vLookup within a vLookup using Listview

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    • #26601

      Hi Alexander,

      I’ve gone thru the Forum and couldn’t find this one.
      Using SP2010, to keep the same awesome look n feel of vLookup consistant on a page, is it possible to display a Child’s vLookup within the Parent vLookup?
      Currently, the user has to click on a vLookup item to view the Childs vLookup documents.
      I added the childs vLookup column to the Parent vLookup but it displays blank as there’s no search query I’m guessing.

      Is there code to add the Special Config to display a Childs vLookup?
      Thanks for your time.

    • #26614
      Alexander Bautz

      Sorry, but there is no built in support for this. It is possible to build a custom function that does this, but it would have to be written from scratch and you cannot use the vLookup functionality to pull back the grandchild.


    • #26624

      Hi Alexander,

      I was able to do this somewhat using the Grandparents Title field as a “Prefill values to Child” on the Parent List, then use that Parent’s field value again to Prefill in the grandchilds list.
      So 3x vLookups configured in each Grandchild, Parent and Child list.
      Then configuring another vLookup field in the GrandParent DFFS that matches the Grandparent Title to the grandchilds prefilled value and it displays.
      It dooesn’t have full functionality, it can only be used to Display & Edit exisiting Grandchild items but otherwise works okay.
      Screen-shot attached.

    • #26669
      Alexander Bautz

      Nice! – I’m glad you found a workaround.


    • #27077
      Tricia S.

      I have a solution that might work.

      What I do is rather than use the the prefill _vlookupParentID, I use a combination of Rules and Cascading drop downs.

      This looks to the deepest level I have:
      Here is the lookup list Field:
      and Here are the current list fields:

      Each level is going to change a bit:
      Deepest level:
      _vLookupProjectID= Project
      _vLookupPoPID= POP
      _vLookupID= Self

      Vs if I go to the CLIN setting Level
      _vLookupProjectID= Project
      _vLookupParentID= POP
      _vLookupID= Self

      Autofill subsequent dropdowns when they contain only one valid option needs to be selected.
      On my project list I can see all related Grandchildren and great grandchildren as different vLookup lists.

    • #27083

      Hi Tricia,

      Thanks for providing another method for displaying a vLookup within a vLookup.
      Difficult to follow your explaination.
      You said you needed a Rule as well?
      Can you provide a screen-grab of how the vLookup is displayed within a List View?

    • #27099
      Tricia S.

      The list view setting should work like normal.I don’t use because I’m in modern and its a bit chunky to me. If you have the List view box checked and the CEWP added in it should work just fine.

      My Parent is Called Projects.
      My child is Called PoPs.
      My grand child is Called CLINs.
      Projects and Pop vlookup relationship are set up normal.

      So long as you pass an extra (the Project ID)field from the child to the grand child, you can create a lookup.
      Screen shots attached.

    • #27105
      Tricia S.

      I do an Admin Tab that only I can see so I can view the values being passed.

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