Vlookup in calendar

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    • #12948
      Jad Hajali

        Hello Alexander,

        i have a small problem thats occurring only in the calendar list,

        i’ve been working with dffs for a while, and i had a lot of problems before, i posted them and then i fixed them before i got an answer Lol and you saw that other post about the spjs column not working unless being in the content type etc,

        today im having the similar problem, however it is included in the all content type, and im leaving the exact options not changing anything when i add the spjs site column to the list, its not working, it appears in the add new item as if its a field, i dont know if its an issue in calendar or dnt knw whats going on

        the real problem however, is the fact that from the parent list ( cases ) i linked it to the calendar, in order to create appointments in the calendar FROM the parent list cases, its working, however the “view fields” isnt working, when i add an appointment, and click save, it dsnt appear in the fields that show in the parent add new forum, although i have the CEWP installed and linked to the ListView.html as you said in the vlookup installation.

        so the problem is neither of the 2 is working.. although i made them work normally with other lists..

        please advice.


      • #12950
        Alexander Bautz

          Calendar lists does not support JSLink – take a look at this section in the installation manual: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-installation-manual/#Support_for_Calendar_lists


          • #12952
            Jad Hajali

              hey man , i got it working everything is perfect now.

              i kinda googled this and then it directed me to your other post, before i read this post, i need to stop asking you questions 😛

              but really tho thank you so much anyways,

              and again great work on DFFS .
              problem is i ddnt receive an email that told me that you replied to my comment… so i did not know. ill check that issue now to see notifications and stuff.


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