vLookup listview

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    • #12707
      Jad Hajali

        hello alexander, its me again.

        sorry to bother you, this time i’m seriously out of ideas,

        the vlookup shows everywhere, except in the listview on a certain website, although i implemented the content editor with the link to the dffs folder and vLookup_ListView.html, and tested the link its working,

        however the vlookup information arent appearing on the listview,

        i have 2 sites, it worked on 1 of the sites, and ddnt work on the other ( the sites arent related and completely different domain and name and server etc etc )

        but as a procedure, i know what to do, and i did it correctly, so there has to be a problem somewhere, i was wondering if you ever had a similar issue, perhaps its a bug or cash issue or i dont know, i tried deleting the entire vlookups and starting it all over again, i tried linking the base url in the listview html, still ddnt work , i kept it as it is default, still did not work,

        and the problem is that it worked very easily and smoothly on my other site, only this one isnt working. it’s just not showing anything, but when u click on view item and u go in display form, the information appear normally with the lens to view it all etc, but nothing on the listview :/

        • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Jad Hajali.
      • #12710
        Jad Hajali

          hey Alexander,

          i figured out the problem, the listview.html file was taking the base url of the site itself, not where the configuration existed, example :
          this what the file was taking

          although the correct path is ….sharepoint.com/app/dubai/spjs/dffs

          all we needed was to correct the paths inside the file and it worked out, on my other site he took them correctly, i dont know what happened on this site, the file just refused to take the path properly of the “current site” when i do the configuration.

          anyways going to leave this post, in case someone came across this problem or something.

          thank you for everything.

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