Alexander Bautz

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  • in reply to: Child list is – Loading always… #38008
    Alexander Bautz

      To answer that I must see the vLookup configuration (export and attach as txt or screenshot the full configuration).


      in reply to: vLookUp – Total & Avg not showing in Edit Form #38007
      Alexander Bautz

        txt-files should be no problem to upload. Can you ensure it is a proper .txt file and try again? – if not, see the Contact tab above and email it to me.


        in reply to: Potential Bug with Managed Metadata column #38006
        Alexander Bautz

          The solution uses this control to render the taxonomy picker:

          My guess is that there is some caching built into the control. Have you tried opening a new fresh tab and see if it shows the new terms?


          in reply to: Using filtered options from REST API in a lookup field #38005
          Alexander Bautz

            My first thought is that you had the code wrapped in a block (function or if-statement) so it was not available in the global window namespace, but without seeing your entire custom js code I cannot tell for sure.

            In general you can add functions to the Custom JS code editor and call the functions from a button in a HTML section or by calling them from a rule.


            in reply to: Using filtered options from REST API in a lookup field #37998
            Alexander Bautz

              Thanks, can you also explain how / when you trigger the functions?


              in reply to: vLookUp – Total & Avg not showing in Edit Form #37991
              Alexander Bautz

                Can you export your vLookup config and attach it as a txt file so I can look at it?


                in reply to: Using filtered options from REST API in a lookup field #37990
                Alexander Bautz

                  Without looking at the code I’m not able to give you any recommendations on how to fix it.

                  If you can attach the code as a txt-file I’ll take a look.


                  in reply to: Using filtered options from REST API in a lookup field #37983
                  Alexander Bautz

                    If you can show me the code you use I can have a look at it.


                    in reply to: vLookUp – Total & Avg not showing in Edit Form #37981
                    Alexander Bautz

                      Strange. Are you sure you use the same field / same config in those two forms?

                      If you do, are there any errors in the developer tools console (F12 > Console)?


                      in reply to: Modern DFFS v1.0.65.0 has been released #37980
                      Alexander Bautz

                        I tested with a user with no email and got the same error. I’ll get this fixed in the next release.


                        in reply to: Modern DFFS v1.0.65.0 has been released #37979
                        Alexander Bautz

                          I tested your config and also changed to CZECH language, but cannot reproduce the error.

                          I think the problem can be that the logged in user does not have an email address in the user profile – could that be the issue?

                          You can check it by typing this in the console when you have the form open:



                          in reply to: Custom JS examples #37974
                          Alexander Bautz

                            I’m not able to recreate the problem where a vLookup table number field shows the “raw” data with 10 digits. Can you send me some screenshots of your config?

                            Regarding documentation for vLookup:
                            No, there is no separate documentation. The user manual shows some examples for vLookup – like how to get the list of items when the vLookup table has loaded. I’ll try to find time to update the documentation in the user manual with more information.

                            Regarding available functions you can use in Custom JS:
                            There are less built in functions you can access in the Modern DFFS version compared with the Classic DFFS version. This is because it is built as an SPFx solution using React, and the source files are not exposed in the global window-namespace.

                            The functions that are available are listed in this forum thread (linked from the user manual Custom JS section):

                            In addition you can – as you mention – use any custom code you write yourself interacting with other SharePoint lists using the REST API.

                            Regarding triggering rules from custom js:
                            The latest version (v1.0.65.0) added a new trigger in the rules section where you can create a rule that can be triggered from Custom JS. Please note that you cannot trigger any rules, but only the ones configured with this trigger.


                            in reply to: Modern DFFS v1.0.65.0 has been released #37973
                            Alexander Bautz

                              I’m not able to recreate this issue – can you please email me some screenshots of your configuration so I can try to replicate it?


                              in reply to: Modern DFFS not loading #37967
                              Alexander Bautz

                                The problem with the new UI is entirely up to Microsoft to fix. They have not added support for field or list customizers in the new IU yet, and they have therefore disable it for all lists where a field or list customizer is present.

                                Microsoft are working on it, and when they are ready I’ll make any changes necessary to make the Modern DFFS work in the new UI.

                                When that is said, there is no way to only activate the modern DFFS in some lists.

                                Just send me your requests by email and please include some business cases that I can prepare for a future demonstration.


                                in reply to: vLookup grand total and editable fields #37959
                                Alexander Bautz

                                  There is no functionality built in to select multiple child items and do “something”, but you can do that using Custom JS.

                                  If you migrate to the Modern DFFS, vLookups must be reconfigured (you cannot import the config from the Classic version) as the configuration is different. The Modern version uses REST API and not CAML queries.


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