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Tagged: vlookup upload documents
- This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 1 month ago by
Christoph Moosbrugger.
August 30, 2018 at 13:56 #21985
I just came across a weird behaviour. I have set up vlookup with uploading documents. I also allow to add folders and then documents in the folders.
The standard behaviour should be that the folder has the vlookup ID of the parrent and when i add a document in the folder it should not get the vlookup ID. This works with PDF Files but I wonder why this does not work with Word Files.
My word files do get a vlookup ID but the next weird issue is sometimes it is the ID of the parrent item and sometimes not… Meaning sometimes the file appears twice in the item (Folder and item) and sometimes not.
Do you know what I mean?
see screenshot attached.
many thanks.
September 2, 2018 at 17:35 #22014
Can you show me the configuration for the Prefill values in child for the Add new item and Add new folder?Alexander
October 23, 2018 at 19:26 #22613
I would like to be able to add a folder or subfolder and then automatically upload to that folder, or choose a subfolder.
When i leave the upload to this folder field blank i do not get a choice of folders as the help icon indicates. how can this be achieved? -
October 25, 2018 at 14:06 #22625
Can you attach a screenshot or two so I’m sure I understand exactly what you mean?
You can also email them to me if you don’t want to add them here.
December 13, 2018 at 08:27 #23109
I am sorry for the late reply I am quite busy in the last time :(.
Following is the export of the configuration and as well a screenshot of the prefilled values.
{"noteToSelf":"","listName":"Uncontrolled Mgmt. Document","listBaseUrl":"/sites/intranet/oac","query":{"fin1":"_vLookupParentID","type1":"Text","value1":"[currentItem:_vLookupID]","fin2":"","type2":"Text","value2":"","fullCAML":"","AndOr":"","operator1":"Eq","operator2":"Eq","orderBy":"ID:false","rowLimit":""},"childTableHeight":"","viewFields":[{"fin":"DocIcon","settings":"","disp":{"default":"Doc Type"},"colWidth":"80","colWidthOperator":"px"},{"fin":"Title","settings":"","disp":{"default":"Title"},"colWidth":"300","colWidthOperator":"px"},{"fin":"FileLeafRef","settings":"","disp":{"default":"File Name"},"colWidth":"300","colWidthOperator":"px"},{"fin":"_UIVersionString","settings":"","disp":{"default":"Version"},"colWidth":"100","colWidthOperator":"px"},{"fin":"ID","settings":"%7B%22function%22%3A%22versionHistoryuncondoc%22%7D","disp":{"default":"Version History"},"colWidth":"100","colWidthOperator":"px"}],"action":"concat","action_groupBy":"","action_groupByHeaderStyle":"","action_groupByExpanded":false,"action_groupByPrefix":{"default":""},"showTotals":false,"showGrandTotals":false,"grandTotalLabel":{"default":""},"openInDlg":true,"disable":false,"refreshAllOnCallback":false,"viewItemLinkIn":{"newform":false,"disp":false,"edit":false,"view":false},"editItemLinkIn":{"newform":false,"disp":false,"edit":true,"view":false},"hideLabelInForm":true,"label":{},"moreItemsLabel":{"default":""},"noItemsLabel":{"default":"No Document Found"},"addNew":true,"addToFolder":"","newItemInDlg":false,"addNewDlgOpt":{"width":"","height":"","x":"","y":"","allowMaximize":true,"showMaximized":false,"showClose":true,"autoSize":true},"addNewLabel":{"default":"Upload Document"},"addNewIn":{"new":true,"disp":false,"edit":true,"view":false},"addNewFolder":true,"addNewFolderLabel":{"default":"Add Folder"},"uploadToFolderLabel":{"default":""},"openFolderLabel":{"default":""},"addNewFolderIn":{"disp":false,"new":true,"edit":true},"uploadToFolder":true,"openFolder":true,"inUrl":[{"from":"_vLookupID","to":"_vLookupParentID","hide":true}],"folderMetadata":[{"from":"_vLookupID","to":"_vLookupParentID"}],"configId":"2","configListUrlName":"uncontrolleddocs"}
I still have some weird things going on. I have now as well sometimes the problem PDFs getting uploaded into the folder and to the main item. I guess this has also to do with the vlookupID
December 16, 2018 at 10:18 #23160
The value in the field vLookupID is automatically added to the field when editing the metadata of a list item or a document if it hasn’t already been added. The connection between the parent and child list items / documents / folders is made by writing the current items vLookupID to the child items vLookupParentID field. The child item will also get a value in the field vLookupID IF you have added this field to the list / library, but it is not used in the child list.If you have both folders and files that has the vLookupID filled, the file will show both as a file outside the folder, and also inside the folder when you expand its contents.
If you only add documents to folders that has the vLookupParentID filled, you don’t need to pass the vLookupID to vLookupParentID in the Prefill values in child setting.
December 17, 2018 at 15:49 #23175
HI Alexander,
ok, if I understand it correct it is in this case not possible to use the “Upload Document” button to the list item and then chosing the folder within the list item as this will upload the document into the folder but it appears as well on the item level.
If I want a document just to appear in the folder I need to upload it using the little button next to the folder.
many thanks.
Christoph -
December 17, 2018 at 21:30 #23188
You can still use the upload documents button, but you must remove the vLookupID > vLookupParentID in the “Prefill values in child” and instruct your uses to upload the files in one of the folders created by the “Add new folder”.
December 18, 2018 at 08:11 #23190
Hi Alexander,
this is what I tried but when I remove the vLookupID and I add an folder. The folder will not be connected with the list item. It will be created but opviously the vLookupID is missing as this does not get added automatically.
Christoph -
December 18, 2018 at 17:25 #23198
If you look at the screenshot you added on December 13 you should remove the _vLookupID > _vLookupParentID from the Prefill values in child section, but keep the same configuration in the Folder metadata section.
December 19, 2018 at 09:25 #23227
Hi Alexander,
but this means I can either upload folders and afterwards files into folders or files onto the root item and not in folders…
BUT… we do have files on the root item and folders with items in it.
many thanks,
Christoph -
December 19, 2018 at 19:32 #23240
OK, I see. Unfortunately the current version will find the files two times if you have them in folders that have the _vLookupParentID filled and the files themselves also have this metadata.
The reason for this is that the initial query finds all files and folders with this metadata, and when you click on a folder, it searches again for all files within this folder.
I might be able to fix this in a future release, but I don’t currently have a fix for this.
December 20, 2018 at 09:41 #23267
Hi Alexander,
thank you very much for your efforts in trying to solve this issue. Looking forward to the solution.
many thanks and merry christmas.
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