total columns #11024

                              Thanks, Alexander. Yes, I see the alert and it says “vLookup.” I’m using this in the EditForm and not the listview. I tested this and “function vlookupChildViewOrEditCallback(fin) in the DispForm. No changes.

                              in reply to: Sum multiple vLookup Total columns #10979

                                Thanks, Alexander. I cleaned up the code a little bit but I’m still not getting the vLookup event loaders to work. I’m able to get the functions running off a button click just fine. The entirety of my JS code is below along with our DFFS versions. If there’s anything I can test with DFFS let me know. If it’s code on our end I’ll keep researching.

                                fields = init_fields_v2();
                                function vLookupIsLoadedCallback(fin){
                                	if(fin === "vLookup"){
                                function CalcTotal(){
                                var vLookupTotal = $(".vLookup_total_vLookup:eq(6)").text();
                                var Subtotal = getFieldValue('Subtotal');
                                var Subtotalnew = parseFloat(Subtotal .replace(/[^0-9-.]/g, ''));
                                var Tax = getFieldValue('Sales_x0020_Tax');
                                var Prod = ((Subtotalnew*Tax)/100);
                                var TotalCalc = (Prod + Subtotalnew);
                                var result = CurrencyFormatted(TotalCalc);
                                result = CommaFormatted(result);
                                setFieldValue('Total',"$" +result);
                                function CurrencyFormatted(amount)
                                	var i = parseFloat(amount);
                                	if(isNaN(i)) { i = 0.00; }
                                	var minus = '';
                                	if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
                                	i = Math.abs(i);
                                	i = parseInt((i + .005) * 100);
                                	i = i / 100;
                                	s = new String(i);
                                	if(s.indexOf('.') < 0) { s += '.00'; }
                                	if(s.indexOf('.') == (s.length - 2)) { s += '0'; }
                                	s = minus + s;
                                	return s;
                                function CommaFormatted(amount)
                                	var delimiter = ","; // replace comma if desired
                                	var a = amount.split('.',2)
                                	var d = a[1];
                                	var i = parseInt(a[0]);
                                	if(isNaN(i)) { return ''; }
                                	var minus = '';
                                	if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
                                	i = Math.abs(i);
                                	var n = new String(i);
                                	var a = [];
                                	while(n.length > 3)
                                		var nn = n.substr(n.length-3);
                                		n = n.substr(0,n.length-3);
                                	if(n.length > 0) { a.unshift(n); }
                                	n = a.join(delimiter);
                                	if(d.length < 1) { amount = n; }
                                	else { amount = n + '.' + d; }
                                	amount = minus + amount;
                                	return amount;
                                in reply to: Sum multiple vLookup Total columns #10936

                                  Thanks for the reminder. I’m struggling to get these events working in our Edit form and I’m sure I’m missing something obvious:

                                  function vLookupIsLoadedCallback(fin){
                                  if(fin === "vLookup"){
                                  fields = init_fields_v2();
                                  function CalcTotal2()
                                  var vLookupTotal = $(".vLookup_total_vLookup:eq(6)").text();
                                  var Subtotal = getFieldValue('Subtotal');
                                  var Subtotalnew = parseFloat(Subtotal .replace(/[^0-9-.]/g, ''));
                                  var Tax = getFieldValue('Sales_x0020_Tax');
                                  var Prod = ((Subtotalnew*Tax)/100);
                                  var TotalCalc = (+Prod + +Subtotalnew);
                                  function CurrencyFormatted2(amount)
                                  	var i = parseFloat(amount);
                                  	if(isNaN(i)) { i = 0.00; }
                                  	var minus = '';
                                  	if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
                                  	i = Math.abs(i);
                                  	i = parseInt((i + .005) * 100);
                                  	i = i / 100;
                                  	s = new String(i);
                                  	if(s.indexOf('.') < 0) { s += '.00'; }
                                  	if(s.indexOf('.') == (s.length - 2)) { s += '0'; }
                                  	s = minus + s;
                                  	return s;
                                  function CommaFormatted2(amount)
                                  	var delimiter = ","; // replace comma if desired
                                  	var a = amount.split('.',2)
                                  	var d = a[1];
                                  	var i = parseInt(a[0]);
                                  	if(isNaN(i)) { return ''; }
                                  	var minus = '';
                                  	if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
                                  	i = Math.abs(i);
                                  	var n = new String(i);
                                  	var a = [];
                                  	while(n.length > 3)
                                  		var nn = n.substr(n.length-3);
                                  		n = n.substr(0,n.length-3);
                                  	if(n.length > 0) { a.unshift(n); }
                                  	n = a.join(delimiter);
                                  	if(d.length < 1) { amount = n; }
                                  	else { amount = n + '.' + d; }
                                  	amount = minus + amount;
                                  	return amount;
                                  var result = CurrencyFormatted2(TotalCalc);
                                  result = CommaFormatted2(result);
                                  setFieldValue('Total',"$" +result);
                                Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 64 total)